National Rally2019

kevine Forum Participant Posts: 62
edited September 2018 in National Rallies #1

Just booked the national rally at ragley hall ,for 2019, bit early, but  plans have to be made 



  • BrianJosie
    BrianJosie Forum Participant Posts: 391
    edited September 2018 #2

    We have just booked also .Never been to Ragley Hall before so looking forward to that .

    Brian & Jo

  • Firedragon
    Firedragon Forum Participant Posts: 509
    edited October 2018 #3

    Lovely to have a brand new venue, exciting laughing


  • bikerdave
    bikerdave Forum Participant Posts: 2
    edited October 2018 #4


    I will be back again , broadcasting to the rally field on Truma FM

  • RowenaBCAMC
    RowenaBCAMC Forum Participant Posts: 1,732
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    edited October 2018 #5

    Hi everyone, more information on the National 2019 at Ragley Hall can be found here

    I'm hoping to attend next year and look forward to hopefully seeing a few of you there! smile

  • BrianJosie
    BrianJosie Forum Participant Posts: 391
    edited October 2018 #6

    Yep we are in ,get the kettle on Rowenacool

    Brian & Jo

  • GlosJive
    GlosJive Club Member Posts: 92
    Name Dropper First Comment
    edited December 2018 #7

    Had a posting on one of my Classic Car Facebook forums, Sunday 26 May 2019 there'll be a car rally at Ragley Hall, I assume independent of the Caravan Club event.

  • Navigateur
    Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,894
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    edited December 2018 #8

    Something to go to look at should one become bored with the climbing wall.

  • DaveCyn
    DaveCyn Club Member Posts: 363
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    edited December 2018 #9

    We're going.


    Just hoping we're not pitched to close to the blooming generators this time. Why a Non-EHU option isn't offered is beyond me!

  • Firedragon
    Firedragon Forum Participant Posts: 509
    edited January 2019 #10

    along side my friend Peter, BikerDave laughing See you there,

    I'll be in the comms office Rowena, pop in and say hi !


  • Reevco
    Reevco Forum Participant Posts: 40
    edited January 2019 #11

    Do we know anything about this?

    Going to look on the internet thingy now

  • Reevco
    Reevco Forum Participant Posts: 40
    edited January 2019 #12

    Found out a little more looks like it will be a good addition to the show:


    Motor Show: Ragley Hall, Alcester, Warwickshire, B49 5NJ

    The Motor Show is set in the 400 acres of parkland, woodland and gardens of Ragley Hall. Family home of the Marquess & Marchioness of Hertford for nine generations. Designed in 1680 by Robert Hooke, Ragley is one of the earliest of England's great Palladian Houses.

    The Motor Show will include some new features this year and is accompanied by up to 600 vintage and classic cars, American, kit & custom, motorcycles and commercial vehicles plus club stands, trade and autojumble stands. Our team of judges will be in attendance to select our concours winners with an award ceremony taking place in the arena at 4pm.

    Live arena with parades during the day, ‘Pride of Ownership’ award. Daily Driver competition open to all plus the now famous 'Decibel Duel' where we find the loudest motor on display each day!

    There will also be live music both days with some great timeless classics, as well vintage rides for the little ones in the family – more details to follow.

    Spend your bank holiday weekend at a fantastic venue with something for everyone, you won’t be disappointed.

  • fatbelly
    fatbelly Forum Participant Posts: 438
    edited February 2019 #13

    What is the "National Rally". What goes on........thanks

  • Fozzie
    Fozzie Club Member Posts: 580
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    edited February 2019 #14

    Fat belly. If you go back to page one of this thread Rowena has posted a link to all the information about the national rally.

  • bill
    bill Club Member Posts: 397
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    edited February 2019 #15

    I was always under the impression that the CAMC dropped the word 'Rally' from the National years ago ?

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,957
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    edited February 2019 #16

    Interesting to know that the National and the Classic Motor show is being hosted by Ragley Hall at the same time.  I hope one won't impinge on the other, but might be nice for someone who goes to the National who is also interested in Classic Cars.


  • RowenaBCAMC
    RowenaBCAMC Forum Participant Posts: 1,732
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    edited March 2019 #17

    Hi everyone, We are aware of the Classic Car Show at Ragley Hall and are working with the organisers to se eif we can offer the National attendees a ticket offer to visit here too. We will keep you posted for more information soon. smile


  • Freddy55
    Freddy55 Club Member Posts: 1,877
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    edited March 2019 #18

    Would have liked to have attended this, especially as ‘ELO Experience’ are performing. Sadly, something already arranged.

  • Clincton
    Clincton Forum Participant Posts: 8
    edited April 2019 #19

    Hi All

    Never been to a Rally before and have booked to go to the national this year...yikes.

    I have a number of it best to phone CAMC or ask on here?

    Q1) We will be taking our grandchildren and we cannot find a timetable for the sports activities we are planning on arriving on Saturday afternoon as we have a wedding on Friday and need to travel a fair distance back on ourselves to pick the grandkids up. I've seen the document and relating to activities and a tiem mention of between 9am & 10am but I don't know what this is for? Any help would be appreciated.

    Q2) I found this and am not sure of some of the points or whats the best way to carry out the function

    Pre-travel checklist
    We recommend that you bring:

    1 an additional hook up cable
    2 levelling blocks or similar devices
    3 your windscreen hanger
    4 your pull-out map and documents
    5 pitching location (found on your booking email confirmation)
    6 a supply of water, and be prepared to decant your grey waste

    3) whats a windscreen hanger and why do I need one? (I'm in a caravan not a motorhome)

    4) I use a GPS normally and I'm sure Ragley hall will be sign posted locally if its a tourist attraction are there other maps i.e. site plans that are required?

    5) do I have to bring water I understand that it may be wise on Friday but I'm arriving on Saturday hopefully the site will be established by then.

    Whats the best way to decant my flat 40l grey waste container is it worth buying a pump that fits onto a battery powered drill. I defo wont be syphoning it ;-)

    Any help would be appreciated



  • Firedragon
    Firedragon Forum Participant Posts: 509
    edited April 2019 #20

    Hi Brian, don't worry, the National is not a 'rally' as such other than it is a gathering of caravanners & motorhomers. there is EHU so a hook up cable is necessary preferably a longish one (we take a 25m) map and window hangers all come in your info pack - you will not get in without a) following the correct route you are given (different entrances for different areas) and b) your window hangers in place to show you are booked in.

    GPS will not necessarily send you to the right entrance. 

    A little water is not a bad idea if you don't fancy queueing up (though arriving on saturday may be quieter) - but don't worry everything will be set up well in advance, we are there for two weeks before opening date. Emptying your grey waste container will be at the nearest services point to your pitch, each area has one together with elsan points and rubbish area too. No need for pump at all, you just empty it as you would on a site - into the tank provided (NOT into a hedge nearby though) As to a programme of events you will get that when you get there and Truma Radio will keep us all informed too. Don't worry if you haven't received paperwork yet, it should come soon, then it will be clearer.



  • Navigateur
    Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,894
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    edited April 2019 #21

    I have never thought of looking while at The National (Rally), but how do members in motor caravans cope with emptying waste water into the large flat tanks?  They can't "drive over" as they usually do on site, or is there a special place they can go to?

    The purpose of the window hanger is for the organisers to be able to link your outfit to your contact details should there be a problem with your outfit. The "Friendly" Club even has them displayed on tents.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited April 2019 #22

    Motorhomers do what they always do, they use a container of some sort to empty out the on board tank then we take them to the emptying point like the caravanners. We do the same on sites rather than move the van too often. smile

  • Reevco
    Reevco Forum Participant Posts: 40
    edited April 2019 #23

    That or a macerater / pump and a long 1" pipe to the yellow containers, but the black water tank holds around 40 gallons of swage.... more than enough for a weekend.

    But if the organisers could get one thats flush with the ground then it would make it easier for us, we could then use a 3" pipe for an easy dump....

  • kevine
    kevine Forum Participant Posts: 62
    edited May 2019 #24

    Do the club still send out info packs to those attending ?

  • john16
    john16 Forum Participant Posts: 4
    edited May 2019 #25

    Yes we received ours a couple of days ago. 

  • AlanPort
    AlanPort Forum Participant Posts: 53
    edited May 2019 #26

    Afraid we stopped attending when all EHU pitches were introduced.  Had several years with the drone of generators nearby.  Sad really but I suppose the Club is moving with the times.  We used to have far more vans at the National before EHUs were introduced.


  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,553
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    edited May 2019 #27

    Much the same as AP. Providing electricity has in my view made it expensive for what it is. Commercial shows are much better value for money but I note Warners are for the first time introducing EHU at the Norfolk show this year. I do hope it is not the thin end of the wedge.


  • Boff
    Boff Forum Participant Posts: 1,742
    edited May 2019 #28

    Following on from the success of compulsory Ehu.  The sooner the marketing types who blight, sorry I meant run the club.  Ban caravans* from the National and replace them with glamping pods the better it will be for everyone. 

    * Airstreams, are of course exempt because they are cool.  

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited May 2019 #29

    When lots of van owners now have solar it seems the club are retrograde in their ideas on emissions and noise pollution.

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited May 2019 #30

    Looking around present site lots of van owners don't have solar. No idea why the club could not have a smaller area without EHU though

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,553
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    edited May 2019 #31

    There is probably more profit in EHU pitches, can't think of any other reason not to provide a non EHU area like they used to. Last time I went I booked a non EHU pitch but ended up on hook up because of a muddy access to the non EHU. Not been since, perhaps the take up of non EHU at subsequent Nationals was very low which has prompted the move to all EHU?
