What changes would you make ?
But Padstow Touring Park, in a great spot for Padstow (walking distance) does take dogs for a small fee.
And so does the Ayr Caravan Site, in St Ives.
Not getting into a dog discussion are we, hope not?! Most sites take dogs.
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The CMC is a dog friendly organisation and long may it remain so. It puts no charge on caravanners if they want to bring their family pet to the campsite.----However to stop camp sites being overrun by canines, it is important that they set an upper limit for the No Charge concession. Therefore the concession on the first dog, with subsequent dogs being charged for, makes perfect sense. A win win situation all round. Will suit those who don't have dogs and those who bring their dog with them. ---Dog pack owners, on the other hand, volunteer to bring extra dogs, and as such, will have no objection to paying the CMC a per night charge for any dogs exceeding the one for free. -- If not, what's to stop a caravanning Huntsman turning up with a hunting pack of hounds.
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where the words good practice were used in my world it always alluded to something, some practice, that had either addressed a problem; or had been implemented and had had a measurable effect.
In either event there had to be a known problem, concern, issue... and more importantly it was given the title good practice only when there was a measured improvement.
So to those asking for limit or charge per dogs and claiming this is good practice can I ask:
a) what problems, issues, concerns are there on club sites (as per the OP) with the number of dogs that need addressing?
btw I don't have a dog but with 19 years of going to club sites I have never seen any problems with number of dogs, and wouldn't care if the outfit next to me has any or ten.
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Could someone please define "pack" for me? I have a strong suspicion that I might in the past have travelled with a "pack". Although, no one has ever complained, or had cause to complain to my knowledge. We are a very well behaved, rule following outfit on the whole.
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hang on dave, a bit selective there? long and extensive experience of using sites, the majority of which charge and usually limit numbers
Didn't you say that you use club sites very rarely now? So I assume your sentence refers to over there?
A question:
a) what problems have you experienced on club sites with number of dogs, recently? last three years shall we say?
No point asking what problems you have had over there if there are not replicated on club sites?
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I agree BB, my question would take things off topic, apologies.
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I'm guessing if you have no dogs, one is a pack; if you have one, two is a pack etc. Quite illogical really. The important point, surely, is that dog owners, of however many, follow site rules and treat other guests with respect. I note that the most ardent "put a price on their head" arguments come from posters who rarely, if ever, use club sites these days!
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Is there a problem with leaving times on a Sunday? First I’ve heard of that one.
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As we all know, CAMC are the Kennel Club Provo's.
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Btw did I ask a question B?
so no one has yet provided a problem with number of dogs on site yet want to restrict and/or charge? Ok fair enough
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a tad illogical there K, every rule is perfectly clear, well to me anyway, but that wasn't the question set by the OP. Improvements were asked for.
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One of the rules that I would like introducing is that all members must take a test to see if they have a sense of humour. If they haven't then membership should be withdrawn unless they can prove that their dog has one, so HD would at least get in on that score.
At least this way it should thin the numbers out a bit.
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so top two:
Book a HS
more SP
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Harryb was talking about Burrs Park site at Bury but.....
Only downside is the last 100yds or so into the site is over the original street cobbles. That will definitely keep your speed down.
Now if only the club would introduce these on every road on the site itself there wouldn't need to be a change in the 5mph rule, either amending the speed or dealing with miscreants.
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"One of the rules that I would like introducing is that all members must take a test to see if they have a sense of humour. If they haven't then membership should be withdrawn"
That would rule out a good number of this forum's membership. Humour seems to be a fast disappearing feature on here.
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Where space would allow it (a minimum area for each unit to be specified by the club) permit CLs to have 6 units rather than the current 5. This would give an immediate potential increase in business of 20% with little or no extra work or cost other than the provision of an extra EHU (where EHUs are already available). The extra one unit is hardly likely to 'blight' the area or cause traffic problems. This could help stop the decline of CLs and may even encourage new ones if they are then seen as being financially viable.