What are you all up to



  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,333
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    edited January 2019 #24782

    Thanks everyone for your good wishes. Seems he took his canulas out and removed leads from monitor about 0330 as well as had a chat with CEO, that it was all a jolly good prank 😂😂. Must keep fluids up! Will know more tomorrow, I'm to be in before 0830,visiting 8-8, to chat with cardiologist.

    Wherenext I think it was the shoes rather than outfit, i sorted that last July 😂😂.

    I love your MIL, I'm into crafts and recycling but draw the line at recycling knickers,  they go out in the green box in a bag so the bin men don't see!

    Helenandtrevor wish you better, that cough, if it's the same as I had, will hang around 😤

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited January 2019 #24783

    Hope the hospital isn't too far away B2 and the chat with the medics is helpful. 

    I had a chat with our nine year old grandson on line today, never attempt this unless you're practiced at dealing with a monkey in charge of the set up! wink

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,761
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    edited January 2019 #24784

    That sounds frightening B2, I hope he is on the mend and behaving himself today, best wishes from us for a speedy return to normal.

    Lovely sunny day here today for a change, and I have another day off!  DD and family are attending a family christening with lunch afterwards, so no point in us being at their place.  Instead I have finally managed to wrestle the old pump out of the CH here and fit a new one, so normal service resumed.  Had to buy a very large spanner and apply copious amounts of WD40 to loosen the nuts, but it worked in the end.  

    Tomorrow it will be back to the other house, OH and DD have compiled the threatened list of "little jobs" that still need to be done, looks to me like it also includes several new jobs I was not aware of!

    My work in their bathroom is finally finished, the new bath has now been taken into use and voted a big success, she is working on sprucing up the shower now, removing/replacing some cracked grout, same with the sealant.  I removed the sliding screens so she is giving them a thorough clean, they looked fine when they moved in but once you get down on you hands and knees for a proper look, it is a different story.

     OH sent for some cleaning stuff she saw online, I think it is called Koh, or something weird  like that,  and it is doing an amazing job so far, seems to clean pretty much any surface.  She ordered some for us too, so I can feel a lot of cleaning coming up here too.

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,077
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    edited January 2019 #24785
    • Sorry to hear aboht your OH B2 heres hoping for a speedy recovery
  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,077
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    edited January 2019 #24786

    Its been busy here today a bit windy but sunny most of the day. I took the opportunity to get the caravan moved over and gave it a wash we had been away twice over the Christmas period andd it was filthy so I washed it which took a whe but worth it as it is now sitting back on its space in the drive nice and shiney. After that I went and collected my classic Merc from the garage I keep it in and brought it round to the house to give it a clean too. Not away in the caravan for another couple of weeks but we can't wait. The days are definetly getting longer it is still quite bright here at the moment.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,866
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    edited January 2019 #24787

    Helen sorry to hear that you have not been well. There are some nasty viruses about and the cough takes a while to clear. I hope yours get better soon.

    Update in the children in the car accident:  Katie's 9 year old son has been discharged today which is good news but presents it's own difficulties as Katie and her husband were divorced. Her 11 year old daughter is still critical but stable. She has had an operation nearly every day and is still heavily sedated. I am just so concerned how they are going to cope without their mum.

    Bakers2, I hope your OH's recovery is going well.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,888
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    edited January 2019 #24788

    Doesn't get any better does it Millie?

    In your original post I think you mentioned it was the van driver who appeared to be at fault. Have you heard whether or not he is being charged?

    Busy schedule today but just normal stuff. Typically picked the quietest hour this afternoon to do the RSPB bird count. The inconsiderate so and so's hardly put in an appearance, even when I renewed their feeders. Starvation rations tomorrow. Well maybe...

  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited January 2019 #24789

    Thank you for the update Millie, good to know the little boy has been discharged,  and her daughter is holding her own.  My thoughts go out to them. 


  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,866
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    edited January 2019 #24790

    No news yet WN. I presume the police are 'conducting enquiries'. Probably made difficult by the fact that the van driver is seriously ill in hospital. They are asking for dash cam footage. The road was very busy so there must be plenty of witnesses. None of it is good news. DIL is still in a state of shock but we persuaded her to go back to work today which I think is good. When I was in a similar difficult situation years ago I found work and colleagues a godsend but I am one of those people whose coping mechanism is to keep busy. Everyone has to find their own way of coping. 

    I am convinced the birds hide during the RSPB bird count and sit there laughing at us. 😁

    I had to smile today at all the posts on Facebook telling us how to keep our cats safe in the cold weather. Ours are tucked up indoors - one in front of the fire and the other with his back as close to the radiator as he can get. 😂

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited January 2019 #24791

    The "right" birds never seem to appear for the bird survey, all those specials just vanish. I like the way the rspb asks about other wildlife in the garden, gives a better all round picture.

    Sorry that you will have a lot to think about due to the awful accident Millie, no doubt everyone will be very concerned about the children. I would imagine it's just a day at a time just now, I hope they all pull through.

    Our middle grandson found out he is job less today, he's 19 this week and the company who were employing him as an electricians apprentice has folded. Always something isn't there?

    I managed to get to town today, OH gave me a lift in and I did a very slow walk around a few shops. 

    Our Australian neighbours on a house exchange are desperate for snow....! I think they might see some before they leave for home.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,866
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    edited January 2019 #24792

    Sorry to hear about your grandson brue. Life isnt easy for the young these days is it. I hope he gets another apprenticeship soon

    I am glad you managed to get to town today even if it was slow progress. We are forecast snow tomorrow afternoon and Wednesday. I cant say I am looking forward to it.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited January 2019 #24793

    Looks as though quite a few will get some snow, I definitely won't be going out if it appears! wink

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,195
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    edited January 2019 #24794

    Sorry to hear about your grand son, brue. Hope that he's able to get another apprenticeship soon.

    Good news that the young boy is out of hospital, millie, and hopefully his sister will soon follow him. I think that you're right when you say that getting out and mixing with workmates etc is the best way to cope with difficult situations.

    Not the best days today for me. Visit to the dentist this morning and got back to the car to find it covered in bird muckyell. So once we'd done our shopping and then a run to the tip with bags of rubbish it was out with the bucket and brush and a second car clean. Then the post arrived with a parking fineyellyell. We thought that all Aldi car parks are free, but the one at Leek is privately owned and to park there for free one has to register ones car number in store, which we didn't do, so have ended up with the fine.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,761
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    edited January 2019 #24795

    Nellie.....we had a similar happening in a Lidl car park near Nottingham, never heard of having to pay in one of their car parks before. Nor an Aldi one come to think of it.

    This one was however part of a larger retail area and apparently we should have taken a ticket and then got the £1 refunded when we made our purchases.

    However, we  did not see the signs saying all this, they were small and very few, nor was there a sign on the store entrance to inform customers, nor did the checkout operator ask if we had a ticket to be refunded.

    We got some help on the parking section of MSE and wrote to dispute the "fine", which was of course turned down, we also complained to Lidl for the lack of signing.  After a second complaint to Lidl and a second letter to the car park people, the ticket was cancelled.

    Worth trying!

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,866
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    edited January 2019 #24796

    Our Aldi have restricted their parking to one and a half hours.  Our daughter hadn't realised this and got a fine because she had nipped to a nearby shop for a few more things and overstayed the time.  I noticed that their signage is much bigger now so people must have complained.

  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
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    edited January 2019 #24797

    OH got caught out just before Christmas. Arrived back at the car shortly before the cutoff time to discover she had mislaid her glasses. By the time she had retraced her steps and located them in one of the shops, she had gone into penalty time. Her protestations were to no avail.

  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited January 2019 #24798

    Bit chilly this morning, brrrrrr,  sky is very grey, snow perhaps? ?? undecided

    Sorry to hear your Grandson has lost his job Brue, hope he finds something soon. Our sons girlfriend has been told by the company she works for that there isn't any more work for her come February.  She makes models, and puppets for tv and films and can usually find work elsewhere, which is good.

    Sorry to hear you had a parking fine Nellie, the Aldi in Leek is in the town centre if I remember correctly, and probably council owned. Our Aldi is out of town but they still reduced the park time as the garage opposite kept using it to park their cars surprised

    Had a bit of a wardrobe cull at the weekend, not much left,  may have to go shopping to replace some later laughing

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,077
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    edited January 2019 #24799

    Got up this morning and looked out the window to see the whole street covered in snow. Its very cold outside Im hoping it doesn't stay long

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited January 2019 #24800

    Thanks for the kind comments about our grandson, we're hoping he'll find something, the college have "frozen" his course so that he can return to finish it if a job can be found.

    Hope your son's girlfriend will find more work Helen.

    Quiet weather here, dark skies, can't tell what it's going to do! 

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,333
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    edited January 2019 #24801

    Sorry to hear about your grandson brue hope he finds another apprenticeship very soon. Same for your son's girlfriend helenandtrevor. Certainly wouldn't want to be their ages in the job market these days. 

    Sorry about carpark fines. Around here all carpark very limited due to folks abusing free parking. The B&M store have signs, cameras and notices saying it's only parking for their store!

    Milliehull good to hear of the lad's discharge,  that opens another can of worms! My heart goes out to all concerned.

    Sitting beside OH in private room wearing a facemask, barrier nursing - treating with tamiflu until swab results come back this morning. Theyve had 3 flu cases on the ward going to ITU! He was very confused last evening I had weird phone calls that I shared with ward  staff whilst they were on going! They've been brilliant. I can hear the consultant doing his rounds.

    Saw consultant yesterday OH to have angiogram,  possibly mri to determine treatment they thought up to 3 days to arrange unless blue light job.  At the mo he's in our local hospital, visiting 8-8 so I can drive got a space at 0730 this morning not sure about later after I've been to hairdresser! Or I can catch a bus that drops me off at hospital door. Essex heart centre is at Basildon so that's a drive and probably parking issues 😤😤

    Frost here but car didn't need scrapping. Very red sunrise 😲. Didn't  get out of 3rd all the way and queued on hospital approach! 

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited January 2019 #24802

    Hope you're OH shows signs of improvement soon B2, at least he's not on the main wards, hope he has a better day.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,333
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    edited January 2019 #24803

    Thanks. He's sleeping now, as my nan used to say that's medicine.

    Happier now I've seen himself as very worried by the calls last evening regarding conspiracy and doctors being the same ones he saw last time. That was 23 years ago!

    I can say life isn't dull. Although I'd settle for dull and mundane right now 😉

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,174
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    edited January 2019 #24804

    Good wishes B2 for a speedy recovery.

    Hard frost here, still below freezing.  Going to have to defrost Mrs Ones car as only half the heated windscreen is working! 

    Off to view a house shortly, something we haven't done for 40+ yearssmile

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,464
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    edited January 2019 #24805

    Hang in there Bakers, we are all out here for you, and all those others who have had some life shocks thrown at them. The visiting in itself can be exhausting, I used to find parking very stressfull, so goodness knows what it must be like for you down there B!

    We had a gloriously sunny but very cold day yesterday, so OH went out for a bike ride, while I finally got stuck into starting the garden for this year. It’s been so mild up here, lots of things poking their tender little heads out, and all I can do is leave the leaves on top and cross my fingers. I still have potted carnations in flower, and roses putting out buds........worrying🤔

    This morning is dull and grey and very cold. I think we will get snow later today, the sky looks full of it here, so it will be back to indoor chores after dog walking.

    I am going to treat myself to a DIY lampshade making kit. Can’t find anything big enough or right design for the lamp stand we have, so it looks fairly easy, I will give it a go. Sourced my material.......Harris Tweed. It’s £76 per metre. 😲 After picking myself up off floor, am redesigning already. 

  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
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    edited January 2019 #24806

    Frost here but car didn't need scrapping.

    Sounds an extreme solution too a bit of frost, B2.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,333
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    edited January 2019 #24807



  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,888
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    edited January 2019 #24808

    Started snowing about an hour ago but doesn't look like I'll need Huskys' help to get out and about.

    That Aldi in Leek sounds like a newish one, Nellie. They had the same system when they opened in Buckley until they installed the ANPR. Managed to get a cancellation for visit to Dental Hygienist for tomorrow instead of next week. MIL goes for her appts on Thursday and we're keeping our fingers crossed that we may be able to get 4/5 nights away in the van next week.

    Parking at Hospital,  Bakers? You may need to arrange a double bed there! Good luck. Is there anyone on here who doesn't have a problem with hospital parking?

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,464
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    edited January 2019 #24809

    I usually park on a side street about quarter of a mile away if visiting in day, but never in the dark, and of course it usually involves either fetching or dropping someone. Our hospital charges those with Blue Badges now. So it’s not easy taking Mum. I think you can get some sort of permit if you have a close relative in for a long time. But just finding a space, and one that fits anything larger than a little Fiat 500 is difficult. Those of us with 4x4s are usually half way up a tree or straddling a gully!😂 However, not complaining, it’s a good hospital.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,333
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    edited January 2019 #24810

     Yah managed the hairdressers. Was early so managed scrambled eggs and advocardo on toast in the tearooms nextdoor,  eaten swiftly! Hunger  set in - but the porridge was 6am. Feel better for hair cut and colour. Friend who uses same hairdresser knew I was there so popped in to change her appointment and bought me some daffs, swift catch up nice to be part of the real world 😃.

    Got a parking space, almost opposite this mornings, on first drive round. Someone's looking after me 😉.

    Flu confirmed so 6 days delay before trip Basildon for angiogram ho hum. He's been dozing in bed all day so far, except for the bed change. Quite chilly in here got him another blanket earlier. Might get one for me 😉

    Very grey skies and warming up slightly, all relative you know, so maybe some snow??

    Had to cancel cuppa and catch up arranged for tomorrow but friend suggested she meet me in the foyer cafe for cuppa. There are some lovely folks in this world aren't there? Include yourselves!

    TTDA I made light shades once, not to arduous but for a first attempt I'd buy cheaper material 😂😂

    We'll spotted cyberyacht touch of dyslexia. Gosh that'd inflame the situation only got new car in August! 


  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,333
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    edited January 2019 #24811

    Hospital parking is a nightmare but I've been lucky so far. Visiting starts 8am so a few places that early also in for Dr's round although missed today's. 1st 30 minutes free, hospital is huge might just get to where you need to be in 30 minutes little chance of returns well 😲. 24 hours  £6 equal 2 lots of 3 hours and £2 more than 4 hours. No long term visiting permits but Colchester do. I have never paid parking by phone but it isn't possible here so you need plenty of coins as the machines are fussy 😤

    We have it sussed when bringing mum, she doesn't walk well, but takes us both. OH drops us at nearest entrance to destination then drives round the back of the hospitality what was once countrysude and waits for phone call before returning g to entry point. My brother drops her with his wife and clears off home, a bit further away than us! Not sure if blue badges charged but long walk to outpatients from where they are! No wheelchairs so even if she'd sit in one no good.

    A 15 minute walk will get me on the bus route with buses every 15 minutes dropping off at main entrance. Caught one yesterday, £3 into town. Will inquire about weekly tickets now I know it's likely to be a week. Will save the crack of dawn start!

    His care and treat has been brilliant and that's what counts.

    They can't understand another case if flu and reckon he bought it in 😲 but I don't think so.

    Wherenext fingers crossed you can get away for a few days 😃