Shouting Chairman and Shutup Graham
Exactly,---- If he was inclined he will be able to emulate so many CMC regulars by turning the 3 KW heating to maximum in the awning. Its a friendly act the regulars say , heating the surrounding area of the campsite from your awning.
No -- I don't think David would ever be so selfish, he is considerate and one of the good guys.
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and un-metered supply too
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With reference to your second paragraph you are worrying yourself unnecessarily because you seem to have misinterpreted and misrepresented what has been posted. I certainly didn't suggest that the absence of children made it OK to indulge in speeding and I don't think anyone else has done that either.
And by the way the issue originally raised was that of bad behaviour by members of a rally group on a Club Site (shouting at another camper and being challenging and disruptive instead of helpful to someone in difficulties) rather than the subject of their concerns. Using pejorative terms like "come on here to have a rant" about what a better balanced (and a better mannered) person would regard as a reasonable raising of concern, even if he didn't support the view, suggests to me that you are something of a partisan ranter yourself.
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Yes, 7 pages now....
The OP let his dog off the lead, it got out through a gap in the fence, didn't come back when he shouted it, and got told off for it not being under control, which it wasn't.....
And if I had been in the dog area with my dog, presumably it would have come bounding over, frightened my dog, and not returned to the OP if he had shouted it.....
Is the moral of the story......keep your dog on a lead if it doesn't come back when you shout it....?
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No Moulesy, --. . There are good guys and the not so good in all walks of life as I always stress on this forum. I like, where possible, to compliment those who act in a responsible manner within discussions and appreciate that others have a right to voice their opinion on the subject matter, but not to have a go at the individual poster. ---------- Hope that helps your understanding..
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This is the quote I based my response on today, no children about and well after dark. Well what about families coming back from the pub or local events, going to the wash facilities etc etc?
I'm afraid you have said quite clearly that after dark going over 5mph really doesn't matter. I think it does and so do other site users.
A tragic loss of a child even at a slow speed does have relevance, even more so in the shadows of darkness.
Apart from that I have no interest in your insulting comments to me.
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“Ah well, I've come back on here when I didn't intend too. But at least the matter was resolved well by the warden”Brue, even a semi flounce is better than no flounce, good on yer girl👏🏻👏🏻😎
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Fair enough, K. And I'll look forward to more positive posts from you about caravans and caravanners (after all, you were one for several years weren't you?)
In fact to assist other members I'll even go out of my way to point out such positive posts!
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You are so kind Moulesy. Your little black book will soon fill up very quickly.
The nicest caravanners I've had the pleasure of meeting were on CLs and small private sites. Especially those who use their caravans without the orange umbilical cord. Also caravanners on CCC sites, on CS's and CCC holiday rallies. All Great people------- No curtain twitchers or elderly moaners complaining about dogs, kids or people actually enjoying themselves.
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I’m still trying to work out what a DA might be. Duck’s *rse maybe, or is that a hairdo?
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Somebody's got the clubs mixed up, TDA, but I like your version. 😎
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I think the whole OP is a tad mixed up. It’s not about dogs or speeding, I worked that out. That just leaves another old favourite, someone told me and my mate off for doing what we shouldn’t, and they didn’t do it nicely, so I am going to tell the world, and see what the world thinks.
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The world is probably yawning.
I wondered initially if it was meant for the Story section in view of the length of the missive. I suspect it’s probably a record in terms of the longest OP. 😁
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yes, like being back at work
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The thing I learned in all this is about the the "dog walk"and "dog area" on lead, off lead, short lead, will have to sort out rule book.
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Fake news, fake news! The quote on which you base your argument contains no suggestion that children being up and about determines whether speeding is important and nor had anyone else suggested that, Bringing that in was your own addition, presumably to allow you to ride what is presumably a hobby horse of yours.
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Thank goodness my holidays are spent as often as possible in Foreign fields and on foreign Aires – no Wardens (good or bad), no pegs, no moaning minnies, no restriction on arrival and departure times, glasses of wine freely offered at noon and sunset, grey water and black waste with easily accessed disposal points, never heard anyone shouting at each other in donkey's years, cheap as chips, no speed humps on site because drivers use their common sense, the Johnny Foreigner parked next to you probably speaks better English than you, tables/chairs/barbecues left outside overnight without any losses and nobody's topic of conversation involves the weather – unless it's too hot.
Moral of the story ?
Don't bother posting any of your experiences that are in any way considered detrimental to the C&MC on these forums because your words will probably be taken out of context and used against you – sorry OP – better luck next time.
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That’s two of my posts you have picked out AD. One more and I might think you are bullying me. So easy to do on line, either deliberately, like the OPs rant against ralliers,
or mistakenly(?)
to garner likes from my friends.
I hope you have a nice time on a Club Site, and that all goes well with your new caravan. You won’t see me, we use CLs.
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The truth..Having spoken to the Chairman of the SLCC he arrived on site with the rally officers at noon, so was not setting up his van in the dark. He did not speak to the man opposite with the two dogs or his friend who ever he was. The site has CTV so is well aware who is speeding. The site allocates the pitches to the rally, they can't .choose. The rally officer assures me nobody called Graham was on the rally. A list is given to the site before the rally if you wish to .check.. I made these enquiries because ralliers have been portrayed badly. We abide by the club rules on a club site or.a rally field.