CL - A survey.....update?

A survey of CC members was supposedly carried out during early September of last year by a CL owner, and the results were to be posted on here, CT. Nothing appears to have happened! Was this purely a marketing exercise with the results not matching the thoughts/ideals of the instigator, or is there another explanation
Ah, yes, I remember. Wasn’t it biased towards providing more facilities at higher costs?
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That was the impression I got too.
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It’s difficult to take these things seriously when they’re handled in such a half hearted way.
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That's what I was wondering too. harryb.
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It's like every survey, Nellie. Nothing is ever heard again.
Results for those taking part in the survey on parking spaces at Service Stations? Nothing! Build Quality survey? Same thing.
If they are not careful members will become disillusioned with survey requests.
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A survey was indeed carried out last September on behalf of the CL Owners self-support group. Over 900 CL visitors responded.
I agreed to share these results both with the Club and with the participants in due course.
As you may know, I was a 'Nominated Member' of Club Council with the specific remit to represent both CL Visitors and CL Owners. However, late last year I was deselected.
In place of my representation of CLs via Club Council, the club offered in September 2018 to set up an Advisory Group of CL owners.
I welcome this initiative as I believe the Club need all the advice it can get to arrest the decline in the number of CL sites and learn from CL owners the issues they face.
I felt that the proposed Advisory Group would be a good place to review the survey results, hence the delay.
Rather than having a face-to-face Advisory group meeting (as I hoped), the club is now suggesting an on-line forum. The forum has not yet been opened, although I am told it is testing phase.
Meantime, you are welcome to interpret the survey results as you wish. And I'm sure you will
Click this link to access the results document.
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A forum! Good luck with that one😕.
i understand the rules actually prohibit you from being a Council Member, Ted, so the advisory group is the way forward.
I shall peruse the survey results now but it would have been nice to have been kept in the loop without prompting.
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Regarding the 'rules', in case someone thinks I 'broke' them, that was not the case. What happened was that the Club chose to interpret the rule differently.
I was invited onto the Council four years ago in full knowledge that I was a CL owner. In fact, at the time the Club actively wanted a CL owner on the Council.
However, in 2018 the club chose to interpret the Bye Law to exclude CL owners on the grounds of 'material interest'.
Club Bye Law: 2.3 A person who is materially interested, directly or indirectly, in the caravan trade is not excluded from being a member but is not eligible for any Executive Position or for membership of the Club Council. The Executive Committee is the sole arbiter of what constitutes a material interest in the trade for the purposes of this Bye-Law.
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Yes, I was aware of that. It’s been explained in another thread. It seemed to me that the club misinterpreted, or overlooked, the rule in the first place.
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Thanks for the link, I'm sure that it will make interesting reading to us regular CL users.
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It would have been interesting to have seen an analysis of the age of those completing the survey, it looked to be heavily biased towards the retired.
Unless Ted has other irons in the fire in the industry, seems very odd that he should be deselected when CLs are such a large part of the Club. I thought owners already had a forum, at least aimed at helping each other?
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I imagine that it is biased towards the retired because that group constitutes the bulk of the membership, or am I biased by being one of them?
It does seem to me to be wrong that trade groups do not have a representative on the council.
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On the contrary, without CLs the club would have very little to offer and they are listening to the CL group.
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I ticked the box saying I had stayed on 5 or more CLs and am amused to see that the survey results now counts me as a frequent user.
Well I'm not.
As soon as I discovered what properly equipped independent sites could offer that's where I went. But the survey sheds no light on why I stopped using CLs, why other people are doing the same, and why CL use is declining.
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It works for me, Ocsid.
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See if you can access above. Original link worked ok for me.
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I recall the survey, and recall completing it a number of times. For me some of the questions asked didn’t work. For example, I am both a Caravan user, and MH user. And I know there are others like us.
Even from the tiny sample, it would appear Club Apps are less useful than other methods in terms of bookings.
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Even from the tiny sample, it would appear Club Apps are less useful than other methods in terms of bookings.
I suspect that is probably because most advance book from home and therefore use a desktop PC. I much prefer to use the App on the phone or tablet and it has the advantage you can save your favourites or a CL you have seen and might like to try in the future. I wonder how many know that?
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I didn’t peedee. We rarely book from home, I am usually glancing through handbook (or website if we have WiFi) night before off, sometimes while OH is driving! We like spontaneity. It caught us out badly last Autumn, CL we were heading to was fully booked (November, lucky them!) so I suggested a close by Club Site. We were stung badly....😄 but survived. That one night raised our nightly average by £1.50!
Its only a small sample, guess lots more out there use the Apps.
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Even from the tiny sample, it would appear Club Apps are less useful than other methods in terms of bookings.
Or a reluctance to use to use modern technology on the go
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Also the retired have the time to have many more weeks away than the workers.