Holiday archive

Does anyone else think it would be a good addition to the bookings area to show past bookings?
ie, dates from too and site.
I think it would be great to look back. It may remind you of great holidays at past sites you may have forgotten.
im open to comments and I have emailed the web team.
I don't see the point of it tbh.
The website has a hard enough job coping now and I wouldn't have thought adding to its burden would help but good luck to you in your quest, ggess.
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A lot of ( not caravanning) sites I use do allow you to view past orders for many years. Personally I would find it useful, I do tend to enter bookings into my iPad so can scroll back almost 5 years and find where we went when. Although this is not as obvious, unless I mess about turning calendars of / on.
However, as TW says the site is already struggling, the servers seem to be on there last legs, and I would not want to put them under any more stress.
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Sorry no Pippah because the amount of data that will be added to the database especially as the years go by, I do believe in keeping my own record of where we've been and recently extracted this data from my computer calendar and have this in a personal database.
I've even started a personal blog [not published] of our journeys to remind us of our trips.
Very much agree with you about the importance of being able to look back.
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You could create this archive yourself by storing the booking confirmation e-mails you get. Depending on e-mail client you can usually create folders for storing mail. You would then have instant access to all the sites you have booked with all the information without the need to log on here. As far as this website is concerned we have a whole heap of things that need attending to before we start to consider other add ons. If we ever get to a stage where we can expand the functionality of this forum your suggestion would have to compete with other ideas but from recent experience I think you may need to be prepared to wait a long,long time! Sorry to sound negative but recent experience does not lend itself to optimism as far as this forum is concerned.
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I had a book and listed all caravan trips and mileage right from the start on the 9/9/99 (20 miles Ropers to home to Storage). Our first trip to a club site was Troutbeck Head on the 12/11/99 and 199 miles. This was made into a spreadsheet a few year later and still completed after every trip. My first year's towing was 2015 miles.
You could start to save your booking emails and move them into an email caravan folder (I sadly do that too)
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My little book only holds dates, places and recently each year the date of the first swallow arriving (don't know why but I write it in.) At the front is a list of things we needed and intended to buy for the van. The first trip was to Porlock, possible the most difficult access locally for a first outing, we didn't know that at the time but we soon found out!
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Pre internet days, I kept a little black book of sites and CLs we used. Some are no longer on network nowadays, but I still have contact details!
Personally, I don't clog up my device memory with too much nowadays, although you could always store such stuff elsewhere.
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Our girls started a log book after seeing one free with one of the caravan magazines back in 1985 when we first caravanned. Dates site name, and comments on what the site was like, we still use it today, though getting tatty round the edges. It's good to look back on and brings back memories.
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I've done, and kept, a list of sites visited & the reasons why for more years than I care to remember. It even includes those years when the CC charged Deposits, stating who holds the info !! It was started to act as a reminder just for each year, now it's another pleasant memory prodder to peruse in the depths of winter !!