Alphabetical Jobs and Vocations
U Underwear designer.
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W Wardrobe Mistress.
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Y Yard Man. (controlling stock & transport)
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A Acrobat.
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B Black pudding polisher ( It's a real job - honest. What's my line about 1958)
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C Cardiolgist
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D Dumper Driver.
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F Fork truck driver.
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H Horse trainer.
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I Inquisitor General - a discontinued job, i believe.
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K Kill cord manufacturer. (kill cords should be used as a routine on boat outboards ) !!
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Most outboards manage to die of their own volition at the most inconvenient time.
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M Market stall holder.
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N - Nurse
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O Osteopath - they really get your back up.
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P Pathologist
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Q Quantity surveyor.
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U - Urologist
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Are you taking the piss? What happened to R, S & T.
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W Weatherman. (John Fish ??)