Best quick drying towels
Hello there, this question has probably been asked loads of times but I could not find anything in the discussions, using the search box. Could anyone recommend a good value but effective quick drying or micro fibre towel. Many thanks
these are good, very fast drying
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Extra large waffle weave drying towels from car detailing suppliers.
They are the business.
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Can't remember the make of ours, cut the labels off, but we don't like the feel of them sort of rubbery. We use ex house ones. They do take a while to dry but I'd rather that. Do yours feel like real towels? Ours have been demoted to swimming towels whilst in NZ.
I've checked out online for the waffle towels for cars as suggested but would be interested to know what they feel like.
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The ones I posted a link to above do feel like proper towels they are not the "rubbery" sort, they have a proper pile so are soft just like a cotton towel but dry much quicker.