What are you all up to
Got disturbed { woken up
} halfway thro' my early evening crossword, by a text pinging home. "Please present yourself at the surgery to book a Thyroid Blood Test" ASAP. Obeyed the command on my way home from visiting Aged Sister. Greeted by receptionist asking for the relevant paperwork - Sorry it wouldn't come down the Airways, so you should have it
. Second time lately the receptionist has been heard muttering about bloomin' muppets -- but I got only 16 days to wait before I meet Dracula again.
Hope you all are getting at least as good treatment from the N H S as yours truly, and you are all responding nicely.
Best Wishes to all Patients from
Brian A B M
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B2. Flu has been going round various places here, some schools affected, sorry your OH has got that on top of his present problems.
Good luck with the tests ABM.
I wonder if Francis has had more snow? Looks a bit chilly in some parts of the uk.
OH has been outside laying hardcore, a plasterer didn't turn up to finish something so the day has been filled with other jobs. Keep warm one and all!
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Cold in S Cheshire with occasional flurries of very wet sleet intermingled with pure rain. I don't think it's going to stick tho. There's Pennines to the East of us, Welsh hills to the west of us & them great big kilns in the Potteries
, so we are fairly sheltered unless it comes from the North West, over Liverpool thro the Cheshire Gap, and its only really done that a half dozen times in my life.
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Ours hasn’t materialised yet, just a bit of rain. I was going up to Mums, but she isn’t in. Little Sis has whisked her off to choose wallpaper and curtains as we are doing her bedroom out. I am a tad suspicious as we have met with no resistance so far, still time yet though. Meanwhile hive of activity here. oH is bottling his beer, I am trawling the attic for more unwanted trash, masquerading as “things we might need”, the dogs are chillin’ though. There will be a flurry of canine movement in half an hour as the inner body clock chimes “yum yum time”
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Our entertainment today was our annual check up visit to the dentist. Mine were fine apparently, confirmed by two x-rays! Margaret had a small filling as well as the check up. We are now £170 poorer!!! And people complain about the price of Club sites!!!!
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Well understand your feelings about Attic Stuff, TTDA. A few years back I started a micro collection of ceramic mugs. Then I began putting my 'charity money' ( coppers, 5's and 10s ) in them. Shortly after I found toy donkeys, of a size to stand up with their muzzles in the mugs, watching over the coins. Right now I'm considering sending them all to the local Donkey Sanctuary aka British Heart Foundation, to get new homes
That'll leave me with just one wooden collecting box, somewhat older than I am, which no longer has an annual emptying by ladies from my old Church. Non P.C. labelling on it but I have seen one in an East Anglian House, part of a Museum Complex !!
It is labelled Waifs and Strays with a corner flash WAR EMERGENCY . it was retitled C of E Children's Society, then even the C of E was dropped. After a few years of sending a cheque instead of the actual coins, they got more & more demanding so sad to say that became yet another charity Deleted User from A B M's list. The coins still go to collections where ever I find them. Actually the coins fit neatly in the little grey pots my Diabetes test strips come in, so a few of them live happily in my camera bag.
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A mixture of sleet and snow all day, but it’s more just wet mush than snow on the ground. So some roads nearby have been closed (mainly because of stranded cars).
As it’s so miserable outside my husband fixed some drawers instead of hedging. I know I stuffed too much in them but that has been resolved by a massive clear out.
He then fixed some knobs on another old set of drawers. You can tell I couldn’t open them as he found a dummy and baby’s bib in one. Left there from our eldest grandson who lived here for a few years when a baby/toddler. He’s 21 on Sunday so I don’t suppose he’ll need them.
And OH is on a roll. He’s promised tonight to fix some drawers in a tallboy we bought when we got married. I thought Stag furniture would last forever!
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You just cannot rely on anything it has just started to rain here that is over an hour later than accuweather said it would
Have had a phone call this afternoon from the top lady cardiologist to advise that there is a letter on the way to me to advise the results of latest tests and they have at last found that my problems are being caused by two of the three arteries to my heart are severely restricted and they want to in her word "unbung them" and want me as first phase to attend on 8 th Feb,but she said she would talk to me first before the letter arrives
So we will not be doing our full stay here
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Well JVB, although not such good news it was good that you got a phone call from the person "in the know." Much better to have the prospect of being able to talk to her about it first before a less personal letter appears. Take care, sorry your holiday has been cut short but hope you can enjoy a few days on site?
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Thanks, Kjell. It was while we were away a couple of weeks ago and so there's no chance of us going back to take photos to back up a complaint about poor signage, which I think might have aided a dispute to the fine. Just have to look at it at another expensive lesson learnt. I will certainly look at all signage on car parks that we use in the future.
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Sorry to hear you had a parking fine Nellie, the Aldi in Leek is in the town centre if I remember correctly, and probably council owned. Our Aldi is out of town but they still reduced the park time as the garage opposite kept using it to park their cars
The Aldi is near the town centre but it is a privately owned car park managed by ParkingEye Ltd, which requires one to register your Reg No. to avoid charges.
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I didn’t get far in the attic. Someone, who will remain unidentifiable, had a bit of a thing about teapots. We are overrun with them. Some I happen to know are quite valuable, but others are not. I did find my old Sindy and all her stuff though.
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Almost be better if they charged for parking and you reclaimed the money at the till? Seems an odd way to do things. I am also a little surprised you were unsuccessful with Aldi, surely your receipt would be proof?
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B2, hope that your OH avoids any further infection and that he's soon on the way to a full recovery.
Take care JVB, and best wishes for your ops.
Hope that your son's girlfriend is soon able to get another job, H&T. With her skills you would think there should be some good opportunities for her.
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Bakers2: wishing your OH well. It is such a worrying time for you but we are all with you. Parking at our hospital is a nigtmare as well and also expensive. We are lucky as the bus stop is right outside our house and the bus goes to the hospital. It takes about 45 minutes but takes us to the door. We have bus passes as well. Depending on time and the type of appt we have done a mixture of driving or going by bus for OH's many appointments. We had good news from the urology nurse yesterday. OH's recent test was good so he doesn't need another appt for 6 months. However he still needs to see the Nephrologist in April.
JVB: sorry to hear that you will have to cut your recent trip short but good that they have been in contact to talk to you before the letter arrives. I have been most impressed with the NHS recently with OH's tests etc. They have been very efficient and kind.
Helen: sorry to hear about your son's girlfriend. I do hope she gets another job soon.
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It's that long ago now I won't have the receipt from Aldi, David. The land's not owned by Aldi so I think that they would not be interested in the reclaiming idea., time's money to them.
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It was the same with us, but OH googled the car park and found others also had fallen foul of the lack of signs, and google earth and street view backed that up.
The special thread on MSE about these parking "fines" was very helpful and there are template letters available.
These parking companies are notorious, but there are strict rules they need to abide by.
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Could be some help here?
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When we are away in the van, we stuff all our receipts into an envelope we keep in the top drawer of the front chest, then once we are home we go through them at our leisure to see if there are any we need to keep for a warranty.
Usually, as we did few but long trips, this would be about 6 months later, so luckily we did have our Lidl receipt.
When at home now, we have a file tray for all the receipts and OH goes through them every few months to see what we need to keep, the rest are shredded.
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Most woukd be unlikely to keep supermarket receipts for that long, sorry Nellie got caught, easily done. They can't call it a fine can they? It's some sort of charge for a break of contract? Round here we don't have free parking so I must remember to look at these possible charges elsewhere.
Snow, snow, snow here this morning. How is it for you?
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I hope your MIL's appointments go well tomorrow WN. There seem to be quite a few worried people on here at the moment.
No snow here, just a heavy frost.
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Hope the house viewing went well OP. Are you thinking of moving?
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Out walking in the park with Rosa at 0740 this morning ,when phone rings ,it was a lovely lady from Hospital,with follow up call from yesterday they now want to see me this friday,pm so i think the train and bus at Stevenage will be my prefered forms of transport
Up side is will be able to stop here longer as Op is scheduled for 12 th Feb
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Decided to de-snow the car this morning and keep my appointment at the dentist. The main thoroughfare into Chester from our house is the A55 and we did hear that it had been closed this morning but fortunately we were fine. Apparently a lorry had jack-knifed a few miles west of us and a transporter taking a Static caravan had slid sideways going up the hill to Holywell, so Mrs WN was informed by an assistant in Rymans in Chester who had a 2 and a half hour commute!
Anyway dentist was fine. There was a nice elderly couple in, one for a filling and the other for the Hygienist. They travelled from STAFFORD!!! It seems they were at our surgery for 30 years but moved away a few years ago from Chester and have tried 3 different local surgeries to them but these were unsuitable for one reason or another. Goodness knows what time they set off this morning at.
I'll be up early tomorrow to ferry the ladies to hospital as Mrs WN says she doesn't want drive in this. Saves me worrying.
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Picked up my car to replace my van ,which blew its engine , I now have a Toyota Aygo ,which I'm looking to have modified so I can tow it behind my motorhome, looking round for the best quotes ,I have seen a company that supplies a kit to fit yourself,decisions
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We have decided to fit a rope banister up our stairs......oh, let’s have a couple of nights on Club Site at Hawes says we, visit and buy from Ropeworks, says we......fat chance, Club Site is closed until March. So that’s a win for CLs again then.