NEC Caravan Show 2018

marchhare Forum Participant Posts: 48

Anyone been able to buy tickets at the special price of £ 6.25 as advertised in the latest January 2018 club magazine. I have input the code as quoted in the advertisement and all I get is the reduced advance price of £ 6.50, not the special offer. I have tried other codes that we have received for this show, all at £ 6.25 and all of them revert to £ 6.50 at the checkout stage of booking. Now £0.25 pp is not going to break the bank, but why advertise £ 6.25 if it is not avaialble.


  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited December 2017 #2

    Not  checked  'em  out  myself  Marchhare, but  check  the  small  print  'cos  there  just  may  be  some mention of  a  small  charge  for  use  of  'cards'  as  such.

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,414
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    edited December 2017 #3

    Thanks for the reminder, the offer expires at midnight.

    I think the CAMC just made a mistake in there mag advert. I have received two by post showing £6.50 and no less than four emails over the last month or so, all showing £6.50. The offer is for no transaction / card fee, or even any postage, so there is no reason for the 25p difference as far as I can see.

  • hitchglitch
    hitchglitch Club Member Posts: 3,009
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    edited December 2017 #4

    Call me extravagant but I prefer to pay at the door to avoid the possibility of snow, flu, water leaks, sick relatives and the 101 other things that can combine to prevent you using your tickets. The cost of the fuel to get there and back far outweighs the entry cost. False economy?

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,414
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    edited December 2017 #5

    You are correct of course, there is always the possibility we will not be able to go. However, at £5 saving I though it worth the risk. For us fuel is about £15 so £2 more than the tickets.

  • lornalou1
    lornalou1 Forum Participant Posts: 2,169
    1000 Comments 250 Likes
    edited December 2017 #6

    being new to the show scene could you please explain why there is another show at the NEC as just visited the one in October. what's the difference between the two as I cannot see there being anything new to show.

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited December 2017 #7

    A  second  chance  for  the  traders  to  squeeze  the  pips,  Lornalou 1

  • marchhare
    marchhare Forum Participant Posts: 48
    edited January 2018 #8

    Further to my initial posting i contacted the Caravan Club and I was told that I would have to telephone the 0844 number shown in the advertisement. Now as this number carries a 7p a minute + standard charges cost, any benefit in obtaining a ticket at £ 6.25 would be swallowed by the cost of the telephone call. I explained this to the gentlemen at the Caravan Club, and all I got was a mumbled yes that is true. What a waste of time that phone call was.

    We will just pay the £ 6.50 and I trust that the caravan Club will take up the matter of a misleading advertisement which is featured in their magazine. £ 0.25 is neither here or there in the overall scheme of things, but advertising a price that is not available is not acceptable, irrespective of the difference.

    As for this show, we only live around 10 minutes away, and we go not for the caravans but for the holidays, which are very lacking in the October show. In fact we have decided that in future we will only visit the February show, because if we want to see a new caravan, our local dealership is the best place. As they have a stand at the October show if we wanted to we could get show prices without the necessity of a visit to the NEC. We have always been able to match show offers at their dealership.

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited January 2018 #9

    Just  found  an  ad  in  the   December 2017 NWM  Caravan & Motorhome Club Magazine  { That's  the  labelling  on  the  front cover  lefthand edge anyway  !! }

    There  is  a  double  page  advert  across  pages  8  &  9  for  this  show.  It  has  the  details  as  you  said,  BUT  I  don't  see  any  reference  to  The  C & MC  excepting  at  the  page  bottom  a  comment  as  "Supported  by  C & M C , C & CC Club & Towcar Partner   Hyundai. "


  • KenofKent
    KenofKent Forum Participant Posts: 209
    edited January 2018 #10

    If you are prepared to wait until the February Club mag. Is delivered you will find a voucher that entitles two people to 50% off entry on the door.

    The voucher is valid for Club day only, but a good saving if you can go on the 20th.


  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,254
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    edited January 2018 #11

    Not sure if its the same as the October show but I was able to buy discounted tickets online a day or two before going to the show. I just had to print them off. At least it gives a smaller window in the hope of avoiding snow flu etc!!!


  • Unknown
    edited January 2018 #12
    This content has been removed.
  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited January 2018 #13

    Similar  item  in  this  months  ( January )  mag  for  Manchester  show  David.  Seems  like  we  can  just  wait  for  a  week  or  so  then  get  on  line  ourselves  wink.

  • Valkev
    Valkev Forum Participant Posts: 13
    edited January 2018 #14


    I have just received 2 tickets at £6.25p by email, I had no problems at all.


  • marchhare
    marchhare Forum Participant Posts: 48
    edited January 2018 #15

    Went back on the show site today and noted that the admission pricing had changed since my first visit. Entered the discount code as supplied in the club magazine, and the special price of £ 6.25 came up. As I had E Mailed the ticket company earlier I can only assume that they had looked at the site and made some amendments to the pricing details.

    Bought two tickets.

  • Bluemalaga
    Bluemalaga Forum Participant Posts: 936
    edited January 2018 #16

    As KenofKent

    We usually use the voucher printed in the Club Magazine, which is useable on Club days and allows you to pay on the door with discount and OAP discount. Saves paying a booking or card fee and avoid paying in the event of circumstance. Never had to queue so far, so no hassle solution.

  • dreamer1
    dreamer1 Forum Participant Posts: 141
    edited January 2018 #17

    When we go to the shows and having just been to the October 2017 show we use it as a night away we take in a restaurant stay in a nice hotel go to the show for an update on whats new then on the way home call to the Belfry for a bite to eat , just another excuse to get away .

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited January 2018 #18

    Just  got  the  February  edition  and  there  it  is  --  O A P  £4:50  on  Club  Day  -  max  2  per  voucher  !