Aurora Borealis Spotting

Has anyone seen the Northern Lights from any of the CL sites? Would love to be able to see them.
Not even seen them on a special trip to Iceland for that very purpose!
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They are indeed sneaky little devils
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I've had a glimpse of them in Essex.
I think you need to be quite far north in UK and be lucky. The activity goes in 11 year cycles I believe. ?Leicester university has an expected activity page. I have it bookmarked on my laptop but I'm away at the mo. You could try a Google to see if you can find some info. I believe ive seen some CL'S mention that they are well situated to see them if there is activity. (Sadly the search facility on this site wouldn't help 😉😉)
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We saw then on several nights, whilst in Canada - and again from the window of the plane coming home. A few years ago, when there were good forecasts for sightings we drove up into remote North Yorkshire, but all we saw was a faint greenish glow on the horizon. However, photos taken from near where we were, at the Tan Hill Inn (with long exposure cameras) showed a much more spectacular sight.
Here's a link to Lancaster Univery Aurora Watch where you can subscribe and receive email alerts when good sightings may be expected.
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If subscribing to the Aurorawatch service form Lancaster Uni it's best to get text alerts as they are sent out pretty quick whereas the emails can be an hour or so later by which time the activity has often died down. We have had a number of amber alerts and even some red alerts which would have been great but these have always coincided with cloudy skies ☹️.
Like Navigateur we had a trip to Iceland in the hope of seeing them in January this year but no luck unfortunately. We are sure will see them one day if we keep looking.
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Thanks ValDa for putting the link, and pointing out its Lancaster. I had a strong feeling it wasn't Leicester but could get them out if my mind!
Yes when I've seen them in Essex it's just been a green or red hue. Much easier to spot now our streetlights are off from midnight. I'd love to see them for real in the dancing way, and one day................
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We've seen the 'dancing' ones at Sioux Lookout and the Ojibway National Parkr, in North Eastern Ontario, Canada - spectacular, and truly amazing! Green, purple, yellow, and pink - like an extended rainbow of light, or a diesel spill in the sky and visible for a very long time!
If anyone's planning a Canadian trip, then take time to look outside late at night.
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Thanks everyone - I'll follow that link. Apparently Shetlanders call them The Mirrie Dancers which I think is a fantastic name for them.
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Re: long exposures that's something else I fancy doing in dark skies areas - lovely star trails.
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Not from a CL site unfortunately, but did see them in 2016 from a cruise ship in Norway - very spectacular they were too!
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Not that sort of long exposure!!!!!!!
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Size matters?
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Come up to the North of Scotland , we regularly see the MERRY DANCERS in Aberdeenshire. Not just green but red and gold and purple as well . They definitely show up better on posh cameras but can readily be seen with the naked eye if they are putting on a good show. The biggest problem is usually light pollution from all the security lights people have on their properties !
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Can't ensure that you'd see it, but Viewfirth, Thurso No.2026 in Site Directory would be an option, or 94 Laid, Loch Eriboil, No.2016 is another. Why not contact the owners and ask them.
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Ideally you need to be on Orkney but weve seen them several times in the north of Scotland.
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The next few days are going to be a good time to spot the Aurora from many parts of the UK, according to reports, so if you've got clear skies then it's worth having a look.
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Next time you get a "red Alert" have a drive over to the hills between Skipton and Grassington. Just get away from the West Yorkshire lights illuminating the Southern sky and look towards the North.
Regular sightings here and you won't be alone. Quite a crowd of regulars at Red Alert times. Of course no guarantees.