Why no theatre, films, radio?
Being so close to London, we are spoiled for choice when it comes to theatre productions. Although, in some instances, the price of tickets is prohibitive, plus the booking charge. We do however, get round this by using our Freedom pass to travel up town, go to the theatre of our choice, book our seats (not necessarily the same day) and then come home again. We saw American in Paris last Saturday. Really good production. In addition, we are close to Richmond upon Thames and Wimbledon Theatres, both of which regularly stage pre West End shows. And generally we do find, the audiences are quiet and non disruptive.
Don't get me started on noisy film goers. I don't think I have been to a film in recent years where I haven't had to have a go at someone for talking , rustling sweet papers or using a mobile phone. And you can't even say it is a generational thing, as apart from one instance, the others have all been in my own age bracket.
Last film we saw was Dunkirk at IMAX Waterloo. In the words of a well known dance judge. A-maz-ing Darling.