Why can't they?
Hi Takethedogalong
In answer to your question like many other members we wouldn't dream of moving an inch until all the safety checks have been done and checked off the list, God forbid we would drive with incorrect tyre pressures, and just like you we have all the gadgets to check and inflate and level and all sorts! But as you should have read its about convenience and as we are charged quite a few pounds to stay on each of our club sites perhaps going forward now and for the next 30 years + the club should look to upgrade into the 21st century with so much technology about it would be silly not too! The old ways are fine for those that want to carry on like and that's they way they have always done it however there are other opinions out there apart from ours?
Its all about setting standards and as this is meant to be the best club we are always told shouldn't we lead the way with new ideas for others to follow
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My point was that you are only addressing a very tiny proportion of the membership and not reaching a wider audience of members.
As a user of the forum and one who purports to be familiar with the club’s governance, I’m shocked to learn you’ve not come across DSB moderator of this forum and club council member. And you surely know who the Community Manager is. If not, I fear you’re really out of touch both with the club set up and practicalities on site, GW.
Space on servers? What? I was talking about physical space on club sites to accommodate your suggested facility.
If you’re already deep in discussion with head office, there’s no more to be said as they'll be dealing.
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Second set of questions. Have you investigated the installation costs, maintenance costs, anti vandalism costs of providing such a service? Some sites are only open part of the year, and lie unused, but not always locked up for the rest of it. Marazion for example has a footpath right through the site. Open invitation for anyone looking for spare parts for a compressor! The vandalism of some of these units is what has prompted some garages and supermarkets to levy a charge. All key points to consider in your dialogue with HQ.
Now if your suggestion was to ask the Club to see if it could set up a deal with some of the Motor Factors around giving a discount to members on all kinds of gauges and pumps.......then I would be saying, what a good idea!
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Yes we believe its Rowena and very nice to speak too as well Tinwheeler..lol
Your opinion on this matter is very valid however Its not the only opinion out there so if you really don't mind we shall continue to canvass for other members opinions but again sincerely thank you for your small contribution on this idea.
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Well said, TDA. 👍🏻
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So why ask if DSB is the forum manager?
You are so welcome to my 'small' contribution which I think you’ll find is fairly typical. In return I thank you for your hilarious wind up which has provided an afternoon's entertainment.
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Hi Takealongthedog
We think you missed the point again or what was wrote? we didn't say put them in every location just a few? not ones which are not open all year not one's which only cater for a few but choose a site within the UK which meets all the security and safety aspects and then do a deal with the pump company as they install them not the caravan club?
Seems simply to us just got to get members behind the idea of convenience can't we move away from the past and how things used to be?
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Naughty M, you know we have a foot (or should that be wheel?) in both camps. Correctly inflated mind........
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Hi Tinwheeler
Thanks for comments yes we do have a funny sense of humour in London..lol but at least it made the afternoon go a little faster, we trust you took nothing to heart?
Thanks again for your contribution..lol
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In my 37 years as a member having towed caravans and now drive a motorhome it has never crossed my mind that the Club should provide facilities to inflate tyres. Unless you are adjusting tyre pressures on the towing vehicle from towing mode to solo mode, although not all vehicles require this, how often do you find a substantial difference in pressure that need adjusting? Most adjustments I would imagine, unless you have a problem, will be quite small which can easily be corrected by foot pump. You could fit a TPMS system which actually gives to a reading of tyre pressure. I have one on my motorhome.
There are other potential problems. I imagine the investment would be quite large to buy and install a tyre pressure machine on each campsite. I assume they would be run by electricity so would need PAT testing every six months. The Club have already removed electrical items from Club sites like irons and tumble dryers because the they were not used sufficiently to warrant the cost of regular testing. I am not sure your suggestion would be top of my list as the problem can be solved quite easily by caravan and motorhome owners sorting the issue out for themselves with no involvement from the Club.
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So, as you seem to be saying you have your own kit to check your tyre pressures, why would you want to pay to use a site facility?
Sites are expensive enough as it is without the Club providing what most on here seem to regard as an unnecessary extra!
The forum may not reflect the opinion of all members, but I think it does give some indication of it.
Have you actually thought this through? Imagine the space that would be needed to accomodate a large twin axle and towcar. Would you then envisage providing space for another 2 or 3 units to queue in?
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Hi All
What a great afternoons entertainment and such a good idea to get such a response..lol If people keep taking on this thread it may break all the records..lol
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To be fair to the OP, I have just done a bit of digging around on the forum, and understand checking tyre pressures to be a bit of a thing with the OP, and have a better understanding of why this suggestion has been made. But I still think it is a personal need, easily addressed by buying the kind of tyre check/ inflation device to suit.
I understand your sentiments around changes, increasing services to members, but members who have been around for a long time know that all these improvements ultimately find their way into an increase in pitch fees, many of which are not required by a large percentage of users, but they have to pay regardless. Many long time members are changing their usage of Club Sites that provide all the extras and seeking out lower priced alternatives, such as CLs and nice private sites. In truth, I personally don't think that duplicating something to be found on every garage forecourt, and inside most safety conscious car owners vehicles to be a must have necessity on a few Club Sites.
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Dream on about the thread record by the way, you are too new to be aware of the Departure Times thread that topped tens of thousands of posts, would still be going now if it hadn't got so heated and closed! That was real fun!
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Me tetchy?
Nah, I forget the smiley if I am tetchy! Tad bored as it's raining heavy here, and I had gardening plans....but never tetchy
At least not until the next dog walk....in the rain......with a pair of reluctant hounds......
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I'ver always been disinclined to pay to use a garage airline, so have always carried my own foot pump. The same would apply to a CAMC facility. The previously suggested "gas refill" facility would, IMHO, be more useful but there we're equally in 'Tamworth' country.
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Judging by your original post gatewaya89 I suspect that you were a little bored this afternoon. Who would not have the means to test pressure and inflate tyres on their outfit before setting off on a trip would not have the means to inflate tyres either on driveway or storage?
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Hi EasyT
Spot on as usual, Yes we have all the gadgets needed to carry out such important checks!
But it was still good to see that there is life out there and so much opinions as well..lol
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Personally I can't see the point. It is far more convienient to use my own equipment to check and adjust pressures on the pitch.
I can't remember the last time I used a service station compressor. The gauges were never accurate anyway, so you had to use your own. Plus unless very close to home the tyres were warm and should of course be checked cold. So I have always had my own means, originally foot now 12 volt.
Its not as though a 12 volt pump is particularly expensive, or heavy / bulky.
So no GW, I won't be getting behind your initiative.
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Steve, it’s all a big wind up! All hot air, you might say.
GW, the trouble is that once you start a thread as a wind up for personal amusement, you’ll never ever be taken seriously again. Never mind, you'll live with it.
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As others have proved eh Tinners?
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Off topic but in the spirit of the thread, when we returned our caravan to storage today at Alderstead Heath we discovered they have a dedicated Caravan/Motor home was bay that you can book and use
Wish I had known last week when we cleaned the caravan the hard way with a bucket and water sprayer
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you actually use a foot pump? I mean wow, respect CY, Seriously I couldn't manage more than a few pushes.
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Very very true TW.
I think you have shown admirable respect and restraint throughout your replies as well.
Now just to complete the thread - what happens over there? I expect it's like the pits on a F1 race track, you drive in and a swarm of mechanics check individual tyres?
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I might be a soft southerner but I'm reasonably fit given that I'm past my 'sell-by' date.