Central locking on habitation door not working!

Member4ever Forum Participant Posts: 4
edited October 2017 in Motorhomes #1

Hi all! Just out of the blue the central locking on our Fiat Ducato (2013 reg) based motorhome has stopped locking the habitation door.  The cab doors lock ok and the buttons go through the motions and make the right noises/show the right lights but the habitation door stays resolutely unlocked and has to be done manually.  Any ideas?  As we are touring at the moment we can only attempt simple things - not "take the door panel off" etc :-) Its a thing we can live with until home if complicated.  TIA. 


  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited October 2017 #2

    Could well be a fuse gone ............ but which one? 

    I had a problem early this tear with my 2012 X-Trail. Central locking packed p and the only door that could be accessed was drivers door with key. replacing the fuse 5 mins standing on head so to speak. Finding out where the fuse might be a couple of hours on t'internet.

  • KeithandMargaret
    KeithandMargaret Forum Participant Posts: 660
    edited October 2017 #3

    What make of MH have you got?

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited October 2017 #4
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  • Paolo Imberino
    Paolo Imberino Forum Participant Posts: 86
    edited October 2017 #5

    On the basis your key fob is battery operated then it may be a simple job of replacing the battery. wink

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,465
    10,000 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited October 2017 #6

    I think this is a common problem possibly caused by the hab door locking being an add on to the base vehicle's system.

    We just locked the hab door with the key - simple. laughing

  • Member4ever
    Member4ever Forum Participant Posts: 4
    edited October 2017 #7

    Motorhome 2013 Laika 595R.  Hubby checked fuses etc.  Thanks for replies but it looks like a look for lose/broken wires in door when home. 

  • KeithandMargaret
    KeithandMargaret Forum Participant Posts: 660
    edited October 2017 #8

    If you look at the bottom of the hab door hinge side, you may see a rubber type tube.

    Peel back the tube and check if the wire inside has broken - if so splice the two broken ends together.

    Hope this helps

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,690
    5,000 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited October 2017 #9

    on our last car but one this would happen, for some reason a squirt of wd40 in to the locking mechanism always cured it

  • Member4ever
    Member4ever Forum Participant Posts: 4
    edited October 2017 #10

    Thanks, Keith and Margaret!  Will look when light tomorrow! smile 

  • Wex
    Wex Forum Participant Posts: 139
    edited October 2017 #11

    If it is a problem with a fuse, isn't it likely to be a Fiat fuse as the habitation door central locking is simply a rerouting of the van rear door locking?

  • Pilgrimphil
    Pilgrimphil Forum Participant Posts: 97
    edited October 2017 #12

    We have just had the same thing happen on our 2015 Adria motorhome.


    It was eventually traced to a broke wire - there were three connections in the line [from cab through the habitation part & to the actual door]. In the end a new cable was threaded back to the cab so that it can't happen again. All done under warranty thankfully.


    Our previous van [a Knaus] didn't have central locking on the habitation door, so we had to temporarily revert back to what we started with - having to manually lock the door. No great hardship!



  • Unknown
    edited October 2017 #13
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  • Member4ever
    Member4ever Forum Participant Posts: 4
    edited October 2017 #14

    Thanks to all for useful ideas and to confirm what we suspected - that its a common problem!  We're going to leave it until home in a couple of weeks' time.  As has been said, back to the old days and locking by the key in the meantime. No problem!! 

  • Hency
    Hency Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited October 2017 #15

    I had a similar problem on my 2011 Swift Sundance. The door remained 'locked' despite the key fob releasing the mechanism inside the door. Problem, I couldn't get the door open so removed the two latch plates (grub screws) and opened the dooŕ. I then removed the habitation inner door panel, a couple of screws and mostly velcro! When I operated the key fob the actual electrical mechanism worked but a small plastic trigger had 'warped' slightly and didn't release the lock. A bit of DIY and now it works, so far. That was about twelve months ago, no further problems although I have replaced latch plate screws with bolts just in case it fails again. The complete job wasn't too difficult, cheaper than local dealer. 

  • BarryGSS
    BarryGSS Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited September 2020 #16

    Brand new Auto Sleeper Nuevo, habitation door stopped working after 1 week, cured by cleaning spring loaded door contacts thoroughly on surface.

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited September 2020 #17

    Barry, I truly hope they have cleared the fault on the habitation door, 'cos the final post before yours was dated  25 / 10 / 2017 !!