What are you all up to
We spent a lovely afternoon in Keswick. SWMBO went a walk around the shops while I went to The Odfellows inn for a pint of ale she then joined me and we had a lovely meal in there very nice and great value for money. Now back at the van admiring the view. Still a bit windy here but not too bad
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Pity we're away, W - that's about 10 minutes drive from us
One of the reasons we choose this week to come to Wiltshire
Have a safe trip home Moulesy.
Really enjoyed Lacock and the history. Castle Combe had far too many tourists and we felt a bit too much like voyeurs so left early.
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Drive out today to Rossilon to do the Ochre trail. Stopped of at Gourdes on the way, what a lovely town. All the houses and building's are dry stone, they are built into the side of a hill/cliff over looking the valley below, what a place, views are not bad too
Still very hot, 32c but a little more cloud cover today, must be getting used to it now as not feeling so wiped out.
OP, have a good trip stay safe.
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Sounds like a fun walk nelliethehooker. Is it just a toilet walk or more?
No B2, it was a full 1/2ml or so with Flyte. Although it was raining and blowing we didn't get soaked as it was up a narrow lane and fairly well sheltered. Wellie and a brolly for me helped too!!
Glad to hear that grand dog is back to herself and that you had a good walk. Your snack sounds just the ticket.
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I love autumn as well R2B but I just wish this wind would die down a bit.
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A much better day today. Woke up to the sun shining after a wet night, although it was quite chilly. After getting more washing done we headed down to the Wyndcliffe Nature Reserve and walked up the Eagle's Nest view point and then along part of the Wye Valley Path as far as Black Cliffs, and returned to the car by way of the 365 steps, an interesting descent!! After lunch we drove onto Tintern Abbey and were greatly impressed with it's size and state of preservation. The wind got up later in the afternoon but has died down again now.
Glad that the weather's picked up for you, WN and that you manages a good day out. We may just head that way on the way back from Cornwall instead of using the M5.
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Have a good and safe trip OP. Isn't it a joy collecting grand children from school, especially in their first year. I hope they are enjoying school.
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I'll second that, millie, wholeheartedly. Hope it's a smooth crossing OP.
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Raining when we got up and due to stay all day so we donned waterproofs top and bottom and had a decent walk along the K&A canal towpath and then next to the River Avon. Had a very decent coffee and cake at No.10 Tea Garden at Avoncliffe. All cakes are home made and the coffee excellent.
Sad sight on the canal as a Residents barge was slowly sinking. All their wordly goods stacked on the towpath and water pumps going like mad but to no avail. Can't say that canal life appeals to me.
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I have just noticed that the bottom of my last post has disappeared into the ether!
To reiterate - "Glad you enjoyed Tintern Nellie. It's a lot like yourself, "Well Preserved"
. Drop me a line if you need further info about CL etc."
Better luck second time.
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Left Old Hartley today having been there for the past six nights and before that time at Barnard Castle and Stockton on Tees. Currently at Poolsbrook for a couple of nights before home. Certainly a lot calmer here than the two storms we experienced at Old Hartley, one quite scary!!! We detoured via Gateshead this morning to have a look at the Angel of the North. Not as tall as I imagined close up but of course it is on a hill so can be seen from some distance. Amazing structure.
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Booked our flights to N. Ireland to see the family at half term this morning. 😊. Then this afternoon took a dear friend to The Orangery at Burghley for afternoon tea. There were 5 of us in all. She has been quite poorly since last Christmas and this afternoon was a belated treat for her 80th birthday. It was a so lovely to see her looking so well and enjoying herself. A really good afternoon.
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Well it worked this time!!
Will do. When are you heading back north?
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It's rained nearly all day here, but fortunately it wasn't windy. Drove up to see Raglan Castle, another spectacular ruin, this morning, the 3rd of the sites that we came down here to see. Hoped that it was going to clear up after lunch but it didn't so just returned to the van, read a bit and then took Flyte out for a couple of miles' walk along the sheltered lanes from the site. All set up for the move down to Somerset tomorrow, just hope that the wind's not too strong to close the Severn Bridge.
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We are up in Scottish Borders DK, we sat the storm out indoors on Wednesday, terrific winds, but luckily little rain. But we thought it too dangerous to venture out, and judging by trees down up here, we did the right thing. Old Hartley is very exposed if winds are wrong direction! We enjoyed getting close up to The Angel as well, needs some of trees cutting back now to get the full effect from the roads and rail routes passing it though.
Hope everyone is safe after the storms.
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We were due to head back on Monday but may stop a further night as rain forecast again tomorrow morning and a nice day on Monday. Will get the bikes out again if we stop.
Have things to sort out at home before a funeral on Friday.
Have a safe trip.
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Sounds like a good afternoon out, millie. G?lad that you all had a good time and that you've booked you're flights to Ireland.
OP glad to hear that you were going to have a smooth crossing.
Pleased to hear that you got away from Old Hartley unscathed, David. I believe that you've had the best of the weather in the NE the last couple of days.
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Hope that you didn't too wet today, and that it's drier tomorrow for us all. The weather forecast for the rest of next week looks good at present, we've had enough rain now, thanks.
Wonder what happened to that barge? There was one up in Staffordshire that had a huge tree land right on top of it, a couple of days ago. The tree made a mess of the roof & ceiling but the rest of the barge seemed ok, after they had the tree removed.
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Arrived at campsite in Germany at 1030 last night, it rained all the way from the Hook and stopped as I drove into the site. All in all a pretty good journey. When I got to the Harwich security the guy in front of me not only had a car search he was also body searched, first time I’ve seen that. Bright morning here but put the heating on just to take the chill off. Later this morning I will have a scout around to see if there are any cranes and other wildlife around.
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Glad you've arrived safely Oneputt hope the crossing wasn't bad, certainly no breeze in Essex Saturday- unlike Friday!
It's WET was damp at times yesterday but seems to have stated properly overnight. It strikes cool too 😲😲😲. I know we desperately need the rain but I can't say I like it. Barely got light yesterday and seems worse today 😢. Far far too early for winter!
Son and DIL2B picked up from Stansted yesterday, combined that with dropping off mum's shopping, she lives on our route to airport, 'kids' had a catch up with her then back to our house to collect car, dog parphenalia etc with cuppa and a light meal before they headed off home. They have her mum's dog for its holidays and he teed off at 7.06am so hit the ground running! Oh to be young with that energy - not sure I fancy their work/housing etc. Sad to say goodbye to grand dog but as it's pouring this morning relieved 😂. We have her again in November for a couple of weeks when DIL2B is off to Canada for a commonwealth royal commission on farming for the next generation, hopefully weather will be dry 😉.
Much I ought to do but not sure what I fancy so probably the bare minimum - after all it is Sunday and a day of rest 😂😂.
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Very soggy (proper dog walking)weather this morning, very few out at 0730 ,Rosa just missed one of her ruff and tumble playmates,which was "lucky" as she would have been covered in mud instead of just very wet
We were going to FM today but after looking at weather,forecast have amended it to tomorrow, lots to do when there as we have two music venues to attend and several "outings" to see friends plus some more coming to stay while we are there,so will be staying for a while
Two of our neighbours are off to Whitby today ,they were going to also move their booking but could not alter tickets for a show they have booked for tomorrow, do not envy their journey in this weather
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Glorious sunshine up here in Borders! Tad cool in shade though. Beach for us today, picnic, kite flying, rock pooling, etc.......
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Lovely sunshine here this morning in the Lakes although it is quite cold. We are planning on going down to Ambelside today and may have a pub lunch. Weather has been fine since we arrived here which was unexpected after last weeks storm.
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The Flying Scotsman will be at Nene Valley Railway next weekend JVB if you are interested in going to see it. It's stopped raining here and is brightening up nicely all ready for your arrival tomorrow.