After the re-brand to CMC

Now that all the turbulence of last year's name change is over, I really hope that the Club can get the website sorted out
It really is a disgrace !!
It is so S-L-O-W that many a times I just give up ....... the CCC site by comparison is lightening fast and very responsive & a pleasure to use
As one of the leading caravanning clubs in the UK, the website above all else is what really lets the organisation down
I totally disagree, we are all caravaners at heart, motorised or otherwise and enjoy our shared passtime. However, some would wish it different but they really are in a very small minority in my opinion!
Yes, there are differences but the same goes for all of us whether we are RVers, caravaners, folders, campervans, demountables, or motorhomers etc, we love it! Things change, I'd love to go back to my vango force 10 but there again.....
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I’ve not noticed any difference in attitude on site and there’s rarely any noticeable divide on CT. If anything, one or two posters seem to be more anti-caravan than anti-MH.
However, when the name change was first announced we had several vitriolic anti-MH posts but, thankfully, those posters vanished and didn’t continue posting. I think it’s best not to dwell on differences but to concentrate on our sameness to help preserve harmony as we're all part of the same LV hobby.
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+1 there, having been on a few sites since the rebrand and nothing has changed at all, happy contented campers.
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what plethora of signs are you talking about? I can only remember one thread about a sign that most could understand. A plethora is :
a large or excessive amount of something
so maybe you could give, say five or more examples? Ok perhaps two more?
I haven't noticed any divided customer base? what statistics are you basing this one? Posters on CT? a very small sample to draw any significant concussion?
Waste of money? well record levels of membership since 2012 was it?and record winter and spring occupancy so make your own mind up about it?
You seem to be assuming that I am referring to CT alone M.
is this another one of your string along posts?
You know when after 8 pages you'll tell us what it's really about?
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so must you as you keep going to club sites?
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I guess life's what you make it, DD.
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I don’t hold the C&MC responsible for division it’s the ‘online lovers of division’ that’s to be held responsible. When I LV’d I never met a single contrary or aggressive camper, I now use a Tent or Pod, again nothing but welcoming folk. Conclusion(personal opinion) it’s certain forumistas that actively look for confrontation to liven up their dull lives. As soon as C&MC open their sites to Tents generally-I’ll be back👍🏻😊
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I believe the practice of road signs that portray a tent is starting to happen over here as well
Also I believe there are sites over here that allow tents and caravans? Are you focusing on the club again as the source for your posts, as said we're not mind readers?
btw they have campsites on the the ferry?
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yes +1. It is generally the posters that want to stir up mischief on here that are responsible for any online division, sad really that this happens
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David why would try to put someone off joining the club,if you are not happy with it then just leave and let the members who enjoy and support the club carry on enjoying their hobby within that.
All this talk about divides ,Ive never come across it in the many years we have been members We just enjoy our hobby and enjoy meeting people regardless of who they are or what they are camping in .Life is very short ,enjoy it.
From a very happy Brian & Jo @Damage Barton site😊
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I think David feels that if we are not camping his way (over there and not on club sites) then we cannot be happy?
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I believe the practice of road signs that portray a tent is starting to happen over here as well
The International Road Sign for an ungated railway level crossing is still the outline of a steam locomotive.
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I like that
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That was exactly my experience after catching a ferry this year. No discrimination by unit type, campsites well signed and as for the facilities, they were first class in most instances and better than the club’s.
So, David, I completely agree with you. 😀
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and even the exchange rate was good? £1 = £1?
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Spot on although their notes are a bit odd. 😛
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I do wonder why those with Stayintheukitis syndrome. cannot accept that so many vanners enjoy the experience of touring on the continent as well as at home.
Perhaps if they listened to those with greater experience and broader minds, they would learn something about the joys of touring abroad, They might even be tempted to open their minds and cross to continental Europe with their vans, to discover the joys of vanning among people of different countries which many posters on here enjoy.