Historical Re-enactment in our Motorhome.

Digitsdavid Forum Participant Posts: 2
edited February 2018 in Your Hobbies #1

We bought our Apache 632 for the storage space it affords our hobby, namely travelling the length and breadth of this land reenacting the English Civil Wars.

We often tag a few days stay at a club site onto a weekend visit to some or other stately home / Castle / historical site and I’m always amused to see faces squinting through their caravan or motorhome windows when I have to pull polearms and swords, leather buff coats, bucket top boots or big feathery hats from my locker in order to get to my Cadac or my table and chairs!

I often wonder what they must think, perhaps wondering if some fetishist has pulled up next door!

The brave among them will pluck up the courage to ask, though I’m often left feeling I may then have confirmed their fears that indeed, a complete barm cake has just pitched himself next door!

The simple fact is, the hobby allows us unrivalled access to fantastic historical buildings, gardens and grounds for free, a chance to meet extraordinary people, sit around roaring camp fires and enjoying our love of camping to the max.  

If you ever find yourself pitched next door,  feel free to pop round for a cuppa and tall tales about one of our countries greatest past times.  Alternatively check us out here:



Yours in the cause




  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited February 2018 #2

    If you get the time this would be good to hear about in the story section with a few photos. I remember seeing enactments at Edgehill in my youth. smile 


  • Kennine
    Kennine Forum Participant Posts: 3,472
    edited February 2018 #3

    Sounds like a good hobby D. Do you always dress as the same character fighting on the same side?  The preferred side would obviously be that of the Parliamentarians fighting against the corruption and wickedness of the King and the King's nobles.  


  • Digitsdavid
    Digitsdavid Forum Participant Posts: 2
    edited February 2018 #4

    Yes I’m in a parliamentarian Regiment so always fighting the the kings men.

    I am actually the current commanding officer of my regiment holding the rank of Captain and as such I mainly portray that role, but I am a musketeer first and foremost and when I get the chance to jump back in the block I do so.  

    In the Sealed Knot (the Society to which I belong) you can portray pretty much anything you want though rank is often earned.  The hobby does not have to cost the earth.....typically £40 ish for a family membership.

    At first you would be lent kit as you slowly build up your own wardrobe.  As a pikeman for example, you don’t even need to purchase your own weapon, we give them to you!

    And best of all, you already have your own caravan or motorhome! 😃


  • Kennine
    Kennine Forum Participant Posts: 3,472
    edited February 2018 #5

    I've only ever seen one Re-enactment, that was at Linlithgow Palace, (those events are few and far between in Scotland), it looked like great fun.  All the participants were really acting the part. . 

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,452
    10,000 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited February 2018 #6

    We have been to a few re-enactment events, always very enjoyable. The dedication to period, in depth knowledge of the subject held by members is fascinating. Civil War isn't my favourite period, mainly 'cos the Stuarts were such a pathetic bunch, but all the clothing, arms, life skills exhibited are memorable and a credit to all concerned.

    We used to stay on a lovely private campsite near Fowey. Came back one teatime to find a couple of jousting type tents pitched up, containing nothing but sheepskins, little stools and the odd camp bed. We spent ages wondering who, what, why? A touring troupe of Morris Dancers who were very interesting and kept the whole campsite full of lovely music and lots of fun!smile