Club Rules
Thanks that's what i understood,but several members were getting a "ear bashing" by the staff saying it is now max 2mtrs but as one of neigbours said they cannot show when it changed ,, but was not up to challenging it,it happened as we were just getting ready to leave,and then did not expect the internet where we are at Clumber Park to be this quick
although it is still a black hole as far as mobile phone coverage is concerned
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As often been said on here by myself and others , what actually happens on club sites and what is reported to have happened or the picture painted by some posters are simply just worlds apart. yes things happen but nowhere near the frequency posted. Most (well 99.5% of my time) of the time on club sites they are peaceful with everyone very happy.
I think the OP was a wind up
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I've always been of the opinion that the vast majority of us don't need rules as we can judge what really are neighbourly and respectful behaviours for ourselves! However, those rules are there, I guess, to define those expectations we hold dear for those who are unsure!
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As explained to me a few months back ......the OP was a seagull post ....drop a load of sh** fly away......never to return .👍
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Seagull poster-‘they fly in, dump on folk then fly off’ not many around these days C3. CT had a resident flock at one time that periodically ‘seagulled’😊
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Exactly. A seagull poster.
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We are born into a world of rules! The only people liable should be those who deliberately choose to ignore these rules or take risks. If they, the purporators, damage my property or injury me or my loved ones then they are liable. Rules, are written in MHO, to reduce risk as far as possible, it's up to us to ensure we, or our dependants, adhere to them and don't add significantly to the dangers that exist in life. That's called being a good citizen or in our case fellow members.
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Hi all
Anyone can post as little or as much as they like on CT. The OP makes comments about site issues that must always be brought up with wardens whilst issues are occurring on site.
It is well documented that one man's form of relaxation is another man's headache but it is right to suggest that our Site Rules are there to benefit all.
Being considerate to fellow tourers is the key; but as you are all discussing not always adhered to
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So, any clarification on the length of dog leads, Helen?
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The CAMC site we'll be on from tomorrow says:
'Please keep your dog on a lead not
exceeding 3 metres at all times on the
pitching areas and roads within the site'
might need to be a bit shorter on Sunday when the gee gees are running to the rail, if your pitch is on the rail, or it could be something different on the barbie
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Thanks, KS, but I was hoping a staff member would post something definitive and constructive for future reference.
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Certainly not. Can't have people's slumbers disturbed. Make it 10:00am.
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On a lead at all times is the rule. why would anyone want or choose to ignore those rules? As we know, even the very best of dogs can surprise us and even their owners too can set a bad example to others who really don't care a jot or give a damn. I hear the cry, it's alright for them, the rule only applies some! We do and others follow!
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Someone suggested I left carnage and did not return. I cannot see why I should make much further comment as I am not a storyteller just saying it as it is in reality. Some dog owners are considerate but nowadays from my observations a majority are not. At this particular moment I can hear dogs barking and their owner trying with little success trying to stop them. In the owners "defence" they do tend to pick up when their dogs foul the site. This is for all sites whether they have a dog walk or not. Not good for the next occupier of the pitch but I suppose better than nothing. I really think that dogs should incur a charge per night. However no doubt a lot of dog owners would expect the Wardens to pick up after their dogs if they were charged
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It’s obviously not bothering you much, DD, or you’d have done something about it.
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yes can't take risk with fire spacing
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translation = doesn't bother me at all, but I can write on CT about it
Btw, how less is much less? what are you tralking about? 20 cm? 1 m? I assume you have measured it DD? Got your tape measure out?
You are right to be bothered, you should not be subjected to a fire risk. Tell the wardens!
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You forgot the bit “....or you’d have done something about it.”
So something that concerns you so little warrants a post on CT instead of acting. Bored this afternoon, are you?
Keep up? I’d leave you standing.😂😂😂😂
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DD, you are in a MH, just shuffle sideways a little, then you will have no cause for concern! Or do what we would do, and move pitch altogether! Easy in a MH!