What are you all up to
Thanks for the lovely photos moulesy. I had heard that Herculaneum was better preserved than Pompeii. Such a wonderful opportunity to see it. Are you going to Pompeii as well?
We had intended to do the usual post holiday jobs today but son rang to ask if we fancied a walk with them all so we went to Fineshade Woods. Such lovely weather for it. We ended the afternoon by having a drink in The Royal Oak at Duddington, a lovely dog friendly pub. Jessie was so excited to see us that you would have thought we had not seen her for months not just a week!
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I am so pleased that your Mum's service went well brue. It sounds like a lovely way to celebrate a wonderful long life. How lovely that you have booked a week away in Cornwall. I am sure you will feel better for it.
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Glad the the funeral service went well, brue. Hope that you are able to get booked in for your trip away to Cornwall.
Fine pictures, M. I might text daughter and suggest she visits Herculaneum instead of Pompeii before she heads home.
Great spot, WN. Hope that your walk goes well tomorrow.
Good to hear that your trip to Sandringham went well, millie, and that you had a lovely walk at Finshades today.
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Easy run for us today down to The Old Orchard CL. Site is full tonight.
Went for a walk with son & DIL this afternoon on Hatlebury Common and then had an early evening meal with them. No TT but did manage a pint of Wainwrights.
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That sounds like a very successful day NTH.
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Isn’t technology wonderful. 😂 Sat in a train doing circa 180 mph heading south through France and able to communicate on here. In fact it seems to be faster than when in the UK. 🤔 Sunny and I assume getting hotter, ⛱ as conditioned in here. Makes me jump though every time we pass one going the other way, quite a wumph at a closing speed of 360 mph.😖
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We had a (very) early start to the day, going down to the harbour in Sorrento to catch one of the first ferries over to the island of Capri. It is stunningly beautiful but ridiculously busy at this time of year. We took a little boat tour around the island to see some of the world famous rock formations - the one in the second photo is supposed to resemple an elephant. We passed under the rock arch where Sophia Loren and Clark Gable had a passionate kiss in the film It Started In Naples. The guide suggested that any married couples might like to recreate the scene! (The ladies looked very enthusiastic, the men less so, but all obliged!).
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Timed out! Trying again.
We had a (very) early start to the day, going down to the harbour in Sorrento to catch one of the first ferries over to the island of Capri. It is stunningly beautiful but ridiculously busy at this time of year. We took a little boat tour around the island to see some of the world famous rock formations - the one in the second photo is supposed to resemple an elephant. We passed under the rock arch where Sophia Loren and Clark Gable had a passionate kiss in the film It Started In Naples. The guide suggested that any married couples might like to recreate the scene! (The ladies looked very enthusiastic, the men less so, but all obliged!).
Then we headed up to the top of the island at Anacapri and took the single seat cable car up to the mountain top - unfortunately the views down into the bay were very hazy, but spectacular all the same. Back in the town we had a quick lunch before strolling down to the church of St Michael where this amazing floor is made up of 2500 individual ceramic tiles, quite mind boggling.
Finally we went back down to Caprit Town where there are some stupidly expensive shops (luckily I had all the money on me today so we passed them by quickly!), walked down to the hotel where Churchill & Eisenhower met during the war and then back down for a stroll round the very posh marina.
It was an exhausting but very rewarding day - I feel a snooze coming on now before dinner!
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Our favourite pastime when we were 5 yo and living in Singapore was to catch the small lizards that we'd find on the bare walls around the house. If you caught them by the tail it used to detach and you'd be left with a wiggling tail and no lizard. They used to grow back, folks and we used to release the lizards(mainly so we could have more to catch).
Aah, childhood games, such fun
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Had a smashing walk today, up and along the ridge near Winscombe, over Wavering Down. Wonderful panoramic views towards North Devon, Glastonbury Tor and South Wales. Not particularly a high walk but when everything else around you is fairly flat it's still interesting.
Weather behaved itself as well.
Hope you don't get too buffeted around, Nellie. It's quite exposed on that CL, although it does have lovely views.
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Beautiful photos moulesy. It looks and sounds such a wonderful day.
I spent the morning catching up with post holiday jobs and other boring things around the house. I then went for a nice relaxing swim this afternoon followed by time in the jacuzzi and steam room.
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Moulsey, you're doing exactly the same places we did a number of years ago. If you get the opportunity to go to Amalfi and Ravello, the views from there are stunning.
Today is our last one here at Lac du lit du Roi, we will be back though its a lovely area, feel so relaxed. Yesterday we drove across the mountains to Aux les Bains, bad move on a Sunday the place was very busy. Today we went for a lovely cycle along the Rhone to Chanaz, a pretty little village where you can go for a boat ride on an old paddle steamer.
Weather is still hot at 28c and no sign of it changing in the next week. Off to Orange tomorrow where its 32c, must be mad
hoping to drive Mont Ventoux and go to the Ochre trail.
WN, my boys used to do that when we were in Spain, first time it happened the youngest was in tears. Soon got over it though.
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Been fine today, but we'll see what happens tonight. It's been fine after a wet night last night, and ass we've been away for a week it was washing and shopping day, so we only managed a couple of relatively short, 2 mls or so, walks. Fine sunset and a clear sky at the moment.
Glad that you managed to get your walk in today and hope that the wind's not over strong for your move tomorrow.
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It has been very warm in North Norfolk today,still not had any rain,the 1940s w/end was good as usual, and like a lot we have spoken to have already booked site for next year, noticed it is on website that earliest arrivals are showing 1300 next year they have been turning "off roaders"away as every pitch full, and all the sites in area were full
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Woke up to the most glorious sunrise this morning! Definitely not a case of "red sky in morning" etc etc because it turned out to be another hot and sunny day.
We'd booked a coach trip around the Amalfi peninsula - more spectacular scenery (TG you were exactly right!
) with towns perched precariously on cliff faces and looking almost as if they were rising straight out of the sea. We stopped at Positano and Amalfi (where, apparently it costs the coach €35 per hour to park
) and then up into the mountains to Ravello (where, amongst others, Gary Lineker and Wayne Rooney had their weddings). Those mountain roads are really something, though - I was so glad someone else was doing the driving!
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Moulesy, you almost had me there. Gary Lineker and Wayne Rooney getting married.
That is until I noticed the "s" at the end of "weddings".
Mrs WN and MIL went to Cinqueterre area in North West Italy and saw similar perched villages, some only accessible by sea. Said it was a miracle or madness, not quite sure which.
Took it easy travelling to our CL today. Made the mistake of going through Bath! CL on top of a hill so plenty windy up here. However views are almost Italianate.
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It was a blustery night last night, so much so that we had to get up at 4:00 to take the canopy off the van as, although it was rolled up, it was bumping hard against the side of the van.
It was still breezy today but it stayed dry until mid afternoon and by that time we were back at the van from a 7 ml walk part of it along the Severn Way. We came across an deserted archaeological dig at an old mill at Winnalls. It would be interesting to see what they've found there but there's very little on Google, that I can find.
There are lots of Damson trees about here but the wind has shaken much of the fruit off them. However we have been able to collect about 3 lbs or so which we stewed in the microwave, and taste great.
Already now for the move down to Chepstow, just hope the wind's not too strong tomorrow, although it's blowing hard at the moment.0 -
We left the caravan yesterday morning after doing some washing and hanging the stuff in the caravan to dry fully. Went for a walk around Swansea and just before 3pm went to a Premier inn at Llanelli where we had a room booked and a table in the Beefeater next door. Didn't see much point in rockin and rollin all night.
This morning in the Premier Inn, before going out for breakfast, I flicked through the umpteen TV channels available in order to check the news. I never really appreciated how many channels of mind numbing dross were available before 8am.
We arrived back at the caravan, after some shopping, at noon. The couple in the next caravan had taken their awning down during the early hours and it was bundled up on their pitch. They picked up a new awning today and, after siting on a more sheltered pitch have put up the new awning and dumped the old one
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We decided to have a more relaxed day today, so a late breakfast and sit out on the balcony for an hour or so. Then taking the bus down to Sorrento and walking the coast path around to the next town of Massa Lubrense for lunch before returning by the same route.
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Got some help in the garden this morning, lots of cutting back needed, can't keep up with it all. Also fruit seems to be falling from the skies at the moment, like Nellie's juicy find we're walking on damsons and the pears are very good this year, just don't want to be hit on the head by a Bramley!
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M, I remember the Amalfi drive well, we stayed at a hotel in Maiori. Everywhere we went we had a fantastic drive along the coast. Some great walks too up into the hills and across to the next town Minori. Takes you through lemon groves, vineyards and chestnut trees. Really nice holiday that one.
Drove down to Orange yesterday, pretty hot here 32c today, washing done this morning now all hanging out drying. OH, was busy trying to clean tar splashes off the front two corners of the caravan. Came through a work gang of road surfacing, tar machine spraying just as they waved us through
thankfully all now removed.
Might just chill by the pool for an hour or two this afternoon, then go for a bike ride once it cools down, if it cools down. Luckily the van is under a big tree which gives pretty good shade in the afternoon and evening.
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Been home 10 days after local-ish trip where's the time gone??? Been reading posts but not had time to write!
Brue I'm glad you have you mum a fitting send off, been thinking about you lots. Sorting out will be hard but hopefully no deadlines, so go easy on yourselves. Glad you've booked a break from home and the norm, if you even know what that is? I don't 😂 as it continually changes! Hope the house hunting in NE is going well, I assume not too many school changes for your grandson?
Lovely to read everyone away seems to be having a good time - stay safe in this wind 😲. Lovely photos moulesy, our son and DIL2B are on the Almafi Coast this week - we have the grand dog who's a little off colour today with her tummy 😢. Looking at the photos and hearing about the drives I don't think it'll be somewhere I'll be going anytime soon, rather vertiginous 😲😲😲😲😲. I'm not happy on QE2 bridge 😂😂😂.
Sorry if I've missed anything important to comment on but there's been much general goings on and my brains a bit overloaded for some reason at the mo!
Enjoy your day folks.
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Thanks Bakers2, I am looking forward to our break very much! Hope you enjoyed yours. Reading about the Amalfi coast on here I met up with extended family at my Mum's funeral last week. They come from an old area near Pompeii and the Bay of Naples, I wouldn't be too keen to live near Vesuvius but the scenery always looks beautiful!