CL pricing
On a recent break in the northern England and Southern Scotland we used only CLs. Of the 5 we visited only one charged the price per night as shown in the latest sites directory all the others had increased their price by up to £3 per night extra. To me there can be no excuse for not charging the listed price particularly for the first year that the directory is issued. In this day of modern and rapid communication there can be no reasonable reason why the sites directory cannot show the nightly price and the CL owners be required to stick to it. It makes the FROM price shown virtually meaningless and it is high time that these last minute price rises were outlawed particularly in these times of low inflation. The practice could be likened to getting to the checkout in Tesco only to be told 'sorry we have just increased you bill by £10 ' highly undesirable.
We as members should put pressure on the club administration to ensure that the prices published are the prices that are actually charged and this sooner rather than later.
Stephen Parsons.
Memb No18044438
Fully agree. Its even worse when the prices differ to those on the web site. Like many of us we are peripatetic and don't book in advance. Its totally frustrating and they get a poor review from me when it happens. Its part of the demise of the Cl network as we now look at alternatives.
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You could always ask if they do when inquiring about a booking. I doubt they will if it is a busy/popular site, but perhaps you might just have a bit of good fortune if the site is seldom busy. The worse that can happen is that they say that they don't.
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I fully agree with the person who set this question. I for one do not like having to ask for a price per night as it may be more than I can afford to pay and find this very embarrassing if I have to decline. I think the fees for CL's had increased more than they are worth at times. I also object to having to pay for a dog on site, if thy do this to put people going to the site then why not advise no dogs allowed. Surely the site owners could advise the club of change in fee's so the web site could be updated.
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noddy, I agree with your last sentence, but i wonder how long it takes for the CC to update the prices when informed. As for feeling embarrassed if you decline because of price, don't be. I'm sure that if you were getting a quote for a job done and you though the price too high you'd think nothing of saying so, and the same should apply when enquiring about a site's price. All you need say is "I'm sorry but your price is more than I would pay for Blah, Blah Blah". We don't use sites where we has to pay for our dog, out of principle, so never try to book them in the first place.
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The OP questioned the prices in the Handbook, and as noted by a cc reply to a similar question a long time ago there is a cut off date for cl owners to advise of any amendments,before the handbook is published,and some "miss it"so any web updates will probably also not happen
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All CL's are considerably less than Club sites, so I really don't see the problem. The sites directory lasts for two years, and with the added delay caused by the printing process, I tend to be surprised if the price is as written anyway. For me what is much more important is the physical state of the CL, including the EHU.
As I have already said the CL network is the only reason I stay with the caravan club.
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Shop around if you tour in Winter TF. We do, and although there are less Club Sites open, some offer a good Winter price compared with some CLs. If you can factor in the MWD, some are very good, and will have facilities. Bolton Abbey was our bolt hole of choice last December, outside of weekends there were few vans on site, so lovely and quiet, and a fantastic location. Think we paid around £18 per night, with full facilities.
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We charge the same as the book and website say which remains the same all year around. Please have a look at our cl site Resthaven Farm. We also have a Facebook page called Resthaven Farm Cl Site
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There seems to be something very strange going on with this post. one minute there are 12 post and then 23 but when I try to access the latter it keeps going back to the one with 12 posts. Would the moderator please sort this out rather than deleting posts.
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The current handbook was published this year 2017 complete with Walls Icecream Logo. I cannot see why CL's should be increasing their prices at this stage, and would certainly ask why if I was offered an increased price. If prices are increased in the second year of the handbook I can understand it, but even then the increase should be no more than £1 which would still be above the inflation rate. I think there some CL operators are taking advantage of the market. However, I have also heard that the club has recommended some operators invest on hard standings and motor caravan service points and increase their prices "in line with the current market". (= make a killing).
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'Conspiracy theory alert'-it'll be to pay for the ice cream logo
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As a CL owner (whose prices are the same as the book and my website
) I feel compelled to point out that we owners received an email from HO on 22nd April 2016 telling us to make sure our details, including prices, were up to date ready for the new 2017/18 handbook being published. The deadline for changes was mid-May.
I'm not about to make excuses for those CLs who charge differently to the book but merely explain the timescales we are given by HO. I for one had to make a rapid decision about what my charges would be and even then wasn't sure I'd decided correctly.
As to information on the website being correct that is a different and somewhat hit and miss issue. From the many other CL owners I am in touch with I hear sooo many reports of them trying to get their details changed on the website and nothing happening for months and months, if at all.
We're not all bad....
Telephone: 01522 681218
Site 365, page 402 of the 2017/2018 Sites Directory
Read our many wonderful reviews!2 -
Most reassuring, particularly as we booked up with you last week for a 5 day slot in the middle of August. If you can arrange the sky to match the picture when we come, that would be appreciated.
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Thank you for clarifying the timing of changes to the publication. I am not intending to have a go at CL owners in general in my post, and I will state my support of CL owners most of whom are doing a great job for which we are grateful. The op described a situation which is worrying.
As long time users of CL's we have had conversations in the last year or so with CL operators about their difficulty in deciding whether to invest considerable amounts of money or accept a decline in occupancy, because of the demand for facilities more suitable for motorcaravans. Those CL operators who chose to invest are bound to want to recover their investment and make a return on it.
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I really can't see how difficult it is to forecast your costs and charges for 2.5 years, and I do not like arriving at a site and having to pay for hidden extras . In areas of the country where there are a lot of CL's I suppose there is a temptation to keep an advertised price low to attract more customers although they maybe won't come back. My 75% returning customers will keep us going, but we still will welcome a few more at fixed prices.
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Well said supertractorman. My continued use of Cls depends on 1) Fair and open pricing,2) Up to date information on web sites. 3) Hardstanding and EHU for year round use. Nothing else are a quirement. I speak as a cl user for over 50 nights per year but also CC and Commercial sites for a total of some 170 night.
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I normally use CL because of their economical price as opposed to the astronomical charges levied on club sites even in the low season however I can still see no valid reason for unpublished prices hikes particularly for the 1st year of the handbook.The price shown should mean THE PRICE CHARGED Club site charges have increased out of all recognition and caravanning is now in danger of becoming a very expensive holiday option. I also enjoy very often of having the site to myself and with careful choice and investigation on Google Earth the peace and quiet.
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Why not telephone or email a site prior to deciding? It really is that simple! Handbook and website pages both state "prices from......" so they will vary from year to year, season to season.
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I never, ever, look at the prices. If it's where I want be then a couple quid more or less is neither here nor there. I'd actually prefer to pay more for the peace and informality of a CL than to be disciplined on how to pitch at a crowded and kerbstoned commercial site.