Bowland Beth

I was listening to David Cobham talking about his Hen Harrier book, Bowland Beth. I was very sad to hear there are only six pairs left now. What a terrible loss. His story is remarkable but the demise of such a beautiful bird in the UK is dark and shameful.
Couldn't agree more with you Brue. We were privileged one year to see a male Hen Harrier chasing an unfortunate Meadow Pipit on Orkney. The dexterity of the Harrier was incredible to witness as he went about his business of catching the poor Pipit.
We seem to be quite lucky in so far as we are able to see Hen Harriers in winter as they winter on the River Dee in Cheshire/Flintshire.
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Its such a pity that they are persecuted by landowners and its about time the landowners were taken to court and not just the gamekeeper. The penalties need to be enforced to the maximum.
I just love watching these beautiful birds if flight
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This would make so much sense. Gamekeepers are generally maintaining the land to the landowners requirements. But it's an easy cop out at present. Similar situation to companies but we now have the corporate manslaughter charges.