Motorhome insurance problem Zenith marque

CDOS Forum Participant Posts: 1
edited January 2018 in Motorhomes #1

Hi All

I thought I would share my experience with Zenith Marque who for 2 years covered my motorhome insurance for theft and contents.

The insurer in the main was polite and efficient and paid very promptly for the vehicle theft. I was insured for current market value which worked out very well.

The contents insurance was the issue so beware !

Their policy states "we will cover contents solely used for caravanning and camping".

They declined to pay for several hundred pounds of equipment i.e. Duvets,cooking pans and utensils as well as cutlery and crockery as they said it was not solely for caravanning and camping.

My claim was that all of the equipment was solely used and purchased for this purpose and not for the home which they claimed it could be used for.

I took this to the ombudsman who found in my favour and although they did initially challenged the verdict within 2 weeks they decided to accept the decision and settled the remainder of the claim.

Fantastic result which I hope will be shared with anyone who may have or could have the same problem.



  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,186
    5,000 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited January 2018 #2


    I have moved your post from the Story Section to here as I think it will reach more of your intended audience here.


  • hitchglitch
    hitchglitch Club Member Posts: 3,009
    500 Likes 1000 Comments
    edited January 2018 #3

    A good result but very questionable initial refusal from the insurance company. I could understand somethings taken with you from home like a laptop but cooking utensils are clearly dedicated to the van.

    Interesting to speculate about items such as a slow cooker which you might use at home and away but perhaps these would be covered under home contents? Many home policies cover contents used whilst you are away.

  • Kontikiboy
    Kontikiboy Forum Participant Posts: 304
    edited January 2018 #4

    Hi CDOS, good post, very nice to hear someone challenging big companies like this, especially an insurance company, well done and I am so pleased with your result.      Maybe more members will 'have a go' after reading your post and seeing that it is possible to get a result.
