Greenacres and Farm CLs Cirencester are closing

After running the Greenacres CL nr Cirencester for 21 years and the Greenaces Farm CL for 10 year we have decided that the time has come for us to retire. We have today exchanged contracts on our property and will be moving to East Devon in September. As a result both CLs will be closing at the end of August. We understand that the new owners intend running one of the CLs although they probably won't re-open until at least Easter next year to give them a chance to settle in. I'd like to thank all those that have visited us over the years, it's been a pleasure to meet our visitors and for the most part running the CLs has been a wonderful experience....although I won't miss dealing with all the rubbish!! I'm very pleased to see that NTH will be visiting us before we close as it will be great to chat with him again.
Giving up the CLs will allow us to spend more time in our caravan and hopefully we will meet up with a number of our visitors on CLs as we travel around the country.
Many thanks to all those that have visited us and for the great reviews that you have left.
We still have a few vacant pitches left for anybody who wants to squeeze in a final visit. You can check availability and book online at
That's nice news for you Alan, but I am sure you will have a lot of folks who will miss your set up at Greenacres, not least my OH. Wishing you all the very best, hope you have a nice retirement down in Devon. Good if the new owners keep a CL on!
Best Wishes from Mr and Mrs TDA!
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Hi AlanG,
We are sorry to learn you are closing your CL's and wish you and your wife the best of luck with your move to East Devon. If you haven't done so all ready, please could you notify your CL administrator here at HO of the change in circumstances?
Thanks Maddie
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Boy, am I glad that we are visiting you again this year, before you move on. It would have been such a pity if we'd missed your last weeks at Greenacres, one of our favourite CLs. Will see you in just over a week, Alan.
All our best wishes to you both for your retirement and your move down to Devon.
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You will be sadly missed Alan......
You ran a great CL and we enjoyed our visits to you. Please accept our sincere good wishes for the future and thanks to you both for all your fine efforts.......
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Thank you for the good wishes. We had some good news today as we met up with our buyers who said that they plan to re-open both CLs next spring subject of course to CAMC approval. They will not be included in the 2019/20 directory because the change over is happening at just the wrong time but keep checking the website which will be remaining as
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As this will be your last weekend as a CL owner (I think), Alan, I just want to say thanks for all the good times we've spent at Greenacres, and wish both of you all the best for the future. You never know we may see you on a CL somewhere in the country in the future. Cheers.