Fly screens and ventilation

Jane Patricia
Jane Patricia Forum Participant Posts: 2
edited June 2018 in Motorhomes #1

My husband and I are about to take delivery of our new VW T6 van not long before heading off to the South West of France in July! We've done camping in the past, and hired motor homes in Scotland (no midges on those occasions) and I've always been terribly prone to being bitten. Want to be able to sleep without fear of waking up with itchy red lumps all over. I've googled fly screens bu haven't really found anything suitable (and at a price my husband will accept !) for either the cab windows or the habitation door.

Anyone got any tips or advice ?


  • Apperley
    Apperley Club Member Posts: 254
    edited June 2018 #2

    If you are really prone to the bites have you considered sleeping in a mosquito net? They are relatively cheap and available for a double bed size. Only problem is somehow fixing the centre to the ceiling, but I am sure that is doable. 

  • Unknown
    edited June 2018 #3
    This content has been removed.
  • Jane Patricia
    Jane Patricia Forum Participant Posts: 2
    edited June 2018 #4

    Thanks to you both for your advice. I feel a bit more confident about various measures which we can take to make us as bug secure as possible

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,518
    2,500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited June 2018 #5

    You could also consider buying an electric mosquito/insect killer. You can get mains and 12 volt powered ones. You just insert a tablet into them and they give off an odourless vapour which kills insects espcially mosquitos. Boots sells mains powered ones and we find them very effective. For a 12volt one see >here<


  • wfairfull
    wfairfull Forum Participant Posts: 3
    edited August 2018 #6

    Broken cord on my sliding fly screen. Any ideas about repairing already tried to tie the bottom cord but only lasted one day on my 2009 Swift Escape 686