Fiamma type awnings
Having been caravanning for over 30 years and coming to a certain age, I have thought and mulled over having a Fiamma type awning, that will travel on side of caravan. Being a bit "over cautious" I contacted the caravan maker.. Coachman, and asked whether they recommended such an awning. Their response was "No". The reason I post this is to make others aware, whether their caravan makers will recommend this type of awning. They stated it could affect the warranty if something was to happen. As most new caravans have a 10 year water ingress warranty, damage to the caravan with a Fiamma type awning attached may negate this warranty.
We have been using one and traveling with it attached on this and our previous van. 12 years in total, with no problems to date. I personally can't see it putting a significant strain on the rail when rolled and traveling. When you see the way some full awnings pull on it in high winds, I would have thought that equally stressful. The main advantage of the roll type is they can be easily put away when high winds are forecast. So are not out in such a situation.
How would they know you travelled with it attached? True the little lugs leave marks, but I would use them even if not leaving it on for travel.
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I have used a the caravanstore type awning in the past and found it to be of limited use as they do not cope with high winds as well as other awnings. They are useful as a quick sunshade or awning in the right conditions but I have been caught out several times with squally weather once breaking a rafter pole. Did Coachman actually say that the warranty would be void if one should be used?
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I wonder if Coachman's view draws any distinction between the permanently fixed type versus the slide-in awning rail type. I can't see how a slide-in type is any different to any other awning. Certainly, in our recently new Swift, I can find no reference to awning type in the reams of paperwork, anyway.
we are thinking about getting a slide-in type, mainly for European use in better weather.
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My wife is a member on SwiftTalk and Swift were asked about the use of these awnings several years back and the effect on their guarantee. They stated then that they had no problem with them.
We have been travelling with a Fiamma in our awning rail for 9 years now and have had no problems with the awning rail or any water ingress.
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A number of manufacturers including Coachman have said this in the past. Most (Bailey excepted) will also not allow a canopy awning to be permanently fixed. Funny that both methods are common practice on continental vans.