Car insurance (gobsmacked)

Last march some toerag decided he would try and scam me by saying I reversed into his car when I was driving out of a parking space (parallel parked he had parked behind me).
I told him he was having a laugh, I took photos of both cars, and gave him my details as you are legally bound to do. I rang my insurers and the local police and told them what had happened.
2 days later the guy rang me and demanded I hand over £695 for the repair on his car. I told him to forward me a copy of the quote, or to drop round to my address.
Not surprisingly I didn't hear anything from him. The day after I called my insurance and gave them an update. I also stressed to them that if any claim appeared, they must contact me and I will supply them with a witness and photographs. And that under no circumstances were they to pay out until I had been contacted.
Anyhoo, today I rang them to tell them I shall not be renewing my policy with them, as they are too expensive.
Imagine my surprise when it was revealed that they had paid out that git £2300!!!!
I have now lost two years no claims. Turns out that some insurance companies have a "gentleman's agreement" and just pay out without investigation, this is all to save paperwork, therefore doing their bit to save the planet!!!.
I, was, totally gobsmacked!! They even admitted that my instructions were overlooked, and a copy of the other parties engineers report was never asked for. " We're very sorry sir but that shouldn't have happened"
Too flipping right it shouldn't have, I can't believe what has gone on.
Luckily, I have still got the photos and I have sent them to the insurance company.
Should have an update tomorrow.
I will add that the club's car insurance has absolutely smashed my renewal cost, and everything was easy to set up. The amount quoted by my original insurers is slightly more than double than the CMHC insurance.
Big up to them
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That is disgusting. And the insurance companies say they are being made to pay out so much these days.
I used to work in motor claims in insurance years ago. Knock for knock is generally misunderstood by Joe Public. IF knock for knock agreement exists between the insurance companies involved no money changes hands. It has no bearing on the insurance premium unless you were the cause of the damage. (It even happens with petrol pumps 😉).
I recommend you do not take this lying down, it appears that you're not, as you will loose out wherever you insure.
It certainly isn' funny and I'd be interested in the name of your insurers so I ensure I avoid them. A duty of care is owed by both sides.
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Now that is very interesting. This afternoon I was looking around for a few quotes as my insurance is due next month. My car is a Kia Venga automatic so hardly a hot hatch and some might describe it as seriously boring!! Got a couple of quotes of around £250 for fully comp with protected no claims. I thought I should try the Club. Their quote was nearly £500!!! how can that happen? That is more than I pay for my motorhome which is worth three times the value.
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Seems the programme 'Named and Shamed' BBC TV tell porkies when they say they are stamping down and investigating insurance fraud claims which is costing us all about an additional £50/year.
Had my renewal quote from LV and my insurance is going down by £26 this year, happy early Christmas pressie.
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You've hit the nail on the head Oneputt. It is costing US not the insurance companies, they pass it on. They would probably argue that it costs less than investigating the fraud - as those costs will be passed on to the consumers. We're doomed whichever it goes. We only know about this one because of the try on, and there's evidence that may not always be the case.
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In the Public Transport industry it was quite common for companies to settle personal injury claims "the bus pulled away before I sat down and I fell type?" because it would cost the company more to defend itself than to pay the claim.
Strange world we live in now
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Ironically oneputt,
My new insurance through the club is with LV.
Don't know what the legalities are about making and shaming, but it's one of the biggies.
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The legalities are-if you are telling the truth you have nothing to worry about. No company will take a person to court for being honest👍🏻😊
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Well the insurance company rang me, and confirmed that they didn`t do what they should have done. "So sorry sir, but we are going to give you £200 as a form of compensation........... but oh yeah, we`re still going to deduct 2 years no claims off you because we have paid out to the other party"......