Why can't they?



  • gatewaya89
    gatewaya89 Forum Participant Posts: 157
    edited May 2018 #62

    Hi All

    Lets just make clear this wasn't a Friday afternoon wind up thread and in fact we did write to those at Head office to think about how to improve general facilities at some large site locations on this subject. However in order to test the waters why not canvas for support using a forum like this that is what these forums are about?to gain advice. But for all those that think its a wind up our sincere apologies we didn't set out to wind anyone up but to canvas opinions! As for not being taken serious in the future well that's surly down to the content of thread written by us and the replies which others place on the thread?

  • Justus2
    Justus2 Forum Participant Posts: 897
    edited May 2018 #63

    We use different types of sites, with both clubs, and commercial and 5 van sites too. We have our our 12 volt pump which was about a tenner so personally I see no point in providing air on this clubs sites. But it may be of value for those who have no 12 volt pump of their own and who only ever use this clubs sites.

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,167
    2,500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited May 2018 #64

    Next you’ll be asking for a full time vet on site due to the number of dogs 🐕 and oh yes how about a crèche.  A roof wash down area would be excellent. Bet no commercial sites have all of these or a tyre facility.

    I have my own pump, in fact I checked my tyres this morning and all ok.



  • Dickdastardly1
    Dickdastardly1 Forum Participant Posts: 153
    edited May 2018 #65

    The wardens have tyre gauges and a foot pump available