What are you all up to
OH, was busy trying to clean tar splashes off the front two corners of the caravan. Came through a work gang of road surfacing, tar machine spraying just as they waved us throughyell thankfully all now removed.
TG that’s one of the reasons why we invested in a towing cover, it protects the front of the van.
Tried to wash the car today but the high winds made the job pointless😫
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Had a lovely day walking part of the Kennet & Avon canal towpath,from Devizes past the Caen Locks and down to ths C&CC site before returning. Very windy but sunny and warm. Did some shopping in Devizes before returning to the CL.
Hope those travelling took it easy.
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I hope everyone stayed safe in the high winds. Although no-where near as bad as other areas we still had high winds here. I was nearly blown off my feet as I walked across Cathedral Green yesterday lunchtime and a large tree branch came down in Bridge Street which had to be cordoned off. Luckily no-one was injured. The garden looks a bit windswept as well. The poor plants don't stand a chance - 3 months of drought, then very heavy downpours, another few weeks of drought and now high winds.
It's raining this morning.
Nice to hear from you Bakers2. I was wondering how you were. I hope you enjoyed your trip and I also hope that grand-dog is feeling a bit better today.
Your trip sounds wonderful Tammygirl. Very relaxing. I think you will find that some of the larger supermarkets in France sell something that gets rid of tar and also the sticky stuff that the pine trees drop.
I did an extra shift of Welcoming at the Cathedral this week as I did Wednesday morning as well to cover holidays. I really enjoyed it but glad I don't do 2 shifts every week. Today is catching up on boring household jobs day.
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Yes milliehull we had a very pleasant trip thank you, hoping to get some more in, but who knows? Thankfully grand-dog is much brighter today. Don't know what it was but she was so not herself all day - extra worry when it's not yours!
We too had strong winds yesterday, far stronger than I thought from the forecast. You're right about our poor plants I've never seen our garden look so sad 😢 but I'm reluctant to chop off bits so am staking as I don't want a nov/Dec looking garden now and I can't plant anything even if I want to - Essex clay is solid and cracked 😂. So glad our garden is still the robust planting from when the kids were young! It was muted that we could redesign and plant but a good think through disabused us as need to be able to leave it for extended periods and enjoy it on our return.
Hoping to head off towards the coast for a gentle walk, and lunch somewhere 😉
Enjoy your day folks.
Ps I noted the site was down for maintenance last night seems faster this morning - or is that wishful thinking? 🤣
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We've spent today at Pompeii - a hugely impressive but absolutely exhausting place to visit. I hadn't realised just how huge the place was - you can only hope to take in a small fraction in a day.
(Earlier this week I overheard - well they were speaking so loudly it was impossible not to hear them - a couple at the hotel complaining about how boring Pompeii was and what a waste of time. I quote - "it's just a load of old ruined buildings. We've got loads of those at home, but at least we do them up and make them look nice"!
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Not much sleep last night so spent this morning moving pitch as someone left the CL. Unfortunately we were fifth on when we arrived. The last pitch would normally be very nice as it looks down the valley towards Bath but in this wind it wasn't the best.
Winds of up to 60 mph due later. Now, should we put that awning up?
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Today we took the car out and drove up to Mt Ventoux, lovely drive
lots of folk cycling up the mountain. Surprisingly the roads up and down are much better than we anticipated, much better than Coll Grand Colombier which we did last weekend. Much cooler at the top but not chilly 18/19c views terrific, had a picnic at the top. Drove down by a different route and stopped off at Carpentras for a look around. Way to hot at 33c so came back to site for a nice cool swim.
M, there are some strange folk around
we had similar when we did a Nile cruise, 1 woman said to hubby "I'm all templed out, they are all the same" felt like shouting 'no there not, have you not been listening'
OP, have thought about a front cover, not sure yet as we do a fair few 1 nighters, isn't it a bit of a faff?
Hope everyone is safe from the storm.
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What nationality were they moulesy? When we went to the Pyramids some years ago there was an American woman complaining in a loud voice that there was only one entrance. She said 'you would have thought that they would have made an exit as well'. I explained that the idea was for them to stay in there as they were dead.
Pompeii looks wonderful.
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OP, have thought about a front cover, not sure yet as we do a fair few 1 nighters, isn't it a bit of a faff?
Not really TG, it takes about 2 minutes to put on and less to take off and that’s doing it by myself
Been sorting out stuff to take with me. Going to pick up van and leave a daughters tomorrow overnight before an early start on Saturday.
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Travelled home from Norfolk yesterday, left early {for us}were home by 1100 ,and managed to miss the worst of the wind,but was still blustery ,the new Norwich by pass makes for "easier" journey,
When out with Rosa since being home the walks have been "interesting" as i could have done with a hardhat as the wind was bringing down Acorns ,Horse chestnuts and very prickly sweet chestnuts and considering what a hot dry summer we have had all the "missiles" were very prolific and mostly large
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We are away in the van for 4 nights we arrived on site at half 6 and were set up within 20 mins. We had dinner and are now sitting watching the TV. Lickily the wind has died down today so no trouble towing. You can really tell that the summer has gone now as we have had to put the heating on in the van for the first time since April.
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Very strong winds here tonight but managed to have an afternoon out seeing Mamma Mia 2, first time out for quite a while and then a pub meal to follow, nice to have a few hours to ourselves.
Now back to listening to the wind in the trees outside and a nice surprise, fast broadband is arriving and we have to set up a new system so OH is looking at the replacement router etc. Still can't quite believe we'll see improvements and will have to wait for the switch over to find out.
We can't use our van at the moment, our son has commandeered it as his living quarters having filled just about every room here with his house contents. Luckily there is a room grandson can use so he is safely inside with us, so we are getting the early morning alarm calls whilst our son sleeps on in bliss....
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We had a peaceful night last night with little or no wind, although it did rain a bit and was still raining until lunchtime. Using our brollys & wellies we managed an hour's dry walk up into Chepstow Park woods and then drove down to the town for a few bits from Lidl before parking at Tesco's and wandered through the town to visit the Castle. We were surprised at the size of it and impressed by it's location above the R.Wye. Wind has got up again and now it's pouring with rain too. Last walk should be fun!!
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Glad you had a good day out yesterday, WN. Hope that to new pitch is more sheltered and you're not blown about too much tonight.
Funny that you should have visited Pompeii today, M, as our daughter was there too. Her photos match some of yours. Wonder if you passed by each other?
Good to hear that you had a good trip, B2
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Sounds like a fun walk nelliethehooker. Is it just a toilet walk or more?
Been bright here, grand dog back to herself so we went to Shoeburyness and had a walk in Gunners Park through to east beach. Rather breezy tide in, lots of kite surfers near the shore moving fast and big ships in the middle. A local dog walker gave us the heads up on a nice tea shop with outside table and a bowl if water for the dog. Think we may go back on our own as the menu looked good too! We settled for a cuppa and cake, Victoria sandwich and lemon sponge. Both really light and fluffy - did our usual and had half of each, delighted as both equally good 😁.
No rain here so far but breezy, I pegged towels out about 3pm dry by 5.30pm so garden drying more 😲
Stay safe in the latest winds forecast.
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Just got back from a weeks holiday with weather at 31 degrees and cloudless for last week. Getting ready to go away in the caravan this weekend, for 7 days, weather down to 20 degrees (if we are lucky) with rain and cloud.
Oh - not to be in England right now.
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We seem to have survived the storms without damage, though a big branch fell off a tree nearby and took out a street sign. Most problems seem to have been further south, and the heavy rain a bit further north, though we did have hailstones overnight, and quite a few strong gusts of wind yesterday afternoon.
Still keeping busy with this house, demolition in the 2 bedrooms is almost complete and most of the new plasterboard is in place, next week we may be able to get in the plasterer, just a couple of new sockets to put in first.
New skirtings and facings to buy next week so they can acclimatise, and DD now needs to decide on flooring so that can be ordered up too.
Painting going OK, but still plenty to do, both grans were wielding paint rollers today between baby sitting duties.
At the old house, last week's viewers have had a second viewing and have said they plan to make an offer tomorrow, meantime DD has 2 new viewers booked in for 15.30 and 16.30 tomorrow, so we will be going there first thing to do the usual tidying and cleaning. Should not need much as they have hardly been there recently. Just hoping she gets a sale soon!
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What am I up to-starting the day watching another beaut sunrise after yesterday’s being rained off.
edit-pictured thru, clematis orientalis(Bill McKenzie)
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Winds peaked at 50 knots (60mph for you landlubbers) last night. The weather has certainly deteriorated since we got home from our travels. Seems we timed it to perfection for once. Sad to think that trips for the next six months are more likely to be grey and gloomy with short days.
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Next week-mild & dry👍🏻👏🏻👏🏻😎
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Bright sunny and breezy here, some not much overnight rain. Definite change in the temperature put sleeves on this morning! As I walked the dog the word gloves entered my mind 😲😲 but not that bad, brisk walk soon got blood flowing.
Brue I too love the changing seasons, couldnt live anywhere that didn't have them as such, but was glad to miss, the several, beasts from the east last year!
Rocky2buckets another great photo.
Off to do mum's shopping today, usually brothers job - he should be on holiday in the Greek sun so was scheduled, but he broke a metatarsal in his foot last week 😲. Foot in boot, no holiday, I get job for 6 weeks as well as my usual, and his first grandchild due very soon. Thanks for inviting me into your world brue 😂🤣
Enjoy your day folks stay safe. Nelliethehooker enjoy yourselves but don't chance the bridge unless you're sure.
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Wet and windy overnight and bright and breezy this morning but as you say Bakers2 much chillier. I think I will have to have a delve about in the wardrobes and dig out some warmer clothes. We are off to clear all breakables from the caravan this morning as they are making our storage compound hard standing at last (hooray!) so they will need to move the vans about and they don't want to be responsible for any breakages.
Lovely photo R2B. Autumn at it's best.
Enjoy your day folks.
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Pity we're away, W - that's about 10 minutes drive from us.While you're in Castle Combe, look out for the signposts to Biddestone, another lovely little village with an ancient church and a duck pond near the village green. Much less busy than CC too.
Millie - the couple complaining about Pompeii were, sadly, Brits, Londoners I'don't guess from their accents. They spent a good 20 minutes complaining about Capri being too busy, Pompeii being boring and as for Naples ....! Don't really know what they were expecting from this part of Italy in late summer.
It's our last day here today so we took the bus down to Sorrento for a mooch around the shops and now a last chance to relax by the pool before a late flight back to Bristol. Got to adjust from temperatures around 30° to something more like 13°!
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Oh dear. I think some people go away expecting to be disappointed. It would be interesting to know if they have ever enjoyed a holiday and if so where!
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We were staying at Strathclyde Park C&MC last night and got up early and headed down to the Lake District a nice easy 2 hour drive down although a bit rainy. Arrived on site at half 12 and luckily set up before the rain started again. Just having a cup of coffee now before we head in to Keswick for the afternoon.
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Even a sunrise can be lifted by a Clematis Mills, Autumn mornings when your breath is visible are wonderful👍🏻😊
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Gale force up to nine ,in the channel today ,,ferries delayed by up to hour & half !! Rocking & Rolling !!!