Things we like about the CMC
Without a doubt the best is the Excellent Head Office staff who answer the telephones. So professional, polite and helpful.--- The CMC sites are all of a similar standard, described as "good".----- The public lavatories and public showers on - site are cleaned to a "very good" standard, as are the water taps, chemical disposal area and drains. ------------ Head office has produced a excellent set of on- site rules to enable everybody to have a relaxing and safe holiday. --- There lies the challenge. ---- If those rules were enforced, there would never ever be any forum posts from disappointed customers advising of breaches of those rules spoiling their enjoyment. Unfortunately there are a fair number as seen on the forum.
So on the whole the CMC is a good retailer of goods and services, only one blip in their reputation. IMHO, a blip which could be easily fixed.
Things we like about the CMC
The bargain £51 membership giving me access to all those CL's......
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With an ever growing membership it just proves that all is mostly good,
and the miniscule amount of complaints are just a tiny few who seem normally to need something to do with their time and are out of kilter with the vast majority of members
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yes record membership. Also what is reported on here is not what happens in real life, as those that are allowed on club sites twill know.
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I like the flowers the wardens plant
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We think the CMC membership is extremely good value for money.Excellent club sites ,brilliant CL network .No matter what the club does or doesn’t do there will always be some negative comments.But for us it works😊👍.
Brian & Jo
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Why not -- If you guys would like to have a whip round and send the £51.00 to me. I might just do that.
As long as it's not coming out of my pocket.
The Excellent CL network of private 5 van sites would be the only reason to spend your money..
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The Excellent CL network of private 5 van sites
And they are really really good K, the crowning jewel, the shining star, absolutely excellent........
It's such a shame you can't join us on them.....
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Been using them for well over 30 years, so I know just how good they are. They are the "Jewel in the Crown of the CMC"-- so much better than club sites. Been to all the ones I like, so not in any hurry to spend my own money to go back,
, there are so many equally good alternatives available now.
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there are so many equally good alternatives available now.
There are indeed, enjoy yourself on those sites, it makes it just that little bit easier for us 365000 members of the CC to get on our hugely popular sites if you're not there. Not a lot obviously, but every little helps.....
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One of the main advantages is that you have a very good idea of what you are going to get on each club site which you visit in terms of cleanliness etc, and further information such as TV reception, bus stops, nearest town, etc is available simply by reading the information supplied in the club book. Everyone has different likes and dislikes so whilst one site may suit one person it may not suit someone else, however, the basics of the sites are always the same. My only complaint, addressed to myself, is that I wish that I had bought my motorhome and joined the club sooner.
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"there are so many equally good alternatives available now. "
There certainly are, K, and suggesting alternatives is always sound advice. No reasonable person could possibly describe it as "bullying" or "antagonistic", I'm sure you'd agree!
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That sounds like a really good definition of "membership" Micky, like minded individuals coming together to take part in a shared and loved activity, and willing to pay a subscription to do so........
Or maybe not, in some instances!
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Come on folks let’s give a big hand to our resident group. . . .(drum roll) Mega Troll & the Trollettes👍🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻. I would like to thank you for tuning in & I hope(like me) you found exactly what you’d expected. Mega Troll & the Trollettes will be coming to a thread near you very soon👍🏻😊
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"Things we like about the CMC"
That its open to all to benefit from the advice and experiences of paying members who fund it.
Seriously though, I can see in the future the forum being closed to non members because some do nothing more than mock and stir things, that's fine in my book but a shame for those who contribute in a positive way who would be denied access because of the actions of others.
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Because there is - probably. 😋