What are you all up to



  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited January 2019 #24842
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  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,174
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    edited January 2019 #24843

    Hope the house viewing went well OP. Are you thinking of moving?

    No Millie, it’s for my brother, he’s thinking of spending 6 months in the U.K. and 6 months travelling.  The house was situated on the cliffs at Lowestoft with stunning sea views.

    Had a sprinkling of snow this morning, most of it gone now but due a hard frost tonight.

    Mrs One brought me a Fitbit to help with my fitness🏃‍♂️ it doesn’t work as whilst checking my heart rate I walked into an immovable object, now laid up with a severely swollen and bruised leg...the moral of this is ?

  • triky auto
    triky auto Forum Participant Posts: 8,689
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    edited January 2019 #24844

    wink Hi H.D ,my 'A' frame for towing came from  'Car-a-Tow in Poole.Self fit or they fit .

  • huskydog
    huskydog Club Member Posts: 5,466
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    edited January 2019 #24845

    Yes , I have looked at them , I like the fact they do a diy kit ,which saves taking the car anywhere to far 

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited January 2019 #24846

    Ouch. That sounds painful Oneputt, hope you recover soon!

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,866
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    edited January 2019 #24847

    Ouch OP. I would ditch the fitbit. OH made it perfectly plain the he did not want anyone to buy him one for Christmas 😁

    I hope you enjoy your new car husky.

    JVB. I am glad you can stay a few more says at FM. I hope your operation goes well and that you will be back on the road again soon.i think the NHS are wonderful with keeping us up to date by phone.

  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited January 2019 #24848

    Look where you are going👍🏻😊. Fitbits are great things(I have the Versa & Ionic) but they don’t have ‘imminent danger’ alarms😂😂

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited January 2019 #24849

    Nice,  pretty  views  from  the  windows  this  morning  undecided,  fortunately  only  a  thin  covering  which  brushed  off  cars  etc  easily.  Sun  shone  beautifully  to  shift  most  of  the  rest,  BUT  no  where  near  hot  enough  to  dry  the  world,  so  it  will  freeze  like  billy-oh  now  its  all  dark.  I  prefer  the  snow  'cos  you  can  SEE  where  the  slippery  bits  are.  When  the  sun  is  shining  so  low  it  is  oh  so  easy  to  miss  ice  and  WHOOPS  crunch  ouch  embarassed  !!

    Please  Take  care  of  yourselves  &  your  Loved  Ones  .

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,195
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    edited January 2019 #24850

    Woke to the ground covered with snow, lying on top of a frozen surface in places so not too pleasant for our first walk. Small hail shower as we got back to the house, then the sun came out and our second morning walk was very pleasant, and quite a bit of the snow had gone. Spent afternoon looking for CLs for our next trip and now have an idea or two where we may go. Ground virtually clear when we set off again at 3:30 but got caught in another hail and rain shower on the way home. Now we just had more snowfall and it looks as if it might freeze over it, so tomorrow could be really dicey for our walks.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,195
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    edited January 2019 #24851

    Hope all goes well for MIL tomorrow, WN and that the roads are clear for your drive there.

    Sorry to hear about your accident OP and hope that your leg doesn't ache too much.

    Brue how is your sprain doing, getting better I hope.

    Glad to hear that you can stop a bit longer at FM, JVB, and that all goes well with your hospital visits.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,333
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    edited January 2019 #24852

    Oneputt house sounds nice, will your brother have final say after a visit?

    Brue hope your ankle is progressing, however slowly. To all those who are poorly wish you better, I include myself!

    Didn't visit hospital yesterday and won't today as I've succumbed to the flu 😢. Thought I felt better this morning but after breakfast, a shower and several phone calls including one from NZ friends I've taken to the sofa in the conservatory. Not as warm as it was yesterday here as freezing fog is lifting. Yesterday it was almost like lying in the sun, but I've got the heater on. Friends grabbing me some lemon honey and bananas. I lifted an M&S dinner for 1 from the freezer when I fed the birds and I'm not going out again, might even not bother with the bins this week!

    OH had xray yesterday, chest clear, BP down, but he has diarrhoea which they reckon is his system flushing things through. Defo don't want that 😯😯. He'll go to Basildon cardiac centre Monday, could have gone Friday but registrar said nothing will happen until Monday. That makes life easier for me assuming I can visit. Also easier to get brother or friends to take in fresh clothes and bring back dirty, that can be today or tomorrow.

    Son has gone off on works jolly to Dublin, slight delay out of Stansted. I'm glad 😃 His team first to bank a million in a year for the company, they are very generous company to work for so nice 5* treat for him is well deserved. Be back, hopefully not wrecked, Friday evening

    Stay warm and safe folks

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,888
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    edited January 2019 #24853

    Bakers, I did say look after yourself! Yet another woman who ignores my advice.frown

    Took MIL to her 2 appointments today. The Audiologist told her that she should have been put on a course of steriods within 48 hours of going suddenly deaf in one ear as this is the only chance of reversing condition. So now too late. Don't think we can blame Surgery as we are sure MIL wouldn't have done anything immediately about seeing a doctor. Understandable in a way. Anyway she now needs an MRI scan in case a tumour has caused it. More waiting for urgent appointment.

    It looks like second problem is on the way to being solved as Consultant carried a small op under local anaesthetic and providing no complications is just a follow up in 3 months. Phew.

    Minus 7 when we went out early this morning. Did manage to climb to the dizzy height of +1 by the afternoon visit.

    Take care when out and about, especially those caught up in the bad weather this evening and tomorrow. Looks like it may not reach us.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited January 2019 #24854

    The snow is coming in tonight, looks like parts of Cornwall had problems earlier.

    We had a delivery from M&S today, a very large lorry phoned to say they were outside the pub, how could they find us? This would all have been easier if we'd known they were in the wrong village outside the wrong pub! Half an hour of worried calls directing them in via very narrow lanes, still can't work out how they were so off course.

    B2, hope you get some rest and stay in the warm.

    WN, you sound a bit happier about the outcome from the medics.

    Well that's it, fire lit, staying in, see what comes down from the skies overnight and whether we can do a planned trip to Shepton Mallet tomorrow, or not. 

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,487
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    edited January 2019 #24855

    Even on the south coast we had some snow this afternoon, Brue. It was nothing like as bad as on Bodmin Moor, though. It started to lay and then, thankfully, melted away. 

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,333
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    edited January 2019 #24856

    Wherenext believe me I did listen to you, shame the bug decided I'd be a lovely host 😤😢. I'm fed up with feeling poorly and really cheesed off that I can't visit himself 😢. I'm convinced we caught it in the hospital but can't chance mine being a different bug to his even if I wanted to contaminate the hospital/ward. Thank goodness for modern technology he's getting quite good with his mobile phone, ie he can answer it 😂😂😂.

    Glad hospital visits had a bit of a positive outcome. It's all very well saying treatment within 48 hours, even if you're the sort to run straight to a GP getting an appointment in that time frame is pushing it. Fingers crossed that in 3 months that'll be sorted.

    Plus 7c tropical 3c most here! Currently 0.9c. The sprinkling of snow we had overnight wednesday/Thursday thawed more than it did in the sun yesterday, not sure that's a good sign 😯. Daughter in NZ suffering nights above 20c, they have some device that lifts heat from inside into the roof and will transfer heat from the roof into the house. The night before last the temperature in the roof was 57c 😯😯. Their heatwave due to change on Friday, anytime now, I think they'll all be relieved. Personally I can't imagine it no more than she can freezing!

    For any one who has to travel prepare well and take care.

  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited January 2019 #24857

    Very cold first thing -7°C even the dog's fur started to freeze on our walk his morning  where it had got damp! surprised

    Bakers2 hope you feel better soon, take care of yourself .

    WN, Good to know doctors appointments were positive. 

    Not been up to much, work gets in the way frown 

    Had a message from youngest son to say as he starts his new job at the Beeb on Monday they had emailed him to ask which Laptop he would prefer, he chose a Mac book pro, now know where all the licence fee goes wink

    No snow here yet, after watching the forecast I think it may miss us, hopefully undecided

    Keep warm folks it's cold out there.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,866
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    edited January 2019 #24858

    So sorry to hear that you have succumbed to flu Bakers2. I hope you feel better soon. I hope your OH's recovery goes well. Wishing you both well. It sounds as though you have some lovely supportive friends.

    I am glad that your MIL's appointments went reasonably well WN but sorry about her hearing. I am not sure any if us would think to get an appointment that quickly. I hope her MRI scan is positive.

    I had to smile about your delivery brue 😁. I hope it arrived safely in the end. How is your ankle?

    Helen, I would love a Mac brook pro. I must get a job at the beeb 😂. I hope all goes well for your son..

    OP, the house you looked at for your brother sounds wonderful. I would love a week or 2 there.

    I have had internet problems - no connection. I rang Virgin and a very nice young man sorted it out very quickly and efficiently over the phone. Excellent service.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,195
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    edited January 2019 #24859

    Fine sunny day up here but a cold wind this afternoon. Guess that it's been around freezing all day. With a bit of luck we'll miss tonights' snow.

    All the best to your son for his new job, Helen. Is he working at Salford Quays?

    Look after yourself and stay warm, B2. Fingers crossed that all goes well with your OH.

    Glad to hear that MIL's appointments went as well as could be hoped for, WN. With a bit of luck her next appointment will be sooner rather than later, and you can get away for a few days at least.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,888
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    edited January 2019 #24860

    We're more hopeful now Millie. Mrs WN went in with her (more to make sure that she told them everything) and had to laugh. The second consultant she saw remarked that she appeared to be in fine health, apart from the problem she was there for. She said she was in great health before turning 85! Most of us are complaining after 60. I told her that at least now I had a legitimate reason for shouting at her.smile

    Unfortunately we can't get Virgin here.frown

    Going to be expensive tomorrow as I need 2 new tyres for the car. The existing ones have given me over 31,000 miles so can't complain too much.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,888
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    edited January 2019 #24861

    We're hoping for about this time next week for a week. Maybe not too far away so that we can get back if needed as chances of a seizure now receded.

    When are you away?

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,195
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    edited January 2019 #24862

    All being well we'll set off next Thursday. Not booked anywhere yet but have a good idea where we'll be going, weather permitting. Will wait till we get the long range forecast on Saturday/Sunday before finalising our first couple of sites.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited February 2019 #24863

    I've cancelled a planned break at the end of next week, not up to walking into the village from the Broadway site just yet.

    Anyone thinking of the West Country this weekend, don't! The snow has been heavy and minor roads are difficult.


  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited February 2019 #24864

    Snow  flakes,  very  small  & wind  blown,  just  this  very  minit  started  to  pass  my  Office (spare  bedroom )  window.  The  sun's  still  shining  so  I'm  hoping  it's  just  an  off-route  cloud  tho'  the  bird  baths  were  solid  for  the  first  3.5  cm  this  morning .  I  removed  them  whole  &  put  them  down  for  pigeons  to  practice  T & D routines  on  'em  innocent  Sincerely  hope  those  in  the  south / south  west  get  thro'  this  latest  snow  fall  --  its  only  good  on  the  seasonal  cards  and  they  should  be  well  packed  away  now.

    Take  care  of  yourselves  &  your  patients  wink  G & T  is  a  great  sterilising  agentsmile  should  you  be  in  need  of  one,  or  even  if  you're  not surprised .

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,212
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    edited February 2019 #24865

    Had a fairly early appointment (8.45am) at the doctors surgery today for annual blood tests. Had to clear about 2/3 inches of snow off the roof of the car. Roads seemed to be OK but not actually freezing at the moment. Surprised how quiet the surgery was, only a couple of people waiting. Sensible I suppose not to go out on a day like today unless you have to!


  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,764
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    edited February 2019 #24866

    Just heard from friends of ours that they have had quite a bit of snow in Broadway Brue and with your ankle problems not good.  Take care folks.


    A very bright sunny day here after deluge of rain in the last 36 hours some ditches have overflowed onto the roads as I found out no issues with my little car as meeting up with friends for a ladies lunchtime meal very good.  OH having fish and chips tonight.

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited February 2019 #24867

    The  blood  tests ( Thyroid )  I  mentioned  earlier  this  week,  will  take  place  a  fortnight   today,  David,  but  10  mins  later  than  yours  wink.  If  I  remember  when  my  others  take  place  in  April  I'll  try,  I  did  say  try,  to  get  ALL  my  early  year  tests  done  on  the  same  day  !!  Then it'll  mean  I  only  end  up  with  Two  arms  full  of  blood  being  taken  early  Spring  & Autumn.  That  means  I  should  get  himself's  blessing  on  my  mo-vanning  in  the  most  intensive  parts  of  the  year.  innocent.


    as  for  the  weather,  I've  just  seen  the  BBC Lunchtime  news  and  I kept  hearing  them  saying  "Stay  Off  The  Roads  If  You  Can"  altho'  I  was  seeing  Two  Reporters  plus  unseen  cameramen  standing  in  the  Wiltshire / Cornish / Devonshire  etc  Snow.  The  term  "  Stupid  Muppets"  came  to  mind,  several  times  !!  No  need  for  'em  to  be  out  there  if  they  had  the  slightest  command  of  the  English  Language  { Descriptive  Section }     Grrrrrrr  yell


  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
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    edited February 2019 #24868

    Phone call from stepson in N Devon. Snow is waist high on his driveway and although parking his Range Rover up the top of the driveway, he can't go anywhere as the A39 has similar depth drifts on it. 

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,464
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    edited February 2019 #24869

    Our light sprinkling has gone, but it’s very cold. Other than dog walks, a day in doing little chores and things for us. Just had some homemade soup for a very late lunch, and, the kitchen wasn’t trashed in the making!😂 

    Just completed a task that has been on hold for the last 40 years. 🥳

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,888
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    edited February 2019 #24870

    I normally make soup a bit more regularly than that Ttda.smile

    Wallet is a big lighter after getting 2 new front tyres for the car. Used a local tyre company.

    Chicken and Squash curry tonight. Might leave the chilli seeds in for extra warmth.

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited February 2019 #24871

    I've  got  a  spare  tyre  going  free  to  a  good  home  WN  embarassed.  You  could  try  squashing  a  little  more  chiken  in  the  curry  as  well,  might  eat  up  the  seeds  wink

    Earlier  little  snow  shower  faded  to  nothing  after  a  few  mins,  thankfully.  Sky  is  clear  except  for  to  the  west  where  the  lower  clouds,  from  the  north,  are  building,  all  black  and  threatening  frown  but  the  few  high  clouds  are  a  beautiful  pink  for  a  while.  Think  I'll  get  the  thermals  on,  turn  off  the  heating  &  get  in  the  mood  for  the  Welsh  match  --  Pies  for  supper  tonight  smile  and  I'll  be  thinking  of  that  little  welsh  valley  where  they  built  those  japanese  motor  cars    ==    Cwm  Honda  {  Max  Boyce  1976  innocent  }