Manchester Show 2018

LawrenceD Forum Participant Posts: 17

I visited the show yesterday and was disappointingly dismayed when looking to purchase a coffee. One converted campervan selling coffee and no doubt nice coffee but at a rate of about 1 cup every two minutes. How can a show of this size have one coffee outlet? Absolutely bizarre to the point where I was left wondering if a trainee events manager was in charge. Second moan, very little in the way of food outlets but thankfully had provided our own. However, with the Camping and Motorhome Club using their space for presentation viewing benches there was only a small childrens play area where visitors could sit and eat their own food. Almost felt that the organizers were going out of their way to frustrate the visitor as I queued for 10 minutes before giving up and blagged a coffee of a nice man at Glossop Caravans.


  • Chrystal
    Chrystal Forum Participant Posts: 231
    edited January 2018 #2

    What is wrong with these organisers?.

    Food and drink are important to visitors of all shows.

    Don’ t they want to make money.

    Soooo glad not visiting this year.

    Did have a moan two years ago, a static Caravan was parked blocking the disabled spaces.

  • Simon100
    Simon100 Club Member Posts: 669
    500 Comments 100 Likes
    edited January 2018 #3

    There are at least 5 catering sections in the show, one very large one near the travel show/accessories section and others scattered around the event. There is also a catering outlet in the reception hall with numerous tables. Did you not have a plan of the site?

  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,569
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    edited January 2018 #4

    We found four or five places proving snacks, meals and refreshments at the event, two of which having large seating areas set aside. However, I was amazed at the the amount of folk who were to be seen in these areas eating their own sandwiches and drinks from flasks also others finding spaces of their own around the halls to consume their packed lunches. Maybe the caterers know we are a resourceful lot when it comes to saving money. Just across the road in the Trafford Centre there was almost every cuisine from around the world to sample.