Is this fair or right ?
Isn't that the same as a large caravan with large awning, both being used for habitation and sleeping arrangements? I'm sure with only one electricity feed that would equally be okay as that described by the op.
Now if the vehicle towing the above had been a motorhome which was also being occupied at night that would quite rightly raise questions.
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What a silly thread.
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I think that is the point originally raised. The vehicle had been converted to a MH, although what criteria is applied for a precise definition is, to my mind, unclear.
As for height blocking the view/sun, we haven't been told the exact height. Most panel vans seem about the same height as MH's and possibly lower than a Concorde or N&B A class for instance.
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As far as the facts of the incident in the OP are described, no rules have been broken. Some are either assuming or surmising possible issues to support opinions. We have to be careful as this could possibly end up as a bit of kangaroo court me thinks!
It appears the occupants and the units have done no wrong, why the challenge?
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Wrong thread!
However relating to the CFO thread!
I think it is important for all road users to be as competent and careful as possible when driving their own vehicle and units both on the Queen's Highway and on site. Don't think anyone suggested we need to be skillful in driving a vehicle beyond our experience. Clearly, one should drive within their own comfort zones and competence and, if unsure, uncomfortable or unsighted, ask for assistance! MrsSF will often position herself to assist me pitch when asked. Others have also been requested or have offered help too in tight spots.
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You’re becoming boring, K. Why consistently insult the staff of an organisation you don’t even belong to?
Go wind up someone on another forum.
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I know, M, which is why it’s become so boring. 🙁
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I have never insulted staff so why launch an attack on me, Rufs? I will not respond further to your taunts.
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I really can't remember TW ever being insulting to the club's staff - can you? And at least TW is a member of the club.
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As this forum's expert on "Boring personal insults" TW ---- I have to bow to your superior expertise.
-----------You obviously disagree with me saying that if the Warder permitted the pitching arrangement as described by the OP, then there was no CMC rule being broken. -- You are entitled to your opinion, others may disagree.
It must be a great job to be head of the forum's "spelling police". For your information the English language is constantly evolving and most intelligent people do not get all upset when they see words with different spelling to what they are used to. ----Chill out TW,
--this is the season of Good Will, even encompassing those of us who are not customers of the CMC but enjoy the cameraderie of the Caravanning hobby..
Happy new year !!
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Nothing to do with spelling K, warden and warder are two totally different words and have totally different meanings. One has not changed or evolved into the other, they are still separate.
You have used warder a number of times (just today) so I assume it is not a spelling mistake, but from your reply above it would seem that you really don't know the difference or think they are interchangeable. Allow me to help:
A warden is a person who has been entrusted with the oversight of something important to the community, such as a college, church, prison, wild game or firefighting
a warder is a guard in a prison.
Of course another option is that you do know the difference and are being very insulting to the club's wardens.
From the posts above I think most have your measure.
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You know exactly what you are doing K, insulting not only staff but members as well. Warden is defined as someone invested with overseeing a lot of different institutions. Warder on the other hand refers specifically to someone who oversees prisoners in a prison environment.
Members will be able to respond to your jibes, and in fact some do. But trying to wind up staff, who you know cannot respond as they might wish, that might possibly be construed as bullying?🤔