The next announcement???



  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited February 2018 #62

    Not at all happy David that you should apparently think that being a motorhomer would mean that it was any more important that you be able to book hard stand than myself as a caravanner. wink


  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,394
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    edited February 2018 #63

    So if they release July and August together folk will be booking next years holiday before they have even taken this. Many with no idea if they will be able to get the time off work. 🤔 We generally avoid these months except perhaps for a week so will have little affect. However, for those that need multiple weeks in these peak months, there is going to be the issue of do we book and hope, how long dare we leave it. As the cancelation policy remains the same, the default will probably be to book early and cancel if work holidays are not obtained.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,688
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    edited February 2018 #64

    Yes I think you're right. as I said those who know their holidays far in advance (I mentioned teachers but there are others and certainly retired folk) will benefit more. And yes as you say will this lead to more 'book and hope' bookings?

    PS is 'book and hope' fake news for speculative bookings?

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,171
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    edited February 2018 #65

    Yes but I was using that as an illustration of the sort of phrase the Club would come up with, personally I want everyone to be able to book a hardstanding. 

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,916
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    edited February 2018 #66

    ......and me, please! smilewink


  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,450
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    edited February 2018 #67

    Thanks for the link.

    Although it’s true that the club can’t hope to please all of the members all of the time, this has to be a step forward and should help many.

    Wifi, too, is being improved and may now be worth the money. I see several remote Scottish sites now have a hotspot where they had nothing before.

    It's all good news.


  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited February 2018 #68

    I think that it will disadvantage more than it helps TinW.

    As for hotspots - they hold no interest for me at all. I have used one once on a site with a cafe where I had a pot of tea whilst checking some info but used it for 20 mins when staying 6 nights. Would I pay for such a service? Would I heck as like. Just use my mifi.

  • Navigateur
    Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,891
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    edited February 2018 #69

    several remote Scottish sites now have a hotspot

    That has me chuckling remembering a fast food outlet many years ago on the road from Leeds to York that had a large sign on a pillar above a very small table. The sign read "WiFi now available here".  However, I could not get any wifi signal at all so I asked a waitress, who replied with the usual Yorkshire charm that I was sitting in the wrong place. "Can you not see the sign?  It's big enough."

    She was right though.  The only place one could get the wifi was indeed there - at that one table!

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,450
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    edited February 2018 #70

    Why is everyone being negative? Things may not be perfect but it’s surely a move in the right direction. Let’s try it and see. Glass half full, eh?

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited February 2018 #71

    surely a move in the right direction.


  • Navigateur
    Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,891
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    edited February 2018 #72

    Because it shows that movement is now possible. Hope the rehabilitation now speeds up.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,114
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    edited February 2018 #73

    I notice that they have no thrown the idea of taking a deposit out completely.

    "Is the Club going to introduce deposits?"

    The Club regularly evaluates the payment terms and conditions. In the event that payment terms change, members will be involved in the process and, of course, notified of any changes in advance.

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited February 2018 #74

    Seems a poor decision to me. We won't really know before Easter 2019

  • Canenriot
    Canenriot Forum Participant Posts: 113
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    edited February 2018 #75

    The booking system is changing ,  you will be able to  continually book up to a year in advance.. No more yearly frenzy. Details are to be announced when the new system is in place.

  • GTP
    GTP Club Member Posts: 547
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    edited February 2018 #76

    As in the Editorial of the latest magazine....So York and a few other sites will be fully booked until 2020.

  • lornalou1
    lornalou1 Forum Participant Posts: 2,169
    edited February 2018 #77

    perhaps the "next announcement is" YIPPY we've sorted the computer system out, but that won't happen soon enough. getting worse, clicking of posts a dozen times and still nothing happens.

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited February 2018 #78

    Just reading the March mag review on the latest Bailey Seville,it does not seem to be the same c/van that was being reviewed,at Ferry Meadowsundecided as when we spoke to the people from the club doing the review and pointed out the numerous less than user friendly aspects,they were quite "suprised" and agreed with us it fell short in several areas,but then if they printed "honest reviews" they would not get vans to reviewsurprised

  • Navigateur
    Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,891
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    edited February 2018 #79

    if they printed "honest reviews" they would not get vans to review

    However, we would get capable 'vans to use!

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,857
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    edited February 2018 #80

    Why assume I only want to visit those sites closest to me? We had this nonsense when they tried to give you local info in the magazine. Went down like a lead 🎈. Don't they learn anything?

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,450
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    edited February 2018 #81

    Isn’t that still going on? My edition is the SW one. 

  • David2115
    David2115 Club Member Posts: 548
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    edited February 2018 #82

    I think it’s a great idea to send an email on late local availability, I assume that because it’s late availability at short notice  members may not be wanting to travel far at short notice. What harm can it do ?

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited February 2018 #83

    What good can it do? If I decide to go away on the coming weekend I simply look at late availability. If I am not planning on going away the coming weekend I really do not need another e-mail. 

  • EmilysDad
    EmilysDad Forum Participant Posts: 8,973
    edited February 2018 #84

     Just delete it .... 

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,415
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    edited February 2018 #85

    I can't see any negative points about anything Club is changing. Rolling bookings period? Great, about time.  Improved communication with members? Has to be a plus. Improved wifi at previously dodgy sites, very good.

    Just because the GOG's Club has reservations, or doesn't like something, doesn't mean thousands of others won't benefit!laughing

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited February 2018 #86

    Just because the GOG's Club has reservations, or doesn't like something, doesn't mean thousands of others won't benefit!

    As far as the booking system goes TDA I doubt it will affect me in the least. It may affect those that say they cannot plan ahead though.

    As for improved communication I can see little benefit of being given details of three local sites on a Tuesday  with availability for forthcoming weekend when I can get a better picture of sites within striking distance by looking at late availability.

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,450
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    edited February 2018 #87

    Nice to find another positive view, TDA.

    I've been chuckling all day because it seems the club have given members what they asked for but still the moans continue. I think the club can never hope to win. If they halved site fees and abolished membership fees, some would still find reason to complain.

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,394
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    edited February 2018 #88

    Personally I doubt the change will have any affect. However, I certainly did not ask for it. Ability to book HS certainly, rolling bookings no.

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited February 2018 #89

    Not anything that I asked for. If able to book hard then I would. Not expecting the option though