Fiat Ducato Buyer Beware

ScreenNameB5EAC6977B Forum Participant Posts: 5
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edited May 2018 in Motorhomes #1

For the benefit of Fiat motorhome owners:

My Fiat Ducato developed a problem with the fuel gauge which started to give erratic and incorrect readings. I took the vehicle to a Fiat dealer within the 2 year warranty period and the fault was duly registered.

6 weeks later the dealer had not traced the fault as it was intermittent. I was charged £ 288 to investigate the fault without it being resolved. I paid the bill under protest and took the vehicle away on two long consecutive road trips. The problem persisted and I took the vehicle back to the dealer with a full tank of fuel and the gauge reading empty. The vehicle is still at the dealers and I await developments.

Fiat maintain that the vehicle is now out of warranty and they MAY pay for any repair costs as a goodwill gesture. They decline to cover the cost of the fruitless investigation.

The warranty states that Fiat, with certain exceptions, will replace defective parts including the labour cost. 

I have had a dialogue with Fiat Customer Care by phone but with one exception they decline to communicate in writing. They ignored or claimed not to have seen or read a long message I had sent setting out the issues and asking for a response.

My request to speak to a manager or team leader was declined.

My request to send transcripts of the phone conversations was met with silence.

My request for an explanation for their stance that the vehicle was out of warranty was met by silence.

After taking legal advice from the Club, I have now requested these transcripts, citing the appropriate legislation. I have asked for the competent authority which oversees their warranty agreement and I have asked for a copy of their complaints proceedure.

Importantly, I have notified Fiat that if the cause of the fault is due to extraneous factors I will withdraw my claim and accept responsibilty for the costs. I say this because the vehicle suffered some damage by mice while in storage and this may be the cause.

My issue with Fiat is not for the first time I am experiencing very poor customer service. 

Last January I phoned them 3 times to enquire how to disable the speed radar warning function as it is illegal in France. On each occasion I was promised a call back with the answer - I am still waiting.  Informatively, I discovered that the function is disabled automatically in France.

If anyone has similar experiences to share, pleased to hear. 


  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,465
    10,000 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited May 2018 #2

    ‘Twas ever thus, I’m afraid. 

    Back when the X250 was launched C.2007, there were numerous faults and complaints, mainly about clutch judder. MH forums were full of it. Fiat Customer Care proved to be appalling and it’s one reason I now try hard to avoid Fiats. I’m even dubious about my Pug Boxer seeing it’s a Sevel but at least I won’t be dealing with Fiat if problems arise. 

    I realise the foregoing is no help to you, PH, but at least you’ll be aware that Customer Care has long been a misnomer where Fiat is concerned. 

    Good luck. 

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited May 2018 #3

    Not  for  nothing  is  FIAT  often  quoted  as  standing  for  :--

     Fix IAgain  Toni    !!


    { Some  other  manufacturers  get  similar  comments  !! }

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited May 2018 #4

    The way I have been told to deal with Fiat UK,is to contact Fiat HQ in Italy with a strong email written in Italian explaing your problemssurprised

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited May 2018 #5

    The way I have been told to deal with Fiat UK,is to contact Fiat HQ in Italy with a strong email written in Italian explaing your problemssurprised

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited May 2018 #6

    The way I have been told to deal with Fiat UK,is to contact Fiat HQ in Italy with a strong email written in Italian explaing your problemssurprised

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited May 2018 #7

    The way I have been told to deal with Fiat UK,is to contact Fiat HQ in Italy with a strong email written in Italian explaing your problemssurprised

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited May 2018 #8

    The way I have been told to deal with Fiat UK,is to contact Fiat HQ in Italy with a strong email written in Italian explaing your problemssurprised

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited May 2018 #9

    The way I have been told to deal with Fiat UK,is to contact Fiat HQ in Italy with a strong email written in Italian explaing your problemssurprised

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited May 2018 #10

    The way I have been told to deal with Fiat UK,is to contact Fiat HQ in Italy with a strong email written in Italian explaining your problemssurprised

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,465
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    edited May 2018 #11

    Gee, 16 times. Are you trying to make a point, JV?laughing

    Do you suggest we contact Fiat in Italy?wink

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited May 2018 #12

    The website at Clumber seems to have developed a ssssstuttterrsurprised

  • ScreenNameB5EAC6977B
    ScreenNameB5EAC6977B Forum Participant Posts: 5
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    edited May 2018 #13

     Thanks Tinwheeler, ABM and JVB66 for your comments, at least I know I am not alone....

    PS Hope I am using this message board correctly, it's my first attempt.


  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,465
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    edited May 2018 #14

    I would never have known you were a first timer, PH. At least you didn't have JV's stutterlaughing.

    Welcome to CT.

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited May 2018 #15

    For  many  years  it  was  accepted  that  Motor  Homers  of  all  types  were  friendly  souls  spending  time  on  the  road  waving  to  other  m/homers.  This  was  always  untrue  --  we  were  just  slapping  the  top  of  the  dash  board  to  make  the  darned  thing  behave  as  it  should   ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,

  • Unknown
    edited May 2018 #16
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  • Kontikiboy
    Kontikiboy Forum Participant Posts: 304
    edited May 2018 #17

    I have had dealings with Fiat HQ in Milan and found them very courteous, friendly and spoke excellent English.  The last time was about having fog lights fitted, retrospectively.     I spoke to my Fiat Pro dealer, Chelston at Wellington, and was quoted £750.     I challenged the price as my van was pre wired for fog lights at the factory.   The dealer said the pre-wiring was only for use by the factory if the fog lights were ordered with the van as an optional extra.     The high cost was due to a second relay having to be fitted.

    I phoned Fiat in Milan who then spoke to Chelston and asked them to do a discount for me, but Chelston refused.   I didnt buy the fog lights at that price, but Fiat sent me a credit note for £75 off my next service for the my trouble.

    I also asked there advice on where I could buy engine oil, because no one in UK had any stock of the new 0-W30, about a year ago.     I was about to go to Spain for a couple of months and wanted to carry some spare oil.    Fiat sent me a huge list of places I could get the oil from.  I eventually bought it from a back street garage in Spain!

    So far, no issues with Fiat and love driving the big beast!     16,000 miles in 26 months.     I find the steering is lighter than my Volvo.

    I have a mouse in my garage which is helping itself to my bird food!


  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited May 2018 #18

    Your  mouse  might  have  been  related  to  the  one  that   ate  my  peanuts,  KB  --  but,  believe  me,  you  won't  be  getting  a  visit  from  the  north innocent !!

  • Unknown
    edited May 2018 #19
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  • Kontikiboy
    Kontikiboy Forum Participant Posts: 304
    edited May 2018 #20

    Hi BB, thanks for that, good to know.    I have a feeling that is what was used at my first service in January.     However, the 0w30 I bought in Beni was 5L, so hope I dont have to buy anymore for some time.

    How is your weather down there?


  • Kontikiboy
    Kontikiboy Forum Participant Posts: 304
    edited May 2018 #21

    Hi ABM, hope not, wont be here!


  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited May 2018 #22

    I  wasn't  thinking  of  ME  KB,  It  was  the  ( now  ex - ) mouse  actually  wink


  • Kontikiboy
    Kontikiboy Forum Participant Posts: 304
    edited May 2018 #23

    Oh Brian, Poor old mouse!    But cleared up the mystery.    I did think of getting some device or powder to get rid of it but thought as it was my fault for leaving the food around I would give it a chance....There is no food around anymore.


  • Unknown
    edited May 2018 #24
    This content has been removed.
  • Minnie Minky
    Minnie Minky Forum Participant Posts: 2
    edited October 2019 #25

    I've always purchased my oil from a specialist supplier, BillC, namely... 

    Not a huge difference between 0-W30 or 5-W30, apart from viscosity below -35 degrees centigrade. And fully synthetic is more stable, with less additives. 

    Parahandy1 - what year is your Ducato, how long was it in storage, and why weren't there vermin controls in place ?

  • rayjsj
    rayjsj Forum Participant Posts: 930
    edited October 2019 #26

    As my 2014 euro5 Ducato is long out of any warranty, I do all my own servicing ,get all filters off of ebay,  incl fuel filter. I use Total Quartz  ineos 5w/30  as recommended by Peugeot but strangely not by Fiat ? Anyone know why ?   Considerable price difference. I pay £24 per 5 litre.

    It is fully synthetic.   Selenia is as rare as hens teeth around here.

    Electronic screamer keeps mice out. 9v versions available.

  • rayjsj
    rayjsj Forum Participant Posts: 930
    edited October 2019 #27

     Blooming heck their oil is priced like Champagne! I'll stick with Total.

  • Minnie Minky
    Minnie Minky Forum Participant Posts: 2
    edited October 2019 #28

    Fully sythnetic 5W-30 for £5/litre is excellent. cool

    Fuchs TITAN XTR 5W-30 from Opie is £24.99, inc delivery, for 5 litres. Used to get a 10-15% forum discount on a previous car modding forum I was involved with, before I got old, took early retirement, and bought a motorhome. tongue-out

    Oil companies, as far as I've been made aware, pay very large back handers to car manufacturers to get their product listed as a "manufacturer recommended" product, knowing full well that they have a monopoly on all dealership servicing during warranty periods.

    I used a specialist sports garage previously, for my modified car, which was owned and run by an ex Ford WRX mechanic.

    His choice of engine oil was either Fuchs or Motul, and always fully synthetic.

  • ScreenNameB5EAC6977B
    ScreenNameB5EAC6977B Forum Participant Posts: 5
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    edited November 2019 #29

    The follow up on my original story about Fiat not honouring their warranty.

    Once I got a lawyer on the case, Fiat rapidly changed their minds and coughed up £764 which included the final and successful repair conducted by my local ( non Fiat ) garage.

    I am still pursuing Fiat via the appropriate channels and my local MP regarding their failure to release my personal data in breach of  the Data Protection regulations.

  • Fifi Fiat
    Fifi Fiat Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited March 2021 #30

    Our 2015 Imala bought new, engine failed August 2020, five and a half years old, 28750 miles, serviced but not by Fiat. Fiat UK Customer service UK (in Italy) unhelpful to put it politely. Auto-Trail unresponsive to mail or follow up discussion. We claimed regrettably from the dealer under Consumer Rights Act 2015 as the vehicle under six years old and not fit for purpose. Just received payment and costs £9200. Sad but fair.

    We love our Imala and look forward to more great travels.