CL price error

A word of warning to CL owners and users. While searching for a CL site for our next visit I came across one that was priced £20pn on the CC's web site, but looking on the site's own web site it was charging £12pn. I have been in contact with the site owner and the price on his web site is the correct one, and he had been concerned that he was not getting any new visitors especially during the=is holiday period. This overpricing by the club would appear to be a reason. I wonder how many more CL sites on the web site are showing a wrong price, which could well be putting CL users off even contact the sites as they think that they are too dear.
Gosh that's a huge error by someone Nellie. Mind you, it might have paid the CL owner to check things out as well! We certainly wouldn't be that interested in £20 per night unless it had lots of extras, or a unique location, so will check carefully in future. Thanks for the heads up!
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I also feel the CL owner has to take some responsibility for checking the prices. We all make typo's. If you can provide the name of the CL I can report it to Rowena so she can pass it to the CL team.
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A good post NTH. In future I will ring a CL before booking.
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Thanks David, but that specific one has now been sorted. See Maddies post.
I just wonder how many others there are that are wrong, and when the incorrect price was input. Should I own a CL I would certainly check that the info is correct at the start of the year, but maybe not again that year, and if the error has been made later how would I know that it occurred?
Glad that I've been of some assistance to CL users & owners.
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So many times I have come across quite serious errors with regards to CL charges and am sorry to say, I can't be bothered with the aregeebargie of notifying the admin about the matter as I have a life to live!!
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Depends what the problems are milliemaster! The one highlighted by Nellie was obviously a huge mistake. Very misleading for those using CLs, and no doubt seriously affecting potential bookings for CL.
We don't quibble if a CL charges more than it states in handbook or on Club website, as this carries the "prices from" caveat. We always phone to check prices anyway, if they don't suit, we don't go.
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There was no "aregeebargie" with this MM, all I did was inform the site owner of the error. It takes only a minute or two to compose and send an e-mail, and if the end result is a correction in the error and more booking for the site owner I consider it time well spent.
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That’s because you’re considerate, Nellie, and wanted to sort it for the site owner and other members.👍🏻
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Self interest too, TW. We are loosing too many CL and I'm sure underuse is one of the problems so helping to ensure that the info supplied by the CC is correct on the website might just help some sites to stay in the network, to all our benefit.
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Maddie was most definitely on the ball there
However it would be useful if the name of the CL was mentioned just in case the owner had not been so quick off the mark to let the team know.
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David, It was sorted because, after my e-mail to the owner, he contacted HO's CL section who rectified the error.
Alan, it's not one I would look at as it doesn't allow dogs, and certainly not now that it's charging that per night.
My concern was that others like us who have a limit on what they are willing to pay would not look at one that it's above their limit, but may well have visited the site in question if the correct price was shown on the web page.