Disappointment, and then some

moonchip Forum Participant Posts: 106
edited December 2017 in UK Campsites & Touring #1

Has anyone else had cause to contact the Club regarding a less than satisfactory visit to a Club site and then ...... nothing ?

No reply, no feedback - its as if my comments have just disappeared into the ether & despite the courteous & civil content don't even warrant a reply within the time frame given in the acknowledgement of receipt

Not feeling impressed at the Club at present & seriously looking into 'other' clubs where members are rendered some degree of courtesy !!

Aside from this, happy new year to all, hope you have a great year !


  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,164
    5,000 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited January 2018 #2


    Can you give an idea of the time scale as I am sure a lot of HQ staff will have been off over the holiday season which probably makes it difficult to contact the people that need to provide answers, usually Region Managers. Have you considered doing a site review? Depending on the nature of the issue that can sometimes get a response. Hope you get it sorted.


  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited January 2018 #3

    I would agree with a well worded long review getting a response.

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,167
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    edited January 2018 #4

    I wrote to Rowena about some issues on a CL last year, I got a response to saying they would investigate but that I wouldn’t get the results of the investigation. I also wrote a review outline the issues.

  • eurortraveller
    eurortraveller Club Member Posts: 6,901
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    edited January 2018 #5

    Moonchip,  Is one Club really going to be much different from the other?   Will switching Clubs make much difference? 

    The greatest courtesy, kindness and helpfulness I have had on campsites has always been at ones which were independent and privately owned, with owners on the spot and no need for letters to head office or waiting for replies from regional managers. 

  • moonchip
    moonchip Forum Participant Posts: 106
    edited January 2018 #6

    Thanks for your replies, I will do a site review when I get the time, thanks David.

    I worked the 8 days preceding the weekend of New Years Eve and start on a week of 7 nights today, so 'time' isn't something I have a great deal of at present

    Christmas holiday, what's that ?  wink

    I received an acknowledgement from Head Office on 8th December stating that it had been passed to a regional manager & I would get a reply within 20 days.

    I agree with the sentiments of 'eurotraveller' about independent & private sites, hence why I favour the CL's

  • harryb
    harryb Club Member Posts: 1,536
    edited January 2018 #7

    I wrote a complaint re my concerns of speeding on sites. Got the same auto reply with the standard timescale. No reply in the said time so I sent another email, this time a bit stronger. I then recieved a telephone call from HQ and was surprised at the commitment to my complaint. We had quite a long and constructive conversation over the issue and contrary to most members beliefs on the subject the club seem committed to doing something about the problem. Certain ideas were disussed and hopefully in the not to distant future some plans will be put into operation after trials on certain sites.

    So after writing all that, what I am saying is bring up your complaint up again and hopefully you will get the response I did. 

  • Heethers
    Heethers Forum Participant Posts: 641
    edited January 2018 #8

    We sent a complaint about a club site on how we were treated for arriving 15 mins early some six years ago, were told the area manager would get in touch still waiting, l am getting like you looking at private sites who seemed to have uped their anti and also can compete on price. The private sector know its about the customer who is supposed to be King

  • D3an
    D3an Forum Participant Posts: 25
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    edited January 2018 #9

    Hello moonchip
    I have had a look into this for you and have hunted down your email, we have passed this onto the Regional Officer for you already and it will be being looked at.
    it is still within the 20 working days response period as we don't work weekends or over the Christmas/new years holidays. the 12th of January would be the end of this time.
    I have sent another copy of the email to the RO just in case it has got lost between transferring it and to chase up.

    We value all feedback, thank you for bearing with us whilst we investigate this for you.

    Hope this helps and puts your mind at ease.

    Kind regards 

  • harryb
    harryb Club Member Posts: 1,536
    edited January 2018 #10

    When people take the trouble to fire off a complaint and don't get a reply then why don't they follow it up. It seems pointless not to

    I did follow up my complaint as I didn't get a reply in the said time (see above). The result was I got a result.

    The post from D3an, above, does show that feed back is appreciated.


  • D3an
    D3an Forum Participant Posts: 25
    First Comment
    edited January 2018 #11

    Hello again moonchip

    Just a follow up, I have had a response back from the RO who has said that a reply was sent to you on the 2nd of Jan at 1PM by email.

    Please let us know if you have not received this and I will request for it to be resent to you.

    Kind regards 

  • moonchip
    moonchip Forum Participant Posts: 106
    edited January 2018 #12

    Hello Dean

    Thank you, reply received from Phil Monkman via Simon Griffin

    Sorry, I've not had chance to get online on here since - still working 'nights'

    I'm satisfied that the query has been resolved satisfactorily

    Many thanks 

  • moonchip
    moonchip Forum Participant Posts: 106
    edited January 2018 #13


    I don't know if one club is going to be any different from any other club, I have only used the Caravan Club since i started caravanning some 2 1/2 years ago

    I guess the only way to 'know' is to join another club and try some of their sites - hence I will be joining the Caravan & Camping Club this month

    They have a good representation geographically in the Lake District & I am eager to try some of their sites

    As far as the Caravan Club is concerned, I enjoy Meathop Fell (the subject of my letter), Wharfedale but my favourite sites are CL's, many of which are hidden gems 

  • iffajobsworthdoing
    iffajobsworthdoing Club Member Posts: 94
    edited January 2018 #14

    We complained about the C&CC Hertford site.

    Got the impression straight  away they thought we were after money, which we weren't.

    When we asked for an update on our complaint we were told that they do not give updates, as far as we were concerned the matter was closed.

    Hertford still attracts the same complaints, at least those that get past the negative comment censor on the website.


  • Canenriot
    Canenriot Forum Participant Posts: 113
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    edited January 2018 #15

    Glad you got a satisfactory reply moonchip. I have decided to write in to the club as well. If  they are not aware of matters then nothing will ever change.

  • harryb
    harryb Club Member Posts: 1,536
    edited January 2018 #16

    There are now three positive replies on this post about getting a result to a written complaint.

    It's important that there is positive debate on here but if it involves a complaint then we can only argue between ourselves but, as has been proved, put it in writing and follow it through to a conclusoin

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,164
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    edited January 2018 #17

    I think forums are fine for getting things off your chest. However if you have a specific complaint I suspect it is always going to have a more satisfying outcome if you write directly to the Club and be prepared to follow the complaint up if you don't either get a reply or you feel the reply you got did not address the issue. If a complaint has substance the Club will want to know about it even if it is uncomfortable for them.  Depending on the nature of the complaint the Club may not be able to address it immediately but may well take it into account when other changes are being made. 


  • GTP
    GTP Club Member Posts: 547
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    edited January 2018 #18

    Totally agree....

    First and only complaint I have made regarding a site was two years ago...and I made the complaint via a review, copied by email to the clubs customer services.  i received a phone call the very next day from the then Regional manager who openly admitted their were 'known' issues which matched my review.....A long and detail conversation ensued in which I was informed of the measures, already agreed by HQ, that are to be taken to resolve those issues...