Electric Hobs
All that lekky being used!😱 No wonder site fees are going up. 🤣🤣🤣
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As I understand it, the entire double bed, already made up for sleeping, with a one piece mattress, lowers electrically from the ceiling, ready for use. In some cases, it can be partially lowered to allow continued use of the seats below, albeit with reduced headroom.
We have a fixed bed in our caravan, so slat extending and cushion rearranging are things of the past; Thank goodness.
If your van is a 2008 model, it may not have LED lights, so could, in fact, be less frugal than later models. With their capability of recharging batteries by running the engine, I’m not convinced of a need for more frugal systems. We spent four weeks in our 2013 caravan, without EHU last summer, with just a solar panel to keep us topped up. As you may have gathered, I view modernity as positive, not a backward step.
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Yes, it's a point I've also made many times in the past. Eating out can be considerably cheaper "over where you are" than at home, BB. As is market shopping, public transport and visits to sites of interest. And of course, it's further reflected in site fees!
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well i agree to a certain extent, we dont have LED lights, but the lights in the lounge area front which we normally convert to a double bed and leave made up, and the rear lounge have overhead 12v lights, and the kitchen is flourescent and that is about all we use. As we dont watch tv, but spend a lot of time outdoors we are normally so whacked it is lights out before it gets dark. Not against "modernity", what i find gauling is the fact that some members complain about pitch price increases, and one of the reasons given this year was an increase in electricity use/price, but lets not get started on that old chestnut, it just amused me to see on this forum that somebody was seeking help because his electric bed was not working correctly.
I guess if you have a MH then a bed stored in the roof is an economical use of space
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and wine is significantly cheaper too (and better quality really).
Why oh why can't the UK do the same...
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I do, just not with a van
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You may well be right about supermarket shopping David - we don't spend long enough "over there" to need to do that.
But we've certainly found market shopping for fresh fruit and vegetables, meat and fish cheaper and eating out can be very much cheaper given the level of competition in the places we've stayed.
For example, last year, right on the harbour front in Sorrento, we paid 25 euros for a meal for the two of us, wine included, but not coffee! And in Spain we found almost everything cheaper - even in Barcelona!
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I found that, when we had our place in Spain, our supermarket shop was not significantly different in cost to the UK.