Early arrivals - my solution
We are currently at Castleton, and the first arrival is at the office checking in. It's 10.30! The earliest arrival time is 1200. We are aware this has been done to death on this forum but it is very unfair to the law abiding members.
Our solution to this is if you arrive over 30 mins before the published time you are charged for the FULL previous night site fee, this may stop this selfish behaviour.
It probably didnt affect the OP but it would affect the people arriving at the correct time.
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Why do people sign up to an organisation which has rules to make everybody equal, and then ignore that organisation's rules ?..
Do those strange people think that they are ever so precious that they should receive special treatment above everybody else.
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Just in case anyone wants to refresh their memory from when it was last discussed three weeks ago.......
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D&S, do you know that the 'offender' hadn't spent the night in the LNA area, if there is one, or that he/she hadn't rung the warden and been granted permission to arrive early?
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I have just been to the pub for lunch, and do you know, someone was there before me. I'm sure they were breaking a rule. Something ought to be done about it. This sort of thing must be stopped. I want to be first.
And in case you ask, yes there were tables still vacant for us, and food on order, and Doom Bar still on tap.
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there were tables still vacant for us, and food on order, and Doom Bar still on tap.
But you had to sit beside the rum drinkers in the draught by the door, with no view of the outside, at a sticky wobbly table that was too small, and the stools were uncomfortable, the Soup of the Day was all finished, there was only one portion left of the Special, and the Doom Bar ran out right away.
You really should have got there earlier to get a better choice!!
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Yes there was pitches and people were still leaving. It only affects me as we try to arrive at the allotted time that what rules are for and without rules what would we be. David2115 it seems you do not accept the club rules or do you also make it a habit of arriving very early.
TW no they were not in the LNA and the wardens made them wait until almost 12 noon.
I find it hard to understand how some members seem to support this selfish behaviour.
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Your opening post said the early arriver was at the office checking in......
Now you say the warden made them wait.........
So the rules were enforced by the warden then....??
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according the rules the arrival time is 12, so why make them wait after 12?
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You have to wonder why some go on holidays. Live and let live. It made no iota of difference to anyone. Get a life. Just back from St. Davids, vans leaving as late as 4pm.Did not trouble anyone there were plenty of pitches.Do we need to penalise those that arrived after 6pm last night ( Probably for the weekend after work?)
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I have no idea about why they were early if indeed they were, if they were allowed in then the club allowed them in and therefore there was no infringement of a rule. Obviously
I do not arrive early normally I try to arrive at opening time wherever possible.
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I can understand your frustration and I'm a big believer in "rules are rules". Sadly too many of them are being broken and, where they are broken on site, it's the wardens to blame. They do a fantastic job but, in my opinion, a rule should only be broken if the circumstances are exceptional.
Or, of course, the rules should be changed! Certainly at sites where there are no access problems I can't see why check in can't be more fluid providing there is space. If there isn't space they have to wait, assuming of course, there is room to wait.
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well apart from adding IMHO (you do tend to ask others to put that in BB
Your theory could well be true,but another possible theory is to do what I and others have stated on here they and do the opposite, they try to arrive after the rush. If of course there is a 'rush' as you claim. Have you seen such 'rushes' on your infrequent off peak visits to club sites?
Hope you're having a good time over there?
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See how the Camping and Caravanning Club do their ways of early arrivals.They close their site offices until 13.00hrs.Yes it does cause issues especially at popular sites,and to be honest it's a right pain,but at least you know in advance you will not be admitted early.
This was observed at Braithwaite Fold,Oxford and Devizes.
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I said something similar in the previous thread about this, the club should charge them an extra nights fee for arriving early. There was a queue of 4 vans before reception opened at Looe earlier this year, they weren't LNA's because I witnessed them arriving, and one of them at 7.30 am when I was taking the dog for a walk. Only when it starts to hit people in the pocket will attitudes change.
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Who cares? I am on holiday, doing nice things, seeing nice places, getting on with what I enjoy.
If someone could please enlighten me about when, if ever, a pre occupation with other people's behaviour, an obsession with all kinds of rules, starts to become a normal part of a day, then let me know, and I can get help for it! Otherwise lock me in a darkened room so I don't become a pain in the butt!
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The very early arrivals at sites in Devon and Cornwall have been doing so for very many years,,as they have mostly done an overnight long journey to miss the nightmare of the M5 during the peak holiday season, and on a cc site we have stayed at in Devon for several years they were not allowed on site until all the available pitches had been serviced
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Oh thank God I'm not part of all this! May I, as one who never uses Club sites and never intends to, and hence, has never had to queue up or wait for a pitch , make a suggestion. Surely, the reason the rule is there is to allow people who are leaving the site enough time to get packed up and ready for the road. Now to me, this particular problem is only a problem when the site is full otherwise I can't see a problem. Therefore, the more intelligent member will ring the site the day before and find out the exact situation and if given permission by the warden to arrive an hour early or so, surely this would ease the possibility of congestion at the gate and smooth everything out a bit, both for the warden and the member. Rules are rules and I agree with the general principle but it's not a perfect world and where rules can be 'bent' to make life easier, then why not. It's hardly a hanging offence is it?? Sometimes D&S it's not about supporting selfish behaviour, - it's about having a good time winding folk up. It's the same names time after time with sarcastic, purile or contemptuous comments. Take note, ignore them and learn to roll with it. It takes all sorts- even those who can't stick to rules.
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They obviously arrive early trying to grab the best pitches BUT when 'leavers' depart by 12.00 there is often a much wider choice!
Just out of interest...we are currently staying on a private site. If you arrive early and want to take up a pitch you are charged an additional £10!!
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Like 'tda', who cares!
When I arrive at some time in the afternoon, I don't care who was there before me and I don't care who arrives after me. I have a pitch to use, I make it into my own accommodation and worry not if someone else has a few more stones, greener grass, less walking steps to the facilities or a curtain twitching view to die for. I'm off out for the day
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Because the OP was already on site and pitched up, people arriving at the correct time would have one less pitch to choose from. I thought that would have been obvious.