The Pointless Page
Just seen Sol3mio on London Palladium. Bought back fabulous memories of seeing them live at Claudelands Hamilton NZ last year. Completely unknown to us suggested by friends who grabbed the quick selling tickets. We all had a great evening. Knew they were going to San Francisco so hoped their appearance meant UK tour. Searched but pointless 😢😢. No UK tour but they are touring NZ whilst we're there. Places local to where we're staying sold out. DOUBLE POINTLESS 😢😢
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Joined the camping and caravan club today after 35 years of caravanning. Asked on another forum for an existing C&CC member to send me a PM of 'recommendation' so that they could have a £10 site voucher for the recommendation.
It is unfortunate that there is no PM system on this forum.
I have probably visited 90% of the CC sites and those that I have not are mainly ones that I would generally not be likely to visit for various reasons. Not on UK mainland, near London, Blackpool, too near home etc.
Hope it will prove not to be pointless.
There are several things that I don't fancy about C&CC. I think that their booking website is very poor from looking in the past. The forum seems worse than this one. Don't fancy deposits, being directed to a pitch, 1pm arrival.
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What was pointless? Going to bed early just before 10pm because I was tired after sorting our accounts today (hate it). Listened to radio, had a doze and listened to radio again. Got up at 11.30pm because I was too warm, no longer tired etc. Probably back to bed around 2am.
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We are still thinking of joining them as well, just waiting until Thursday till OH sees the specialist again re his shoulder. If he has to have an op then I will wait awhile, if not then I will join
I agree with you about some of the things you are not keen on. Deposits I will live with as I won't be booking them to far in advance, 1pm arrival isn't a problem as we rarely arrive before then, being directed to a pitch isn't a biggy as this can happen on other sites we use, as long as if we don't like it we can choose another one. Not tried out the forum yet but been practising bookings. The greatest advantage for us is that we can book a h/s
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I rejoined last year for a particular site. Haven't used it much since but I've not used this club much either. The booking system isn't great, deposits are something or nothing to me, 1pm arrival is still 4 hours before my target arrival time but amending a booking is a nightmare. You can't do it yourself as the deposit needs to be refunded and taken again so it's a phone call.
Other people have had choices of pitch but we haven't. Probably because we tend to arrive late so there isn't much choice. However at least the one we are left with isn't grass!
For the HS issue alone I can forgive the niggles and on balance I think I now prefer the other club
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Only home 24 hours and Broadband gone down. Just spent the last hour with BT trying to identify problem. Their advice? Unplug everything and put them back in one by one (any other way?) to see which socket/plug/microfilter is causing the problem.
Broadband now working without any of said items jumping up and identifying itself. Grrr. Maybe they just wanted some attention.
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Well as far as hardstanding bookings go it sounds nice. However in the last 10 years and probably 140+ CC sites I have never had to take a grass pitch. I exclude the likes of Dunnet bay etc where all or nearly all grass on others and not a problem. No mud oozing up.
I see C&CC sites very much as infill sites on a tour.
1 pm arrivals I hate. Of a morning I am often up just after 6am. OH might sleep until 7am normally and so if I want a shower off I go and put kettle on when I return. OH off for a shower and breakfast 8 am. 9am think about slowly packing up and ready for the off by 10am if no rush. I like sites about 1.5 to 2 hours drive apart so 12 O'Clock is fine.
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I’ve been a member of both clubs for 7 years and probably used them both a similar amount of time.
Never had any problems booking with either club. Arrival times are what they are and not an issue. I’ve been offered a choice of pitchs at some CC&C sites and I have also requested an alternative if I wasn’t offered a choice and didn’t fancy the pitch that was offered, again no issue.
Deposits don’t bother me, but usually I only book about 2 months ahead.
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No way are we early risers like ET rarely get up before 9 am when away. We tend to only tour uk in the off season months so only book a few days before going. When touring we sight see on the way so arriving at 1pm isn't an issue, however arriving to grass/mud is, so booking h/s is a benefit. This club needs to reconsider their trial as it was 'pointless' otherwise.
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I'm definitely not an early riser either. However I just don't like getting to site soon after opening I much prefer arriving between 4-5 when the rush is over Sadly that means that unlike EasyT I have ended up on grass rather too often for my preference. No chance of that with the other club but it's pointless hoping this club will see the light
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Have found being a member of both clubs useful over the years, increased choice of sites etc.
Had a nice Autumn walk this morning, peaceful after a busy few days.
(the phone photo sizing has changed, must stick to 500 now)
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We thought that being a member of the C&CC pointless as we didn't use any of their sites for the last two years of being a member. We didn't really like the huge hike in price a couple of years ago, nor their 5 van sites either. We've not missed being a member as we are now finding many more CLs, and a few small commercial sites, that are to our liking.
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Your walk this morning was certainly not pointless, brue....they're smashing photos.
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It was sulking through lack of use, WN. You'll have to get MIL to join the Silver Surfer's Club, as opposed to the Caravan Club.
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Time honoured way to sort out internet problems especially if you are on ADSL, Fibre seems more reliable but even that needs the same treatment from time to time. It's the same with a computer, a restart will often clear a problem. The joys of technology!!!
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We might find the same. Nellie. It really depends on the areas we choose to tour next year and the location of their 100 sites. Usually (after the first hop) I like to keep the sites around 60 to 70 miles apart on my routes.
I doubt that I will be using their forum. Don't like posting under my own name. Simply because I am known as Easy T on various forums. From a security point of view many members on there might be in the 'phone book' and traceable. Not a good idea if they are saying that they are off to Spain for 5 weeks etc. Maybe not a great risk as profiles carry no location risk or much info. Made a post on there about avatars yesterday and I seem to be one of 13 forum posts for the day!
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I liked your comment about the C&CC forum being worse than this one!!! Like you I am not happy about having my full name bandied about the internet, however one thing I would say for it is that you rarely get the run ins between individuals because people can't hide behind anonymity. Given that the C&CC obviously saw what happened here in the early days before they started their own forum they decided on a different route?
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You will have to spell it out for me David <confused>
You chose to put your real name (assumption) on your website, here on this forum and other forums, some that have been and gone that I was a member of. Yet you are not happy having your full name bandied about the Internet, Is David Klyne an alias?
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Looking at the number of posts on C&CC forum the only way to get a heated discussion would be to fall out with yourself David as there are not many posters.
Given my name and my area a search would not find me David. Yes I have tried in the past even with my phone numbers and post code.
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Right there, JVB. It somewhat spoilt our morning out.
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We had rain too yesterday, mainly just drizzle.
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Finally seemed to have located Broadband problem. When we moved in 30+ years ago I was working from home so had an extension to the landline put in. It would now seem that when the Broadband is connected, it is through this extension line rather than the main line ,where there is no problem as we have recently tested over the last day or so. However to leave the broadband attached to his main line would need some alteration to the layout of the front room and hall to accommodate plugs. BT's won't come and upgrade the poor extension line as they said that the original owners should have had the foresight in the 1970's to have such alterations done!?
it's a shame that our location doesn't have cable and the nearness of woodlannd makes other providers impossible. What's the feedback on Sky's Broadband or is it pointless looking anywhere else?
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Having a good day! (Not). After coming to a sort of temporary solution for the Broadband I have also had to arrange our energy supplier as our current deal expires at the end of the month. Hate dealing with energy companies. Our current one couldn't get it into their head that our direct debit was set up at the start of the deal to cover the usage, give or take, for the full year. We asked them not to alter it up or down as usage would go up in winter (surprise) and down in summer(more surprise) but NO they just couldn't resist and I think we ended up paying roughly the agreed amount but never the same amount each month as requested and agreed by them. Pointless exercise.
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We have unreliable broadband due the distance from the nearest cabinet, nothing will improve it due to this so we're stuck with what we've got. I'm often on line and then everything stops or slows down, our new lap top has offered us more resources but nothing else to speed things up. Half our village is ok, we're in the wrong half!