Power washer

GordonMorrison Forum Participant Posts: 8
edited September 2017 in Motorhomes #1

Anybody use one to clean the van? If so, what device would you recommend and are these suitable for cleaning the roof?






  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited September 2017 #2

    They are the quick way to get water ingress in leisure vehicles unless much care is taken and they can strip vinyles  in seconds

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,476
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    edited September 2017 #3

    They are absolutely brilliant at removing sealant from joints. surprised

  • Wex
    Wex Forum Participant Posts: 139
    edited September 2017 #4

    Used with care, they are fabulous labour saving devices and can be used on roofs. I use a Karcher.

  • Unknown
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    edited September 2017 #5
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  • triky auto
    triky auto Forum Participant Posts: 8,689
    500 Likes 1000 Comments
    edited September 2017 #6

    cool When I had the "Autocruise" I did the roof first with a patio cleaner and a broom,then rinsed with a bucket of water and broom.Preasure washers in general are bad news for our vehicles as said . 

  • KeithandMargaret
    KeithandMargaret Forum Participant Posts: 660
    edited September 2017 #7

    I've got a Karcher - brilliant for stripping the dirt from the pavers on the drive and cleaning the timber on the patio but I wouldn't recommend using one on a Motorhome.

    The water will strip away the decals, sealant from the joints and you can guarantee it will find its way up and into the fridge/freezer vents and soak the gubbins inside - and roof vents are particularly vulnerable.

    And taking MH to a Car wash and letting them speedily power wash your vehicle is a recipe for disaster.

    Do it the time honoured bucket and sponge way for peace of mind and less chance of damaging the MH.


  • Hallsontour
    Hallsontour Forum Participant Posts: 199
    edited September 2017 #8

    Just don't. Not worth the risk in my book.

  • Aspenshaw
    Aspenshaw Forum Participant Posts: 611
    edited September 2017 #9

    We've used a Karcher on our van when we 'snowfoamed' the vehicle from the roof downwards. It took so long to do because of the need to stay away from seals that we've never bothered again although the van came out a treat.

    Your manual may comment on how to clean your van and if your van is still under warranty, using a pressure washer is a good way of voiding it.

  • TonyIshUK
    TonyIshUK Forum Participant Posts: 296
    edited September 2017 #10

    You may have the message power washers are not good ! However I use one purely to drive a snow foamer, not for rinsing down. You will find a light wipe with a sponge removes dirt better than a power washer on a polished surface.

    I use Fenwick products for mhomes, as the cleaner is formulated for materials used on them. Not many cars have vinyl decals, acrylic Windows and loads of sealant and maybe specialist body panel materials.

    I have a 8 metre long , 3 metre high mhome, so takes a bit of cleaning.

    i work a side at a time, starting with the roof. Luckily I have a tall step ladde that I can use a long washing brush to reach over the roof area.

    i snow foam using Fenwick cleaner, let it sit for five minutes, then scrub off. Rinse off, then use Fenwick Bobby Dazzler as a final rinse, Then I repeat on each side. A wipe down after using Bobby Dazzler, with a micro cloth leaves a decent finish (until the next road trip ,)

    Depending on the manufacture recommendations , a silicone free polish and wax may be required to finish off. (Marine chandlers are best source for these items)



  • GordonMorrison
    GordonMorrison Forum Participant Posts: 8
    edited September 2017 #11

    Ok, thanks all for the input. Glad we asked the question!

    Its the roof we really wanted it for but will avoid using the washer for the vehicle at all. 

    Any tips on how to clean the roof, is a step ladder sufficient? It a 3m high van (elldis 185). 




  • Aspenshaw
    Aspenshaw Forum Participant Posts: 611
    edited September 2017 #12

    I use step ladders. Have to careful they don't bang into the side of the van [some people pad the ladder edge]. Usual health & safety concerns apply for working at height! Then I use a long reach brush from all four sides. This means some parts get cleaned twice. I have a short handled soft brush for going around roof lights, the TV aerial and guttering.

    My choice of cleaner is BioPro's CaraPac wash n wax. Sometimes I additionally wax the roof with Autoglym using the long handles pole with microfibre cloths covering the brush end. There are numerous products available and all make claims which may or may not be true. CaraPac works for me and BioPro say the product is environmentally friendly. Not easy to get hold of though.

  • KeithandMargaret
    KeithandMargaret Forum Participant Posts: 660
    edited September 2017 #13

    I use a telescopic ladder to give access to clean the roof (Santa is not too far away if you haven't got one) but the French have the right idea to help MH owners .....


  • BlueVanMan
    BlueVanMan Club Member Posts: 384
    100 Comments Name Dropper
    edited September 2017 #14

    You wouldn't give a chainsaw to six year old (nor should you use one yourself without proper training and protective equipment) but used correctly they are immensely useful. 

    Likewise a power washer is very useful for cleaning your M/H and I do use one.

    However the potential to remove mastic seals decals or even paint is real if you use high pressure especially if the nozzle is close. You pressure wash kit should have come with a variable pressure lance (if it didn't you can probably buy one as an accessory) and if you set this to a gentle pressure it is very useful for washing down.

    I mainly use my jet-wash to cleaning mud off wheel arches and mud-flaps (medium pressure  used carefully). Additionally with a professional snow foam dispenser the pressure is very low and speed of application fast as the vehicle is foamed using a wide arc. After leaving for a few minutes the foam is removed using the lowest pressure setting. Very simple and very effective and something you can do in winter when you wouldn't spend hours doing a bucket and sponge job. 

    I never use commercial jet-washing (coin-op or manual operator) because you have no control over the pressure settings on the equipment. 

    So in my view jet-washes have their place but must be used with care and respect. 

  • Paolo Imberino
    Paolo Imberino Forum Participant Posts: 86
    edited September 2017 #15

    My van is 8m long. I use top of range domestic karcher. I ensure pressured water is at least 2ft from vehicle. Wash down first then snow foam them soft karcher brush then rinse. I rest ladder against van with towel around top of ladder so no scratch marks. Keep water away from exterior fridge vents. Always comes up a treat. Bring your van to wiltshire....I'll clean it for you! wink

  • GordonMorrison
    GordonMorrison Forum Participant Posts: 8
    edited October 2017 #16

    Thanks again everyone, really like the photo from France, perfect!