What are you all up to



  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,330
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    edited August 2017 #8792

    Oneputt sorry to read about your bad night, humidity not as bad as it has been last night in Essex. Eating late is a no no for me too. Starting at 9pm far too late.

    Love the new avatar. What make is the butterfly? I think it's one I was trying to identify but it kept it's wings closed when it landed 😉

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited August 2017 #8793

    With regard to EV cars I wonder where the government will tax to replace tax on car fuels? 


    Can't see Oneputt's new avatar. Probably need to clear image cache.

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited August 2017 #8794

    Image Cache cleared and can see OP's butterfly

  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited August 2017 #8795

    Good news Tammygirl,  hope little brother enjoyed the ice cream.smile

  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited August 2017 #8796

    A friend gave me  bag of cooking apples this week so picked some blackberries while out with the dog this morning,  can't decide pie or crumble?undecided 

    Brought the caravan home last night ready for the off in the morning,  it needs a wash, doesn't look clean and new now.cry Only a few hours at work today, all done, but know work will mount up while I'am away,  sometimes wonder if it's worth having time off undecided

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,170
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    edited August 2017 #8797

    Think its a silver wash fritilary although not 100% sure.  Spotted it in Scotland 

  • Unknown
    edited August 2017 #8798
    This content has been removed.
  • Malcolm Mehta
    Malcolm Mehta Forum Participant Posts: 5,660
    edited August 2017 #8799

    I think you need air-conditioning, Oneputt.

  • Malcolm Mehta
    Malcolm Mehta Forum Participant Posts: 5,660
    edited August 2017 #8800

    A busy day ahead, packing up the caravan and moving for two nights away. We're lucky to have perfect weather for it though!

  • Malcolm Mehta
    Malcolm Mehta Forum Participant Posts: 5,660
    edited August 2017 #8801

    The question for me is whether I can plug it in to the caravan electric when on EHU. Would 16 amps suffice?

  • Malcolm Mehta
    Malcolm Mehta Forum Participant Posts: 5,660
    edited August 2017 #8802

    Nearly ready now. We just need to get the corners up and hitch up ready to go then sign out at reception and we'll be off for our two nights away!

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,758
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    edited August 2017 #8803

    Yes, quite, and even worse with flats!

    Where she used to live in the west end of Glasgow, it was on street and residents' permits, the streets would need to be lined with charging points.

    Now she has her own "driveway" directly  behind her house, as in 2 off street parking spaces which she owns and are on her deeds, so parking easy, but getting power to charge a car there very difficult.

    However, this is not a "forever house" so in a few years they will be looking for something bigger and detached, then a charging point will be easy,


  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,197
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    edited August 2017 #8804

    I don't know what other towns and cities are like but here in Milton Keynes we seem to be awash with car charging points almost to the detriment of conventionally powered cars. I suspect this is something to do with taking money from the Government. It seems to happen a lot in MK for various projects but can come back and bite us in the bum depending on how long the "experiment or project" lasts!!!

    However my point was would it not be possible for it to be charged at her place of work rather than at home?


  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited August 2017 #8805

    We have 2 of the charging points in our Asda store car park, not that anyone could use them though because the nice kind shoppers just abandon their cars wherever they like. Pick up and drop off is a sore issue as is the electric charging points, blue badge holders and parent and child. Seems the selfish will just dump their vehicles and not think about others.

    Nice day here, been to hair dressers for a trip, think she forgot what she was doing, won't need to visit again this side of Christmas surprised

    Couple loads of washing done and hung out, some clothes sorted to go in van.

    Now in the process of trying out my new kitchen toy. I have been looking at a multi cooker for a long time but couldn't/wouldn't justify the cost. However yesterday in TOFS I saw a Morphy Richards one for £25 so quickly snapped it up and now trying it out, so far so good. Its for the van really as the electric fry pan I have is not that great, this is much deeper so more able to do other meals in it.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,758
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    edited August 2017 #8806

    No, Very few parking places at work as her office is now in the city centre, only for the bosses plus others occasionally with special permission.

    She walks or gets a lift and then  gets the bus, car stays mainly at home, other than shopping, visiting us and her brother, and holidays.

    Husband drives to work, he has to go across town, but he is a teacher so has a parking space at school.

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,170
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    edited August 2017 #8807

    There is a charging point at RSPB Minsmere although I've never seen anyone use it.  Back on topic,  SIL collected van and now loaded for their early (5am) start tomorrow.  Grandtwins are very excited.

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited August 2017 #8808

    Before I retired part of my work was checking (or designing) highway works by developers etc that would be adopted by the local highway authority. Many housing developments in urbsn areas had provisions for 1.5 cars to be parked on a property. 

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,330
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    edited August 2017 #8809

    I'm very confused 😉. Where can one buy 0.5 of a car? What is the point of 0.5? Surely 1 or 2 😃

  • Talktourer
    Talktourer Forum Participant Posts: 30
    edited August 2017 #8810
    I worked for 43 years as a nurse and now have retired and returned for two days a week starting this week what a change still getting used to it and hope to get out more in the van!
  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,330
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    edited August 2017 #8811

    Much better work life balance now Talk tourer 😉.  You'll soon settle into your new routine and wonder how you had time to work longer. 😂 Enjoy 

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,863
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    edited August 2017 #8812

    Well what a few days!  We came back from our 9 day trip away in the caravan on Monday afternoon, on duty at the Cathedral on Tuesday morning and since then it had been wall to all grandchildren.  We took our daughter and SIL's 2 youngest out for the day yesterday as it was SIL's step sister's funeral yesterday and understandably they didn't want 2 young children going to such an emotional occasion. It was a very upsetting and draining time for the family but we had a lovely day with the grandchildren.  Today we had eldest son and DIL's 2 sons and their dog for the day, as we do every Thursday in the holidays, and had a lovey day out. And now relax.......

    We had a very enjoyable time away in the caravan at Houghton Mill . We were so lucky with the weather so enjoyed some lovely walks, days out and time relaxing on site. No Wi-Fi so hence my silence.

    Helen:  Where ae you going on holiday?  Have a good time. Good news on your new awning - what a bargain.  I didn't think to try eBay for our new one. Wish we had.

    Bakers2:  We went to Abbotsbury Tropical Garden with my cousin and his wife a few years ago as they live near Bridport.  Aren't they beautiful. We loved it there.

    Tammygirl:  I hope your grand-daughter settles well into her boarding school. I am sure you will enjoy seeing more of her.

    Everyone:  Very interesting discussion on electric cars.  Our son who lives in N.Ireland had one but we have our doubts as to whether they are sustainable with the projected amount of electricity that will be consumed.


  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited August 2017 #8813

    Well the caravan is now packed ready for an earlyish start in the morning up to Hebden Bridge.  Have arranged to meet our son and his girlfriend at Marsden Moor on Sunday, apparently they have been before, lovely walks and an excellent pub with its own brewery onsite. OH is looking forward to that laughing

    Milliehull : glad you had a lovely holiday and spending time with family.

    Limited wifi for next 10 days so hope everyone has a great BH weekend,  wherever you are smile 

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited August 2017 #8814

    Have a great time in Hebden Bridge, Helen. We stayed in a cottage along a very long farm track near there some years ago, right above a little stream where dippers would appear every morning.

    In the village is a pub that served the best pint of Timothy Taylor's Landlord I've ever had - just can't remember its name now. Maybe Trevor can take Bodie out for some detailed research!!  wink

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,163
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    edited August 2017 #8815

    After a wet night, and a wet site when we arrived, we had concerns about getting off the Cl this morning. Fortunately the rain stopped about 6:00 and although there was a bit of drizzle in the air we got packed up in the dry and towed off without any difficulty....phew!! Home by 11:00, the sun came out and OH managed to get all the washing done and dried by 16:00. Will have to get sorted out for our next trip now, as we've already got the first site booked for  2 1/2 wks time.

  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited August 2017 #8816

    Thanks Moulesy,  I'am sure there will be plenty of "beer tasting " for research purposes!  laughinglaughing

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited August 2017 #8817

    The site at Houghton Mill is good. I have almost got my full voice back, Went to SeaLife at Trafford Centre with youngest and 2 grand kids today. Followed up by a collect at Green Lane Chippy in Leigh. They do gluten free and milk free batter to cope with allergy/dietary problems.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,163
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    edited August 2017 #8818

    Hope you have a good trip H&T. Plenty to do round there as you well know. Don't miss the walk up to Hardcastle Crags.

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited August 2017 #8819

    Always wondered if you had a home somewhere!

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited August 2017 #8820

    Have a good bank holiday weekend all of you, nice to hear all the news. We're at home, looking forward to our break in September,  looks as though we're going ahead with a hybrid car, hoping the technology isn't too spaceship like for me!  wink

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,197
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    edited August 2017 #8821

    I think that might still be in place, at least in MK!!! The development where my son is buying a house has, outside, some houses a parking off street layby which is indeed the length of one and half cars. So unless there are two Smart cars only one car can realistically park in one of the bays. There is plenty of room to have made them slightly longer!!!
