Have just stayed at a lovely little site in Necton, Norfolk. Non Electric, but lovely secluded, level site. No road noise as off quiet lane. Mr & Mrs king are very friendly owners of the Mona bungalow site. Cockerel next door did tend to crow rather too loudly at day break for quite a while. Fine if can sleep through it as my husband did
Moderator Comment - Moved from Story Section
Note to poster you should really post this as a CL review, to do so go to the page for that CL and follow the link top right to reviews. Thanks.
It's one of the joys of the countryside. It's never really quiet, especially at Harvest time. But the noise is better quality!
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Gee, a cockerel crowing in the countryside, whatever next!
I think it’s lovely to hear.
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A few years ago the oaner of a CL and I were having a chat. He asked if the Cockerel and hens that wandered around the large CL were a nuisance. No problems I replied. Good he said, because he had to shoot the last cockerel due to complaints from customers! He wasn't joking. Apparently the chickens belonged to the pub next door and he'd asked the owners to stop them coming onto his field. The complaints allowed him to take matters into his own hands!
We made sure we were on our best behaviour for the rest of the stay. CL still there but neighbours moved on now, unsurprisingly. However, the CL owner was extremely pleasant. The joys of staying on CLs.
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We used to have chickens, including a cockerel. They lived in a fairly sound proofed shed, in deference to our neighbour's. We did get a strange woman knock on our door one day, enquiring what the unusual noises coming from our garden as they had made her little daughter frightened! Neither mother or daughter had ever seen or heard a live chicken before! They live amongst us!
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One recent review of the Sandringham site complained of being woken early morning bird song . 😱
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Sheep going to the dairy? Really David?
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Oops, Longtimec! They milk goats and buffaloes as well!
Couple of years ago, my OH set off down to SW on his own. One of his stops was a few days on a tiny basic CL on Dartmoor. He was sat outside having his breakfast first morning, noticed it was rather noisy.......sheep shearing day! Farmer came and apologised, said it only lasted a day ( not that my OH was bothered, more fascinated by whole thing!). He did same next morning, sat out having breakfast, nothing but bird song and the odd gentle bleat..............five minutes later..............kaboom, rat tat tat, kaboom..........firing day up on ranges surrounding farm! Brilliant! You just never know what you are going to get on a CL. That's why we love them!😂😁
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Do they need collecting AD, or have they learned the milking times like cows do?
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Oh Athel, that is so sad!
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Some of my favourite cheeses. Lord knows how I thought that they got the milk to made them.
Sorry David.