Alphabetical Jobs and Vocations
U Usher.
0 -
V Vivisectionist - a cut above the rest
0 -
W Washerwoman . (every house should have one !! )
Ducks under the incoming !!
0 -
Y "Yazoo" concert organiser.
0 -
A Alchemist.
0 -
C Car cleaner .
0 -
E Elephant trainer .
0 -
G Go Cart instructor.
0 -
I Inquisitor General
0 -
K Kilo jar producer. (for that jam )
0 -
K Kilo jar producer. (for that jam )
Kilner jar, surely? Or do you only produce specified quantities?
0 -
M - Marmite taster (YUM)
0 -
E.U metric quantities C.Y !!
Q Quantity Surveyor .
0 -
S Stork control officer .
0 -
U Uniformed guard .