Club Magazine Technical team to the rescue

Reading the latest magazine, and the Technical question/answer page 124, I was delighted to read the response to what units are allowed on sites. So many times I have been reported to the wardens for contravening rules, being in possession of a Turtle 1200 Teardrop Caravan. Here it was in black and white column, as an acceptable option, is teardrop caravans. Woah, I am dancing around my lounge at home, I love you, technical expert. This edition of the magazine will be stored away inside one of my two cubby holes onboard.....
Good to get it in black and white Jeff, keep it to hand! Thirty plus years ago we always had a struggle on our hands convincing Wardens (and some membership snobs) that our little camper van was indeed a proper caravette!
Brilliant little tourer, enjoy!
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Why on earth would people report a teardrop caravan as contravening the rules, especially after the warden has already allowed it on site? I’m shocked by that.
Some people!
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Apparently in the distant past, caravans were described as having a bed, and a fixed table. Anything else wasn’t a caravan ! What really gets to me, and often upsets me, is folks who come around asking to look at everything, and chat about what a marvellous little tourer you have there Jeff. Then off they walk into the wardens office, to ask for my removal. It’s happened so many times
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I’m very sorry some of our fellow members seem to be so narrow minded and have treated you in that way, Jeff. I thought we'd left that sort of attitude behind long ago. Apparently not.
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I’m another who enjoys seeing unusual outfits on site. I would never dream of complaining and can’t understand the narrow thought process of some people.
Hope you have many years happy touring with whatever outfit you choose, and try and ignore the small minded bigots.
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I could understand if people came up and had a chat about it with you out of pure curiosity, but report you to the warden are there really people like that?
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We had a lovely teardrop caravan next to us a few years ago at Meathrop Fell, never entered my head to report it to the warden, why would you?
Only thing I wondered about was where did the dog sleep?
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Oh yes, and some
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totally unbelievable that people do this. I don't care what is pitched next to me, boat, igloo, MH, caravan, trailer tent, or how many cars are parked on the pitch. Surely how people behave is more far important than what they sleep in?
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TDJ.. Does this telling tales ever happen on commercial sites or does it only occur on Club sites (CAMC or C&CC)?
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So far only Club Sites. On C, CC sites that I have been on, just a few; no problems at all. I would add, one occasion at Crystal Palace, the warden told the complainer in no certain terms; they loved to see me there each year. I heard this from sat on the bench outside the office, eating a lolly...... made me smile as the member walked past
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I suppose as most C&CC members have probably progressed from camping they are more tolerant of anything out of the norm.
or maybe campers are just nicer people!!
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Hasn't everyone?
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Well my wife thinks I do at times.
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Wise lady
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I’m not sure about being nicer people but C&CC members seem far more willing to smile and say "Good morning" on site than their counterparts on CAMC sites.
I've also seen some very novel units on C&CC sites. The type of thing that would raise eyebrows on a CAMC site.
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I have to add, that over the years no warden has ever told me to leave the site. All, that have spoken to me about the complaints have taken the view, lovely to see a teardrop on site.... I quite like our wardens, in general they are some lovely people; I particularly like the wardens Labrador dog, down at new forest centenary park, whom I suspect manages the place, joke