Navigating this site
Hi,New to this site but have to say i have found it extremely frustrating to navigate to find old discussions for information. I admit to being old and completely out of my depth in internet use but this site has me stumped.
Hi and welcome to CT, and don't worry you are not alone in finding this site difficult to find things.
If you need help or advice it's often quicker to ask in a thread!
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Welcome to CT. One of the most frustrating things is the search facility. In the main search box at the top of the page it is only possible to search for sites. To search for anything else you need to use the search box at the top of each individual section. Providing, of course, that you can find the relevant section and the information needed is in the right section!
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Sorry to say but you don't navigate this site, you trip stumble and fall at every hurdle
I find it best to just click on something and while you are waiting, go to the shops or wash the caravan/motorhome and when you return you will either be where you want to be, or there's a page error
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The whole site is terrible - I hate using it! It's so frustrating, you just go round and round in circles to get where you want to go. Obviously whoever designed it doesn't have to use it
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Don't worry, Baymare, it's not you - it's them. I'm afraid the new revamped forum is far inferior to the old one but welcome to CT anyway.
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The search facility on this site is completely useless and should be removed unless it can be fixed. Far better to use Google where you stand a good 50/50 chance of finding what you want. May I suggest that if you want to ask a specific question and you can't see anything in the newer posts then just post a new discussion. Mods with soon point you to an existing thread if there is one.
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Might I recommend Ariadne's ball of red wool? A dodge I discovered on a short holiday to Crete - a bit of a minor tour.
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Baymare, as a fellow horse owner, if this website was a horse, it would have been shot years ago! Kinder to be put out of misery!
Percy Vere! Not a name, more of a mind set trying to use this website, but there are lots of nice folks who will help if you ask. Welcome anyway!
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As you see bay are you are not alone. I gave up on the search facility a long time ago far easier to ask the question and get fast answers!
Did you sort out a tow Car? The only differences with towing horses seem to be that you can't injure the contents very easily and also that the width goes all the way up! My brother tows horses in Devon and I am very wary now of his directions on those narrow lanes it isn't quite the same as having just the wheels sticking out!
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Couldn't agree more. This is supposed to be one of the premier caravan and M/H forums- and it's clunky and difficult to both'navigate' and stay on line- don't ever write a long post and expect it to behave itself- it's already kicked you out of the forum- you have to copy it and paste in again when you log in for the umpteenth time. Really really really frustrating!