Traction Boards
Whooopppeeee !!
Brian's an 'Appy bunny this afternoon 'cos the " Waffle " boards he ordered from some firm on E-Bay have turned up >
< ( Biggest daftest green smiley imaginable please ! ) Thank you Navigateur and TTDA, your advice on here has been invaluable !!
Quite surprised - about 4 layers of 3/4" bubble wrap & some quality wrapping tape and there they were both of them !!
These are the 38mm deep variety and I can use them as barbells & save the Gym charges for site fees. Short of getting a tape out they are 4 foot long 12 inch wide 2 1/2 inch approx deep and weigh a fair bit -- flimsy they certainly are NOT !
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Glad you are sorted ABM, they are a robust bit of kit. Take care driving off them in case they tip up a bit, but they will get you out of most sticky situations. We wrap ours up in a bit of eco ground sheet (the sort designed to let grass grow) and then tie wrap them to rear ladder and bike rack, unless we use fiamma box, in which case they are thrown in there!
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Well I've got a Full House now ,TTDA !!
I've got 1 } a couple of ( rubbish) plastic boards used mainly for the area outside my van's sliding door
2 } Some of B & Q's rubber mats folded double & zip tied
3 } a set of "grip track" ( regd trade name ) like a rope ladder
4 } Now a pair of Waffle Boards green 'n tough seeming
If Brian gets stuck this 12 / 18 months I'd keep away from Yours Truly if I were you 'cos that little lot above must have cost me about a Chip Suppers Worth
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I bought 2 of these, cut in half now have 4 x 1.2m mats.... carry them on the back when the garage is full..
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Use them as a precaution whenever staying on grass if its been typically British weather, saves any unwanted grief when its sunk 4 inches!!!!
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A month or so back I had the MH parked with the back wheels on the lawn while some additional block paving was added to the driveway. It hadn't been particularly wet prior to this and after a week it must have sunk about 3" into the ground.
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I have 6 board. If somewhere is suspect I park on one each side. When it is time to go I use the others end to end to drive down. If necessary move back to front. It was easier when my wife was alive in that she would correct position if necessary. All part of what I am missing now.