Sat nav
any body using the caravan club garmin satnav , is it worth over £300 or is there other types just as good , we have got a acsi card which the club sat nav has their sites listed which is handy and the map updates are done with out the computer ,so any feedback would help
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Our MH came complete with the CAMC satnav. It’s a Garmin Camper 770 with a couple of apps for club sites and CLs added.
It is unable to distinguish between HGVs and those of us who are less than 3050kg ULW as it calculates by vehicle size, not weight. Consequently, its recommended speed limits are not correct for lighter vans.
Although it’s a good satnav, I’m not sure it’s worth the money and I probably wouldn’t buy a like for like replacement.
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Ours has size dimension input, Dossan, and shows speed limits for the vehicle as 60mph on motorways, for example, even though our limit is 70mph.
If it allows weight to be input, it’s mighty well hidden.
However, as you tow, your speed limit would be 60mph max anyway.
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Sorry, I should of said this is when I am touring in France, where you are allowed to tow up to 81mph under 3.5t on M 'ways and 68mph on other roads. But if you are over 3.5t you are the same as the truckers and have a maximum of 56mph. So when I'm towing in France and If i exceed the 56mph my sat-nav warns me. When set to Motorhome/caravan.
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Thanks for your replies I think the avtex Garmin satnav is over priced and that I will find another type that provides similar info for a much cheaper price. My motorhome does not have a satnav fitted and the one we use is a few years old now. Because we are planning our first trip abroad this year to Spain we thought we would invest in a satnav that displayed the road lanes on screen so it made it easier for our first foreign driving. Caravan sites stored in the sat nav would be an advantage
thanks for replying
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Have a look at these
I bought one 2 years ago as my Snooper was costing to much to update each year. AS good as my snooper if not better (Snooper cost to buy £320 )
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I've got the avtex camper 660 garmin, its over priced for what it is.
whether the settings for car and caravan works, I'm not sure.
my biggest gripe is, it sends us one way, and on the return it sends us a different way, I cant understand that.!!
on my devices, at home looking for campsites, all I can find, for club sites, are up to 77mls , and 17mls for cl sites, away from us.
I wont to see all sites, so I can preset satvav.
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I have downloaded to my Tom Tom Start25 the Tom Tom files from the club. These appear to be POIs and I'm wondering how I can use these POIs as destinations from whatsoever start point I would be travelling from?
I have also downloaded the files for a Garmin Nuvi 65, the Garmin pages don't appear to have any info on transferring files from PC to Satnav. I found a pdf from the club but upon using a link - - from the pdf to a page on the club site, there doesn't appear to be such a page?
I'll be grateful for any info upon both above items. Thanks
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I see there hasn't actually been a rush of answers to your question Prometheus! I don't have a Garmin or a TomTom but I take it you have both? I cannot help with specifics but in general in most cases of loading POIs onto sat navs you have to connect your sat nav to a PC and copy the POI files you have downloaded into the appropiate sat nav files. So you will need to explore the files of the sat nav and identify where POI files are stored. Once you have done this you have to copy both the download of the POI file and the associated icon to your sat nav. Restart your sat nav and you should then be able use the POI file to plot a route to one of the sites.