CL's - A survey to gather your views
I tried as well OP. Couldn't find the survey anywhere. I have no doubt part of this will be my own fault, as I seldom use FB, I just get brain block wading through all the trivia to be honest. But in fairness, that's just me, and I know it's popular.
CG, time to confess. It took me some time to put the long first post I did together. I had completed survey first, but then had a think about the questions. In doing so, I decided to go back into it and take a closer look. I was blocked from continuing on my second look, couldn't get page two without filling in a couple of the questions. So I did, just to progress. Same with another page as well. It just would not allow me to get further, unless I gave an answer to certain questions. I haven't yet worked out the significance of those semi blocked questions, and won't go in again, as It would mean completing it for a fifth time! Sorry, but if others have done the same, the results are going to be skewed.
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I’m not sure there is a CL section.
I saw the survey because I ‘follow’ a CL who had shared the link.
CL owners post in various places on FB. One or two use the CAMC page (not the members group) and post links to their CLs in posts the CAMC make to advertise the main sites.
FB is a mixture of pages and groups. Follow them and posts will appear in your timeline.
I don’t agree fully with DKs view that FB is used by younger people. The youngsters left years ago when businesses saw the opportunities of FB and HR depts started vetting candidates with it. I won’t say where everyone’s gone in case businesses ruin them as well
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All the FB material I get coming through ( much to my frustration!) is from my own age group. I'm never interested in where someone is having a cup of tea, or eating a dodgy looking meal, so it gets Deleted User.
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My understanding the the CL Page is for the exclusive use of CL owners? Or am I wrong on that? This is the CMC members page but I am not sure you can view without being a member. A lot of CL owners paste on this Facebook page including Ted.
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I don’t agree fully with DKs view that FB is used by younger people. The youngsters left years ago when businesses saw the opportunities of FB and HR depts started vetting candidates with it. I won’t say where everyone’s gone in case businesses ruin them as well.
At my age I think anyone who has not retired is young
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Thanks David and others. This sort of confirms that the info gets thinned down with the all the extra groups which get formed en route. The most obvious way for new members and people like me who don't use FB is to stick to the club web site and hope for improvements.
Personally I haven't got the time or inclination to track all these satellite sites.
Looking at younger members of my family they are on just about everything which comes along. As FB controls sites like WhatsApp and Instagram the whole thing is something I stay away from. But that's just a personal preference.
The CL section on here will benefit from a serious upgrade, with photos, good descriptions and maybe an official rating.
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Beef up the CL inspection regime - with CL inspectors posting accurate information, up to date prices, taking photographs at their annual visit, and posting all that on the website along with their report.
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I'll insult you if you want WN. Do you want economy, or a full rant. I charge by the expletive by the way, sliding scale.......
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The CL section on here will benefit from a serious upgrade, with photos, good descriptions and maybe an official rating.
brue, I agree that the CL section could do with an upgrade, but disagree about an official rating, as who's going to rate the site? The way; the volunteer site inspectors....again no, as some definitely have some odd ideas about what a site should be like; if not them then the club would have to employ quite a few of them so that they could cover the 2000+ CLs. Also what would be the criteria that the CLs are rated against?
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But would have completed it if you had?
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I'm sure others would too if they knew what you now know!!
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so CL numbers are going down year on year, why do a survey on the people who keep going? wouldn't it make more sense to find out why people/owners have left or don't go (is it people have money money, want more services...)
To be blunt what are you going to do to get me to go to one?
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As long as owners of small campsites choose to operate within a system which requires them to turn away customers who are members of the wrong Club, or are members of no Club at all, or can only afford a tent ....then it doesn't surprise me that they are hoping that a survey will boost their flagging businesses. But it won't.
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If you do ever consider trying a CL then choose cafefully. From what I understand, and forgive me if my presumptions are wide of the mark, you prefer a pitch that is Hard Standing, Easily accessible, Fully Serviced on a site with a heated toilet block and a CDP that looks clinical and a site that is Wardened. You may well find a few CLs out there that fit most of that bill and you should check the Serviced Pitch thread in CLs. Wardening might be difficult but not impossible as some owners are always available (even out of hours)
What will come as a disappointment, unless you open your mind to sheer enjoyment of the unexpected, is finding one that is a mirror image of a CMC site.
Many of us who are regular CL users are still searching for our perfect CL but it may surprise us by not having some of what most people consider necessities, but it might just be the "basicness" of it and the peace and quiet that it brings.
Try slumming it for a while. Pretend for goodness sake. You can always run back to a club site. It won't bite (and you might find out how the shower in your van works).
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We prefer 5 van sites without toilet or shower facilities since we tow our own. We are on a club site at the moment and were discussing this point last night, next stop is a CL site.
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was this aimed at me?
Yes to HS, easily accessible - not sure what you mean but not necessary, SP yes but can 'slum it' (your words not mine I hasten to add) on a normal pitch, wardened? not necessary. I find your CDP point amusing, I expect cleanliness but that's all, are you saying that CPD on CL are similar to a compost heap or cess-pit? Heated toilet block, a big +1, doesn't everybody want heated? I really can't see the point in taking a shower in a cold shower block.
I do know how my shower works as we testing it when we bought the van but it doesn't give me a long enough hot shower and we prefer to use it for storage.
I think you have highlighted yourself though one important missing thing for us, consistency .
Personally I want a certain standard and comfort in my stays away. I am not saying that you and other CLs owners are not getting as much fun and comfort as I am, perhaps you get more who knows, but away time is precious and money changes hand I believe even on CLs. At the end of the day we all choose how to spend it and I'm not saying any way is better another, I never did, I just said that if this survey wants to increase numbers sending it to those that already go there won't really help?
So far you haven't sold a CL at all to me. But It could be said that's why they are reducing in number?
btw I saw what you did there(if you meant it
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As you’ve realised, Corners, there is no compulsion on us to use CLs - thankfully.
You like full fac sites and serviced pitches. Carry on exercising your choice, good on you👍🏻
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Yes Corners it was "aimed" at you, in a friendly type of way. However both your post to Husky, his reply and the top sentence of mine, which mentioned you by name, have been Deleted User, presumably as it was off topic.
I agree with TW's post and really cannot see you using a CL by choice. Maybe for 1 night en route somewhere so I don't think that whatever CL users do to entice you onto their premises that you will succumb to that temptation. No problems with me. I'll continue to use them (and CMC sites and Independent ones).
ps - If you "saw what I did there" could you let me know what is was?
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Did you ever look at the survey CS? I thought there was a question asking whether you used CLs or not. I assume if you answered "no" you would be asked why etc? As someone who responded "yes" I assume I got a different set of of questions?