What changes would you make ?

onepjg Club Member Posts: 282
edited January 2018 in Club Membership #1

If you could, what five changes would you make to the clubs rules, procedures, systems etc.

Mine would be

1) book 12 months ahead on a rolling basis

2) be able to book late checkout

3) pitch anyway on your pitch, nose in, sideways etc

4) never have all toilet blocks closed at same time for cleaning

5) more full service pitches

no moaning about rules are rules, you signed up etc, I just wondered if there were any common




  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,186
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    edited January 2018 #2

    The only change that springs to mind for me would be to be able to book a specific pitch surface like a hardstanding. 

    I am not too concerned about the other things you mention as I can live with the current system with the exception of pitch type. Obviously as a motorhomer I would like to see a greater priority given to converting motorhome wastes points to open grills which is gradually happening but at quite a slow pace.


  • Justus2
    Justus2 Forum Participant Posts: 897
    edited January 2018 #3

    & Mine would be

    1) book 12 months ahead on a rolling basis. ok yes, get rid of frenzy day.

    2) I don't want to book late checkout, we are always gone by 11am

    3) pitch anyway on your pitch, nose in, already exists, but not sideways as this would impact on the spacing between pitches , and reduce the number on site and probably result in an increase the price.

    4) never have all toilet blocks closed at same time for cleaning, usually there is a toilet made available during cleaning, if not we have a toilet in the van.

    5) For me, please no more fully serviced pitches, never used one, never will. For us they are just a pitch that isn't available to us, ( assuming there is an extra nightly charge ), Club sites are expensive enough.

    6) Ability to book a hard standing.

    7) Motorhome service points that are NOT positioned in a one way system, a pain if your inlet / outlet is on the other side of the van. No manhole covers to lift, open full width grills please, everywhere.

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,518
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    edited January 2018 #4

    None of the current rules particularly bother me. It would be nice to be able to book a hard standing but when it really matters in the winter time, grass pitches are closed anyway. Don't think I can rustle up five changes but for me the biggest irritants are speculative booking and pitch prices inclusive of electricity.

    I would be happier with metered electricity and a deposit system.

    Beyond those two I would perhaps reduce charges for none awning pitches and charge for more than two dogs.


  • Justus2
    Justus2 Forum Participant Posts: 897
    edited January 2018 #5

    Could we have the ability to opt in or out of having EHU ( as it was when it was first introduced years ago ) ? For short stays in the summer EHU isn't always needed.

  • Fisherman
    Fisherman Forum Participant Posts: 2,371
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    edited January 2018 #6

    1) Late availability for week days 2) No arrival time. If there is no specific access problem arrive anytime say 9am/9pm. 3) Ability to book hardstanding

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited January 2018 #7

    No chance of coming up with 5 changes. I don't require any changes in pitch T&Cs. but would prefer 11am arrival and departure

    1. If given the option to book HS I would but I look at the ratio of hard to grass and if I don't like the odds I book elsewhere. I might have a different view if I was arriving on a Friday after work but even if I was weekending by the time I was likely to book HS would probably have gone.

    2. Onepjg is cheating when saying more serviced pitches. His opening question is about  'the clubs rules, procedures, systems etc.' But if talking about physical changes I would wish that grass pitches were no more than 12% of the pitches on site.

    None of the suggested changes thus far have any appeal for me. 


  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,404
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    edited January 2018 #8

    As ET says service pitches are not really a procedural thing, but would like to see more. This indeed seems to be happening as sites are refurbished.

    Plus the ability to book pitch types.

    Otherwise generally happy with as is.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,690
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    edited January 2018 #9

    Booking a HS would be the only one really for me and more service pitches

    I mean I would love to get rid of grass completely and have a choice of a 'service pitch' on every HS pitch as well but realise that we are all different and others do love grass.

    Whatever the booking system is or becomes doesn't bother me, I think a rolling booking system will create a 'frenzy'  day when the school holidays start. But did frenzy day happen this year? It seemed a lot of people got their choice after it?

    Many, but not all, sites do open a toilet while cleaning so there is always somewhere to go so I'd like this done on all sites. Surly people can manage without a shower for a hour or so?

    Spacing is more due to fire regulations.

    But as Steve says , very happy as things stand.

    BTW - The late checkout already exists I believe, it called paying for an extra nightsmile  

  • huskydog
    huskydog Club Member Posts: 5,466
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    edited January 2018 #10

    the only change I would like to see is ,booking pitch type ,as I can with the C&CC, other than that i'm happy with the rules, oh ,I change I would make and that would be ,all receptions to sell Boniocool 

  • onepjg
    onepjg Club Member Posts: 282
    edited January 2018 #11

    'the clubs rules, procedures, systems etc.'

    The clue was in the etc ..... it means and so on and so forth and such like, as I’m sure you know, so it really gives you licence to include a wide range of things if you wish .........

    and EasyT, you say no chance of coming up with 5, but you came up with 3 pretty easily 😊

    I just wondered if there would be many fairly common points

  • onepjg
    onepjg Club Member Posts: 282
    edited January 2018 #12

    BTW - The late checkout already exists I believe, it called paying for an extra 

    It does CS, but is a bit excessive for someone who wants to stay until 2pm ish. Sites often allow late checkout, but you have to ask at reception on your last day. For us late risers, getting up / getting dressed and going to ask at 9am really defeats the object of the late checkout. It always makes me laugh, because I doubt the club is inundated with bookings for Sunday arrival, made between 5pm the night before and 9am the next morning, and whenever I leave a site there are invariably lots of empty pitches !!

    One site we regularly use allows late checkouts if you ask last thing the day before, and requests a donation for air ambulance instead of a charge, which I think is pretty good really.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,690
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    edited January 2018 #13

    Oh forgot one, more sites open all year?

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,690
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    edited January 2018 #14

    yes I know and agree with you fully, hence my smile face at the end of my line about it. I have always 'championed' the late checkout over the 10000 pages of the lame lamented SD thread. Some wardens are good about it and some have a blanket 'all departures by 12' sign. Now I don't need one being retired but when working used to always book that extra night as the only sure fire way of getting one to make the most of my Sundays before that dreaded Monday.

    So, yes bring in a LD fee.

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited January 2018 #15
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  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,186
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    edited January 2018 #16

    Interesting thread. I suppose the answers might depend on how you generally plan your time away. We might have a rough idea of what we want to do but rarely book more than four weeks ahead so I am not sure a rolling system would have any beneficial effect on us. Although I would be interested to know how people think it would work?

    One thing that might be worth consideration, I put it no stronger than that, is to limit the ability to have more than two outstanding bookings for the same site. This might address the, real or imagined, concerns about block bookings?


  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited January 2018 #17

    I really like the rolling booking system, varied pitch pricing and choice (where available) with the other club so would be happy to see it with CAMC.


  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,518
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    edited January 2018 #18

    I think a rolling system would be impractical without deposits which would also have a braking effect on those real or imagined block bookings.


  • onepjg
    onepjg Club Member Posts: 282
    edited January 2018 #19

    Because ?

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited January 2018 #20

    One thing that might be worth consideration, I put it no stronger than that, is to limit the ability to have more than two outstanding bookings for the same site. This might address the, real or imagined, concerns about block bookings?

    That should free up some pitches David. Probably around 75 less nights from me a year as I would simply use other sites after making 3 bookings.


  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited January 2018 #21

    Yes I agree about deposits, it appears to work with the other club and does make you think rather than speculate before you book.

    However, personally I have the benefit at present of two systems, both slightly different and both open for improvement. smile

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited January 2018 #22

    I'm perfectly content with warden run sites David. No doubt that you fulfill these desires over the water and so would not really 'benefit' you on CC sites. wink

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,518
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    edited January 2018 #23

    Because OP I see a scenario where you would never be able to obtain a pitch on a hot spot site. They would be booked up solid for ever and you would be totally reliant on cancellations.


  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,437
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    edited January 2018 #24

    I would have Retro section on each site. An area where pitches are a decent size, ehu is optional, you can pitch however you like, you can book on a rolling basis, and the grass isn't shaved daily. A nice hedge to shield the unsightly view of regimented rows of white boxes lumped cheek by jowl would be a bonus.

    It wouldn't be busy, but it would be bliss...... Don't even mind if it's a long walk to toilet block..... laughing


  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited January 2018 #25

    Sounds like a CLwink

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited January 2018 #26

    I am totally opposed to deposits. I would pay if I had too.

    I really do not see how a rolling booking would assist. A common complaint is 'I can't book ahead when booking starts in December as I don't know my holiday dates' and I cannot see that a rolling system would make that better. 

  • onepjg
    onepjg Club Member Posts: 282
    edited January 2018 #27

    Don’t get this. Whether you book 12 months in advance or a random day in December, I can’t see how that affects hot spots booked up solid?

  • onepjg
    onepjg Club Member Posts: 282
    edited January 2018 #28

    Don’t get this either. Regardless of booking 5 years in advance or 5 hours, no one can book anything until they know their holiday dates.

    Rolling booking would spread things out, avoiding so much hanging on one day. 

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,404
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    edited January 2018 #29

    I agree.

    Also cannot see why rolling bookings requires a deposit, any more than the current system. However, what it would require is the CAMC sorting its pricing out earlier. Unless of course we are booking blind and price to be agreed.


  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,690
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    edited January 2018 #30

    apart from how do you know it works for the other club? What signs are there?

    I agree with you.

    Those that love giving their money away in early and all the hassle in making changes and cancellations go with one club, those that like the no deposit and hassle free  cancellations and changes go with this one.

    Again, no one is forced to choose the club are they?


  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited January 2018 #31

    Again, no one is forced to choose the club are they?

    Many do however