Installing a 2nd leisure battery

mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,532
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edited October 2018 in Motorhomes #1

Twenty five years ago, on our first motorhome, I installed another battery along side the existing one. Then I coupled the two batteries negative terminals together. using an appropriate jumping cable. Finally, I fitted a quality clip on terminal on the single positive cable. This + cable could then be alternated between the batteries. Okay, so the system did lengthen off grid camping opportunities but it called for careful management of the charging (either when driving or when available on EHU). I also had to ensure that on using neither battery was ever depleted to that critical point but that I already had to do when I had just the one battery anyway. This system worked for some 5 years wirhout issue until we bought our first brand new MH which came with a second battery  'permanently' wired in and had its own inbuilt charging management system with a low battery alarm. However, even with this I've still had to keep an eye out so as not to reach that critical discharge point on either battery. Now the question is, as I'm soon to swap our van for a new one should I go that one step further and install a solar panel? Part of me thinks though that I could return to that system I used all those years ago, afterall, it wasn't that much of a pain! Any thoughts on the above or alternative systems would be welcomed, also, if I go down the solar route, what size would folk recommend?


  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,513
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    edited October 2018 #2

    I would fit a solar panel even if you only occasionally go off grid. Prices have fallen in recent years and they are not difficult to fit for any competent DIYer As to size, that will probably depend on your consumption when off grid. Down load >this solar panel calculator< and have a play around with the figures to see what might suit you. My requirements came out at a 150w panel but I could not physcally fit that on my roof so I had to downsize to a 120w panel with a more efficient MPPT controller. I bought and fitted a Kit from >Sunstore< That was three years ago and I have found it more than enough to keep us going and even in the winter months it keeps both my leisure and engine batteries fully charged. The latter via a battery to battery charging device.(Battery Master) My leisure battery is 200APH and it and the engine battery are 7 years old and both are still going strong. It pays to keep them topped up rather than discharge and re-charge.


  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,532
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    edited October 2018 #3

    Thanks peedee, don't use 240v equipment so no need for an inverter and we are low 12v users, probably a hang over from those enforced frugal days. Thinking of solar just to keep topped up whilst in storage but clearly a larger panel will prolong off grid time. 

    Just for interest, I've always carried a multimeter and checked my batteries, even today with that management system on board.

    I've always managed to stay above a reading of 12.2 volts (25%) with no damage to batteries over all these years.

    With that 'primitive' system I described before, it was all about cost in those days, we had little and we had to find ways to make our passtime fit our wallet.  The two batteries in this system did not have to be of the same type, same capacity or same age, they, in effect were two separate components in the circuit. It did work albeit with some management time spent by me.

    That calculator you recommend looks both useful and interesting, cheers peedee.

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,513
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    edited October 2018 #4

    I used to do something similar although I carried the second battery in the boot of the car and had it charging from the 12N socket when driving around. Since I fitted my solar panel, I no longer use my EHU at home when the van is not in use.


  • TonyIshUK
    TonyIshUK Forum Participant Posts: 296
    edited October 2018 #5

    If you have not already done so, I would suggest that you take a look at the MMM motor home forum site, which has a lot of good information regarding a range of topics.

    As I understand it, adding a second battery can cause damage to your charging system in some cases.  Basically some charging units are built down to a economic (read cheap) price for use, whilst other are built and designed to accomodate  a second battery. All to do with peak power and ability of circuits not to cook themselves.

    Search MMM and if you cannot find the answer, ask the question as one contributor has in depth knowledge as a repairer and supplier of ehu charging units.



  • KeithandMargaret
    KeithandMargaret Forum Participant Posts: 660
    edited October 2018 #6

    Get the largest Solar panel you can afford, make sure there's enough roof space to fit it, good quality Leisure batteries and if you have on-board toilet facilities the World is your Lobster..

    We have an 80W Solar panel, two 110amp Leisure batteries and a cheap (£20) B2B and do not need hook-up at home when the MH is stood on the drive or when we are away.

    I wish we had originally fitted a bigger Solar panel but even at only 80W it has been adequate for our needs.

    When in France, whatever time of year, we use Aires and don't use or need hook up and we can park up virtually anywhere without worrying about a power supply.

    We only occasionally use a TV and run the fridge/freezer on the refillable gas system.

    Solar really is the way forward to get freedom with a Motorhome.

    Hope this helps.

    Picture – Free Aire with toilets/shower/fresh water/waste disposal and peace and quiet.


  • Unknown
    edited October 2018 #7
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  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,532
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    edited October 2018 #8

    Will do, looking at a couple, may opt for the Bourton which comes with a 80W SP. Might haggle for a larger capacity as part of the deal as I don't  think that system they are fitting is built for or will cope with an additional leisure battery. The new automatic sprinter also has a canny spec and I really miss that auto box. The other possiblility is the Rapido V55 panel van as we wanted to downsize to something under 6.5m, they both fit this wish.

  • Unknown
    edited October 2018 #9
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  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,532
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    edited October 2018 #10

    Thanks Tonylsh, your recommendation for further reading eventually took me here:

    What a mine field of confusion, compromise, differing opinions, disputes even dangers etc. this second battery issue brings with it. Particularly to someone like me who is now totally bamboozled by the technicalities and understanding.

    Think I may just adopt that primative method I employed all those years ago. At least it gives me what in effect is some second battery advantages without the need or worries of having a second battery install into what in essence is a single battery system. What I will have to do however is continue to monitor both charge and discharge and swap over batteries at the most appropriate timing. I can see that trusty multimeter being invaluable once again.


  • Unknown
    edited October 2018 #11
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  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,513
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    edited October 2018 #12

    Think I would rather stick to a single battery with a good solar charge and monitor system than faff around with a multi meter and swapping batteries.



  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,532
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    edited October 2018 #13

    I think I'd agree, may just keep my second battery to use whilst in winter storage and just keep the other 'topped' up at home. As we visit our van in storage and occasionally use during the cold dark months we could swap them over then. 

    As for placing and using them side by side but as individual & independant units as described, it's not so much as swapping batteries, just swapping the + terminal clip from one to the other. 

    Who knows, depends what I decide on re MH and what I can barter for.

  • Unknown
    edited October 2018 #14
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  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,532
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    edited October 2018 #15

    I guess I just need to make that leap of faiths then and trust the solar panel, the charger, the battery and enough sun! wink And to cap it all I now am told that deisel vehicles are 'soon' to be banned! 😱


  • Unknown
    edited October 2018 #16
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  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited October 2018 #17

    We have managed very well with our AS Merc 100w solar roof panel (space limited us to this size) and one battery. Charging up the engine and leisure battery is useful and we haven't found any need for extra equipment. We found some good LEDs recently so the lighting is much better than previously. I'd say look at the latest possibilities, don't look back! smile

  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,532
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    edited October 2018 #18

    Cheers brue, will do, just need that faith, hope the AS technologies are up to it!  I am looking forward but what will that future look like or bring? Heaven knows!

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited October 2018 #19

    Well, just enjoy the present, hope you find what you like. We've been pleased with our AS, our second one. The wiring etc was there for the solar panel and OH fitted it himself, found one on ebay and it's been good. smile

  • Unknown
    edited October 2018 #20
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  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited October 2018 #21

    We've not had any problems BB, it could be caused by a low powered SP,  that's all I can I can think of, ours has been fine.

  • Unknown
    edited October 2018 #22
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  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
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    edited October 2018 #23

    My solar panel goes to the regulator and thence to the batteries. No PSU involved. Why would it be?